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origin and development

of oral tissues

Đỗ Thị Vân Anh-k7r

Development of the Frontonasal Region: Olfactory Placode, Primary
Palate, and Nose
After crestfifth
arrive of
in the future
location of development,
embryonic the upper facea and midface,
portion of
this epithelial
the area often seam is breaks
referreddownto asandthe
the region. With
mesenchyme of thedevelopment
of the lateral nasal
prominences becomes prominence—medial
confluent. The
nasal resulting
tissue prominence contact, all and
from development three
fusion (the
of these prominences lateral nasal
is termed
the primary palate.the medial nasal
prominence, the maxillary prominence)
contribute to the initial separation of
the developing oral cavity and nasal pit.
Development of Maxillary Prominences and Secondary Palate

New outgrowths from the medial

edges of the maxillary prominences
form the shelves of the secondary
palate. At about the ninth gestational
week, the shelves elevate, make
contact, and fuse with each other
above the tongue. Most of the hard
palate and all of the soft palate form
from the secondary palate.
Dental lamina

Dental lamina is a band of epithelial

tissue seen in histologic sections of a
developing tooth. It play a key role in
a cascade of event that contributes to
teeth development.
Tooth development

First, a certain point along the dental

lamina, each representing the
location of one of the 10 mandibular
and 10 maxillary deciduous teeth, the
ectodermal cells multiply still more
rapidly and form little knobs that grow
into the underlying mesenchyme.
Thus, leads to the beginning of the
enamel organ of the tooth bud.
Tooth development
As cell proliferation continues, each
enamel organ increases in size, sinks
deeper into the ectomesenchyme and due
to differential growth changes its shape
that resembles a cap with an outer convex
surface facing the oral cavity and an inner
concavity. On the inside of the cap, the
ectomesenchymal cells increase in
number. The tissue appears more dense
than the surrounding mesenchyme and
represents the beginning of the dental
Tooth development

During and after these developments the

shape of the enamel organ continues to
change. The depression occupied by the
dental papilla deepens until the enamel organ
assumes a shape resembling a bell. As this
development takes place, the dental lamina,
which had thus far connected the enamel
organ to the oral epithelium, become longer
and thinner and finally breaks up and the
tooth bud loses its connection with the
epithelium of the primitive oral cavity.

Amelogenesis is the process of enamel formation, which starts with

deposition of enamel matrix by ameloblasts, followed by mineralization of
the matrix. Amelogenesis is divided into 3 stages referred to as pre-
secretory, secretory and maturation stages.
The pre- secretory stage

The pre- secretory stage is the phase in

which inner enamel epithelial cells
differentiate to become ameloblasts for
secretion. This pre- secretory stage is
further subdivided into 2 phases
referred to as the morphogenetic phase
and the differentiation phase.
Secretory Stage

The surfacesfrom
of areas close
the ameloblasts facing the developing enamel are not smooth.
to junctional
The complexes
projections of the and
ameloblasts into the enamel matrix have been named
from adjacent
Tomes’ ameloblasts
processes. Matrix synthesis and secretion by ameloblasts are very
form the interrod enamel.
similar to the same processes occurring in other protein-secreting cells. Tomes’
They occur earlier and serve
processes contain typical secretion granules as well as rough endoplasmic
to outline the pit into which
process occur later to form
the enamel rod.
Maturation stage

The maturation phase consists of a “transitional” phase and a “maturation

proper” phase. Before the enamel matrix could mineralize and mature,
there is a brief transitional phase where ameloblasts reduce in height and
volume, enamel secretion stops completely and the process of
amelogenin removal starts.
The maturation phase

When the bulk of the proteins and water in the organic matrix are removed to
be replaced by inorganic material. Ruffle-ended ameloblasts possess enzymes
and these enzymes are secreted to degrade in bulk, the proteins in the enamel
matrix. When the enamel matrix is being degraded, the calcium binding proteins
and calcium ATPases present in the ruffle ended ameloblasts, help in pumping
calcium ions to the degrading enamel matrix in order to mineralize it and help in
active crystal growth, there by fully forming enamel.

