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Overview Sistem Informasi Akuntansi &

An AIS is a system that collects, records,
stores, and processes data to produce
information & reports for management.
The decision makers.
AISM could be :
◦ An advanced technology; or
◦ A simple paper-and-pencil system; or
◦ Something in between.
Tujuan dirancangnya SIAM
Support day-to-day operations
◦ Transaction processing
Support Internal Decision-Making
◦ Trend Analyses
◦ Quantitative & Qualitative Data
◦ Non-transactional sources
Help fulfill Stewardship Role
Reasons for Studying Accounting
Information Systems
AISM has a close relation with other subject,
such as auditing & management accounting
Modern-day AISM are complex because of
new technologies
Komponen SIAM
Orang Perangkat keras

Prosedur & instruksi Perangkat lunak

Data & informasi Pengendalian & keamanan

AISM Subsystem

Sales/ Production
Cash inflow


HRD/Payroll Purchasing/
cash outflow
Research &
SIA & Value added for organization

Valuing SIA
SIA for automatication:

SIA for organization learning:

SIA for supporting strategy: dong things

1. Wallmart vs Tesco (Romney, Kasus 1.6, hal 22)
2. United service automotive association (Romney,
Kasus 1.3, hal 20)
3. Baca Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Terpadu Vol.9 No.1, April
2016 Hal. 120-137 (Verni Juwita, 2016)
 Apa riset tindak lanjut yang bisa dilakukan?
 Bagaimana metode risetnya?

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