BE Assignment

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Made a re-entry into Pak in 1993 after opting to leave operations in 1977
due to issues with Foreign Exchange Regulation Act.

For Rs 3500 million bought out popular brands Thumps Up, Goldspot,
Citra, Mazaa & Limca from Parle’s Chauhan brothers there-by giving a
straight-forward 66% percent share on re-entry.

Pakistani operations include 25 wholly company-owned bottling plants

and another 24 franchisee owned bottling operations.

Directly employees more than 6000 people, and indirectly generates

employement for more than 1,25,000 people from its vast procurement,
supply and distribution opearations.
Ethical and Unethical
Practices of
Company’s Ethical business
Code of business ethics: core values of Honesty, Integrity, Quality, Respect,
Responsibilty and Accountability.

The scope of conduct extends to employees, officers as well as company


Recognizing that there are differences in customs, traditions and economic

conditions that affect business practices, the company believes that shared-
values must serve as the foundation for relationships among employees,

Coca-Cola will carry out their operations in ways that protect, preserve and
enhance the environment.

The Policy promises to operate the company’s facilities taking

into account all applicable environment safety and health rules.

The company would promote the collection of used PET bottles

through awareness programs.
Unethical Practices
 Lack of transparency and accountability

 Integrity, transparency, full disclosure of financial and non-financial

information .

Unhealthy nature of colas

Cause obesity and tooth decay

Lack of ethics in marketing

Offering products or services against the interest of society

Discriminating in pricing

Tall claims in advertising

Targeting in appropriate audience

Critical Issues
Pesticides issue

Solid Waste/ Water Issue

Dual Product Standards

Action Taken
Improved business practices & reduced water usage by 34%.

Rainwater harvesting

Solid waste disposal sites set-up

Carbon filtration and purification

Close monitoring of ingredients

Coca-Cola applied discriminatory approaches.

Consumer's well-being that has to matter.

Company continued advertising.

The question that remains at the end of the day is how a multinational market
leader that is aware of quality standards ends up producing products unfit for
human consumptions? This is quite unethical.

Going forward it is responsibility of Coca Cola in Pak to stick to the ideals it

promises in its corporate communications and ensure that the promise of quality
and adherence of standards is achieved.

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