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Ch 13

Frustration is a negative emotional state that

occurs when people are prevented to reach
their desired goals.
Obstacles of many kinds cause
Causes of frustration

1. External frustration: is based on

conditions outside a person that
Impede progress towards a goal.
( delay, failure, rejection, loss)

• Types of External Fs; Social or nonsocial

Causes of frustration

1. External frustration
Frustration increases as the strength, urgency,
or importance of a blocked motive increases.
• The closer the obstacle to the goal the greater
the intensity of frustration
• “ The straw that broke the camel’s back “ , a small
irritation after repeated frustrations may lead to
violent response.
Causes of frustration

2. Personal frustrations:
are based on personal
Reactions to frustration
Reactions to frustration

 Frustration is met first with persistence which is

followed by aggression in case of failure.
 Aggression: any response made with the intent of
harming a person or an object.
 Persistence overcomes the barrier while direct
aggression destroys or removes it.
Reactions to frustration

 Displaced aggression is directed to whomever or

whatever is available.
 Scapegoating is blaming
a person or a group for
conditions not of their making.
 If these reactions don’t
reduce frustration, a person
may try to escape.
Coping with frustration

1. Try to identify the source of frustration.(external

or personal)
2. Is that source something that can be changed?
How hard would you have to work to change it?
Is it under your control?
3. If the source can be changed or removed, are
the necessary efforts worth it?
Are there different types of

Conflict occurs whenever a person must choose

between two contradictory needs, desires, motives,
or demands.
Types of conflict:
1. Approach-approach
two positive or desirable
Are there different types of

2. Avoidance-avoidance conflicts:
two negative or
undesirable alternatives.
Are there different types of

3. Approach-avoidance conflicts:
is caught by being attracted to and repelled by the same
activity or goal.
Are there different types of

4. Double approach-avoidance conflicts:

each alternative has both
positive and negative
Managing conflicts

Conflicts are normal parts of life. With practice, you

can learn to manage many of the conflicts you
suggestions made for coping with Conflicts :
1. Don’t be hasty when making important decisions.
2. Try out important decisions partly when possible.
3. Look for workable compromises.
4. When all else fails, make a decision and live with it.

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