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New Phrases Definitions

To sleep like a log/ baby To sleep deeply
To toss and turn around Can’t sleep well
Workshop 1 A night owl
Couldn’t sleep a wink
A night person
Unable to sleep at all
To get one’s beauty rest To need to sleep and not to have bags
 Sleep late under eyes
To wake up at crack of dawn To wake up at at early 6.00 a.m
In the wee hours of the morning The early hours of the morning
New Phrases Definitions
A morning person/ night person Waking up early or sleep late
To burn the midnight oil To work hard without sleeping

Workshop 1 To oversleep To like stay up late at nights

To grab a shut-eye To take a nap/ quick & short sleep
To hit the sack To go to sleep
 Sleep late
A light sleeper Who is easily awoken
Sleep deprivation Sleep disorder/ can’t sleep
New Phrases Definitions
A morning person/ night person
To burn the midnight oil
To oversleep

Workshop 1 To grab a shut-eye

To hit the sack
Sleep late
A light sleeper
Sleep deprivation
New Phrases Definitions
To sleep deeply
Can’t sleep well
To like stay up late at nights
Unable to sleep at all
Workshop 1 To need to sleep and not to have bags
Sleep late under eyes
To wake up at at early 6.00 a.m
The early hours of the morning
 Describe your sleep habit and how long you sleep
 Advantages and disadvantages of sleep

Well, my family find me as a night person because they have got some
reasons. The light of my study room is never off. I’ve been so for years. My
siblings call me a night owl.
To be honest, I’m a bit of industrious. When I have some projects or plan my
Lesson 3
lessons to teach tomorrow I burn my midnight oil. It is passion for my
Write your story by using my new profession that makes me wake up at crack of dawn and continue working in
vocabulary. the wee of the morning.

Learn your story. At weekends, I oversleep or else you can see me take a shut-eye at bus-stop
or in the subway.
Record it and send me on
WhatsApp. You know, I feel like tossing and turning around in my bed with my
tomorrow’s work. My parents guess it might lead to sleep deprivation
, God forbid, in the future, but I adore teaching, I’m passionate about
my job.
 It is true that our sleeping patterns have changed significantly over the last fifty years. People
now get considerably less sleep than their ancestors. Personally, l think this is because of the
increasing stress and the effects of the digital age . However, this phenomenon has serious
repercussions for individuals and societies.
 To begin with, the competitive and hectic lifestyle of the modern times requires people to be
more attentive than ever before. Nowadays, people are in a constant race to fulfil their basic
needs and to achieve their goals and as a result they get less time for sleep. Sleeping less is
actually considered as a virtue these days. For example, most high-profile personalities with

Lesson 3 amazing achievements such as Bill Gates take pride in cutting down on their in their rest
hours and consider that a key for success. Furthermore, the computer era has surrounded us
Adapted! with a huge number of screens which have a major effect on our conscious brains. Studies
have shown that the blue light of computer, television and mobile screens makes the brain

Read and learn the story. more awake and prevents it from falling asleep.

We will discuss this  Unfortunately, this trend is a serious problem that has a negative impact on the well-being of
communities. For instance, less sleeping hours can cause tiredness, depression, lack of
article too! concentration as well as many health problems including obesity, diabetes and high blood
pressure. All of these issues will eventually result in a weak society with low productivity.
Thus, sufficient sleep is vital for individuals and nations.
 In conclusion, after looking at why people sleep less and what problems this cause, it is
hoped that governments around the world launch education campaigns to inform the public
about the importance of getting adequate sleep.
 How can people improve their sleep problems?
 How can people’s quality of life be improved?
 How can children be protected from the negative effect of social media?

1. S+ can/ should/ need to/ ought to/ have to/ must (Solution) in order to tackle this issue.
E.g. The government can open new workplaces in order to tackle this issue.
2. S+ can+ solve this issue BY DOING SOMETHING (SOLUTION).

E.g. The government can solve this issue BY OPENING NEW WORKPLACES.

WRITING HOMEWORK! 3. S+ cannot surmount this problem WITHOUT DOING/ WITHOUT NOUN (Solution).

E.g. The government cannot surmount this problem WITHOUT NEW WORKPLACES.
4. If S+ PAST SIMPLE VERB (SOLUTION), It would (not) be possible to address this issue.
WE LEARNT LAST E.g. If the government openED new workplaces, it would be possible to deal with this problem.
LESSONANDANSWE 5. If S+ WERE TO do something, It would (not) be possible to solve the problem.
E.g. If the government WERE TO open new workplaces, it would be possible to solve this problem.
6. Until S+ verb, it would not be possible to tackle this issue.

E.g. Until the government open new workplaces, it would not be possible to tackle this issue.

7. NOT until S+ VERB, Would it be possible to solve this problem.

E.g. NOT until the government open new workplaces, Would it be possible to solve this problem.

8. WERE IT NOT FOR SOMETHING/ SOMEBODY, it would (not) possible to address this issue.

E.g. WERE IT NOT FOR NEW WORKPLACES, it would not be possible to address this issue.

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