Dentinogenesis begins at the cusp

tips after the odontoblasts have
differentiated and begin collagen
production. As the odontoblasts
differentiate they change from an
ovoid to a columnar shape, and
their nuclei become basally
oriented at this early stage of
Factors controlling odontoblast secretion and mineralization are not known. One of
the key proteins involved in mineralization and secreted by the odontoblast is the
dentin phosphoprotein(DPP). It is highly anionic and binds to calcium, transports
it to the mineralization front and controls the growth of apatite crystals.
Odontoblast takes up the calcium and maintains its concentration higher than in
tissue fluid.
Matrix vesicles are involved in the mineralization of mantle dentin. It contains
enzymes like alkaline phosphatase, which locally increases the concentration of
phosphates, and these combine with calcium taken up from the tissue fluid to form
apatite within it. As the matrix formation continues, the odontoblast process
lengthens. This continues until the crown is formed and the teeth erupt and move
into occlusion.

The earliest crystal deposition is in the form of very fine plates of hydroxyapatite
on the surfaces of the collagen fibrils and in the ground substance.
The general calcification process is gradual, but the peritubular region becomes
highly mineralized at a very early stage. The apatite crystals of dentin resemble
those found in bone and cementum. Dentin sialoprotein present in mineralizing
dentin affects the rate of mineral deposition while other proteoglycans present
more in the predentin, inhibit calcification to prevent premature calcification of the
Root sheath or Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath

Hertwig’s root sheath consists of

the outer and inner enamel
epithelial only. The cells of the in­
ner layer remain short and
normally do not produce enamel.
Single root development

outer and is inner
moved away epithelial
enamel from the
bend ofat the
that connective
tissue cells come
junction into ainto contact with
horizontal the outer
plane, nar­
rowingof the
the dentin and differentiate
wide cervical opening into
the tooth germ.that Thedeposit a layer
tion ofof
the cellsonto theepithelial
of the surface diaphragm
of the dentin.
The wide apical foramen is reduced first to
accompa­nied by proliferation of the
the width of the diaphragmatic opening itself
cells of the connective tissue of the
and later is further narrowed by apposition
of den­tin and cementum to the apex of the
The development of the periodontal ligament begins with root
formation prior to tooth eruption. At this stage, the sheath forms a
circumferential structure encompassing dental papilla separating it
externally from dental follicle cells
Periodontal ligament
Immediately before tooth eruption, and for
The mesenchymal cells of the
sometime thereafter, active fibroblasts
perifollicular mesenchyme
adjacent to cementum. Then, bounded
the first
by the dental
collagen follicle of
fiber bundles proper. These
the ligament
becomeare discernible.
more widelyAs separated
continues, to
compared cellsdefinite
and of the dental follicle
occlusion is
proper. Astherethe is a progressive apical
root formation
continues, ofcells
in fiber
the bundles. With
the formation of the apical fiber group, the
area, actively synthesize and deposit
definitive periodontal ligament architecture
collagen fibrils and glycoproteins in
is established.
the developing periodontal ligament.
Alveolar bone
The alveolar process is defined as that
part of the maxilla and the mandible that
forms and supports the sockets of the
Tooth germs develop within the bony
structures at late bell stage. Bony septa
and bony bridge begin to form and
separate the individual tooth germs from
one another, keeping individual tooth
germs in clearly outlined bony
compartments. some cells in the dental
follicle differentiate into osteoblasts and
form alveolar bone proper.
Firstly, this phase begins with initiation of root formation, when the epithelial root
sheath begins to proliferate. The tooth erupts through the bony crypt and enters
the connective tissue. It moves through the connective tissue and makes contact
with the oral epithelium.
And when this happens, the reduced enamel epithelium covering the tooth crown
fuses with the overlying epithelium.
The tooth crown pierces the epithelium and enters the oral cavity. The tooth
continues to move occlusally and finally reachs functional occlusion.
Thank you !!!

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