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The constitution
guides to Police
practices and •The United States Constitution
policy • The US Constitution is the American official document outlining the framework to a
stronger government and providing individuals freedoms.

• The US Constitution is considered the Law of the Lands

• It is made up of seven main articles outlining the federal government and 27 different
amendments that explains more in detail to civil liberties of citizens, being treated
equally, and some of the procedures and power of the federal government.

• After the 14th amendment peoples rights to voting and equal protection under the law is
put into action by letting the citizens know that their voice can be heard and be taking in
Bill of Rights &
Criminal Justice
 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments of

the Constitution which spells out American’s

personal rights and freedoms.

 Also, the purpose of the bill of rights is to rally

the anti-federalist.

 There are 16 amendments that protect

American’s citizens from abuse by the

government and courts.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

The Sixth
• This amendment basically states that a
person or defendant has the right to a fair
and speedy trial and have been told of the
charges against him/her, being able to see
who is against them, and have the right to
• When a defendant is found guilty by judge
or jury than the sixth amendment is no
longer a guarantee .
• Criminal justice offers sometimes can be This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

limited by this amendment because they

have right to a lawyer and lawyers
sometimes tells the defendant to not speak
about the crime they are on jury for.

Laws and Policing

in a Democratic
• The Laws and policing is very important in a
Democratic Society because they protect not only the
people but also their rights.
• It was first a group of people who would warn the
community about upcoming dangers.
• This changed many times from constables being put
into office and getting paid for it to what we have now.
• Sir Robert Peel from England who is well know as
The Father of modern policing. The nine policing
principles that him and his committee are still in effect
today .
• The rule of Law is to basically saying that nobody is
above the law everyone is accountable of their actions
even Police, Lawyers and Court judges.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA


Bibas, S., & Fisher, J. (2010). Sixth Amendment | The National Constitution Center.

Brief History and Summary of the American Bill of Rights - World History. (2017, June 29). World History.

Peak, K. J., & Madensen, T. D. (n.d.). Interactive: Introduction to Criminal Justice Interactive eBook. Retrieved June 5, 2021, from

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