Welcome To Mindvalley Affiliate Program

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Mindvalley Affiliate

Welcome Guide
Congratulations! Welcome to Mindvalley.

Thank you for joining the Mindvalley Affiliate program, we are so glad to have you here. You have gone
through a meticulous selection process and have passed with flying colors.

You are now ready to join us in our mission of shaping a new vision for education and personal growth.

It’s time to get started!

This guide consists of the summary of the first steps you will take as a Mindvalley affiliate, followed by
Frequently Asked Questions.

If you are still unclear on a few things by the time you finish reading, the last slide contains our contact
details. Simply book our team members for a quick call to help you get set up.
🎉 Here are the Perks You’ve Unlocked 🎉

● Baseline Commission of 30%

● Postback (server-side) tracking
● Universal Tracking
● Session lifetime of 30 days
● 35+ premium courses and quests
● Mindvalley retargeting campaigns for your traffic. We cover the cost, you get a commission
● Average order value of $350
● World-class studio filmed Webinars and Quests
● A dedicated marketing manager for each quest to promote innovations and improve
● A dedicated affiliate manager to help you through your campaigns
Getting Started
Getting started as a Mindvalley Affiliate

We’re going to guide you through your first steps in setting up as a Mindvalley affiliate.

Step 1. Create your password.

Step 2. Cover the legal matters (W9 form + Terms and Conditions).
Step 3. Choose a product you’d like to promote here.
Step 4. Search for a product on your Cake dashboard.
Step 5. Grab your affiliate link for a specific program you’re promoting.
Step 6. Start sharing your links on any channel of your preference.
Step 1. Creating your Password

Our program is hosted on a platform called

Cake. In order to log in, you’ll need to create
your Cake password.

You have received an email from

jvpartners@mindvalley.com titled
IMPORTANT: Your Unique Login Details for
the Mindvalley Affiliate Tracking Platform.

Open an email and click on the link in order to

create your password. The link you need to
clicks is highlighted in a screenshot.
Step 1. Creating your Password

Create a password of your choice.

Note: Administrators are not allowed to see

or modify your passwords.

If your password link has expired, request a

new link by sending an email to
Congratulations, you are IN!

Once you create your password, the next

page you’ll see is a regular login page:

Save this URL for your future use, this is

where you need to go when you need to log in
to your affiliate account.

Username is your email address.

Step 2. Tax form & Terms and Conditions

When you log in for the very first time, you will
be asked to agree to the Terms and

Read through the Terms and Conditions

carefully and tick the “Agree” box, and then
click “Submit”.

Please make sure to read through the section

highlighting the activities you are NOT allowed
to do as a Mindvalley affiliate.
Step 2. Tax form & Terms and Conditions

The next step here is to send your tax

information to ainur@mindvalley.com.

If your business is in the US, you need to fill in

a W9 form >>>

If your business is not in the US, you need to

fill in a W8-BEN form >>>

This step is important, as Mindvalley cannot

send you any payments without receiving this
Step 3. Choose a Mindvalley Program to Promote
Now that the technical and legal setup has completed, you’ll need to go ahead and select a program
you’d like to promote as an affiliate.

You can do it by checking our Evergreen product catalog and launch schedule right here.
The Difference between Launch and Evergreen
In the sheet we’ve shared above, you may notice that there are 2 tabs: Launch and Evergreen.

You will also see a lot of Launch and Evergreen being mentioned in the affiliate newsletters you’ll
start receiving. So, what’s the difference?

Launch is an online event in which Mindvalley promotes one selected program for a duration of 10
days to its entire audience. During these 10 days, we drop the price of the program by additional $50
or so, therefore boosting conversion rates. Moreover, Mindvalley invests a higher advertising budget
on retargeting any leads that land on launch pages within these 10 days, therefore boosting a
likelihood of your leads converting into paying customers. We bear the ad cost, you earn a

Evergreen funnel is the exact same funnel, only without the $50 discount. You can drive traffic to any
program at any day. Mindvalley still invests advertising budget in retargeting the leads you bring in,
but it’s not as intensive as launch advertising.
Should I Promote a Free Masterclass or a Sales page?
It’s far better to send traffic to a free masterclass prior to promoting a direct sales page. Why?

Mindvalley has developed a time-tested, reliable funnel model to convert leads to paying customers.

When you send your audience to watch a free masterclass, you’re sharing free valuable content with them
without having to pitch.

In the end of the Masterclass, here’s what happens…

At this point, masterclass attendees have consumed free valuable content and want to keep learning with you,
which makes them warmed up to a sale.

- Attendees will see a sales page dropdown during the last minutes of the masterclass, which shows the
lowest price they’ll ever see (valid for 1 day/there is a timer on the page)
- If attendees do not purchase on that day, they’ll start receiving emails from Mindvalley informing them
about a 7-day special offer (timer on the page)

If you send your audience the sales page link directly, they do not receive any emails/consume free content,
so the moment they close the page, there’s no further communication about the quest from Mindvalley.
Step 4. Finding your product of choice on Cake

You’ve scanned through the catalogue and

decided on promoting a certain program.

How do you find it in your affiliate dashboard?

Simple click on Offers tab on the left corner

of the screen and type a product name of
your choice in the search bar.
Step 4. Finding your product of choice on Cake

When you find your program, click on it.

The following window will pop up. Here, you’ll

simply need to choose a promotional method
that best describes you.

Most of our affiliates use Email or Social

media as their main channels.

This is purely for informative purposes and

does not change anything in the way you use
the program/how you run a campaign.
Step 5. Getting Your Affiliate Links
Move to the creatives tab.

You’ll see creatives tagged as (Link Only).

Use these if you want to just grab a tracking link

and hyperlink it to any creative you’re using
(email, banner, social media).

All other creatives (Banners, Email and Social

Media Copy) already have your unique affiliate
link embedded into them for your convenience.

All these links you’re seeing under Unique Link

are going to the same 2 pages (Free Masterclass Refer to this slide to decide whether you should
and Sales Page, as indicated). They are all valid promote a Free Masterclass(Landing Page) or a
and they are all tracking in the same way. Sales Page.
Step 5. Getting Your Affiliate Links
For example, if you have a Google Doc with your
promotional email copy prepared and you just
need a tracking link, simply grab a (Link Only)
Unique Link and hyperlink your email Call To
Action with it.

If you have an image that you found online that

you’d like to use on your website, grab a (Link
Only) Unique Link and hyperlink your email Call
To Action with it.

If you intend to use the email copy/banner

provided by Mindvalley, simply click Download
Zip or Get Code in order to get your copy with
your affiliate links already attached to the copy.
Step 6. Share your links with your audience

The last step is to share your links with your

followers through any channel of your choice.

Email, post on social media, add a swipe up to

your stories, write a product review on your blog,
tweet about a launch -- this part is completely up
to you!

We’re wishing you the best of luck in your journey

as a Mindvalley Affiliate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I find my affiliate Email/Social copy?

There are 2 places where you can go to grab

your copy.

1. This Google Sheet maintained by the

Mindvalley Affiliate Team.

2. Log in to Cake, find your offer and

download a Zip file with your copy or get a
HTML-coded version of your copy with
your affiliate links embedded. Here’s a slide
that describes this process in detail.
Where to find links for non-English Quests?
All the non-English links are parked under English

This means that if you are looking for

Supercerebro (Spanish) links, you need to find
Superbrain offer on Cake and scroll down to find
links tagged as Spanish.

At this moment, we only provide links. Email

copy and visuals will be available at a later time.

Languages available at the moment: Spanish,

Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian.
How do I receive commissions?
We pay commissions through PayPal. When you
first applied to the Mindvalley Affiliate Program,
you’ve provided your PayPal ID in the application
form. If you wish to change it, send a new PayPal
ID to ainur@mindvalley.com.

We pay post-refund, and our validation period is

typically 45 days. This means that for any sales
that take place in January, you’ll receive a
commision for all active (non-refunded) sales on
the 15th of March. For any sales that happen on
any day in February, you receive your payment on
the 15th of April, and so on.

Note: Lifebook Online has a different refund

policy due to the nature of the program (90 days).
I need help setting up, can we have a call?

Sure! We’re always happy to help you get started.

Book me for a quick call here: calendly.com/ainur

Please note that our office is located in Malaysia,

and this is probably the reason why you’re seeing
an unusual call schedule. I’ve opened up a few slots
early morning and late evening to make it a bit
easier for us to connect.
Mindvalley Affiliate Team: Contacts
Reach out to your account manager if you have any questions or need any help.

Ainura Yermagambetova Hans Baetsen

ainur@mindvalley.com hans@mindvalley.com

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