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Lesson2: Science Technology and

Nation Building
Historical Background of Science and Technology in the Philippines
10 Outstanding Filipino Scientists and their Contribution
Discovered fire, light and heat. Also, herbs and
Pre- herbal medicines. Started to engaged in weaving,
Colonial shipbuilding, mining and farming which result to
History the first product of engineering, the Banaue Rice
Terraces. The early Filipinos made their own
Science and Technology are given writing system which is the Alibata.
priority in this period. The
Philippine Presidents established
different laws and organizations
allegedly for Science Education
and Applied Science. This period Post- Colonial
is also called the Golden Age. Colonial History Formal education has been
History introduced. Founded Scientific
Institutions such as University of Sto.
Thomas was established. Education,
religion, engineering, and Science and
Technology started to bloom.
Anacleto Del Rosario
He is the leading Filipino chemist during the Span
ish Period and considered theFather of Philippine
Science and Laboratory. He invented the formula
for producing a pure kind of alcohol from tuba in
a nipa palm which won the first prize during the
World Fair in Paris, France in 1881. He was also k
nown for extracting castor oil fromnative plant ca
lled palma christi
Franciso Quisumbing
He was a Filipino botanist and a noted expert in th
e medicinal plants of thePhilippines who authored
more than 129 scientific articles, many of which is
aboutorchids. He is also a Filipino chemist known a
s the inventor who created a newformula of ink, w
hich many know of as the Quick ink, used by The P
arker PenCompany. Often, the hypotheses and ide
as of Quisumbing were used to improve lifefor citiz
ens of this southeast Asian archipelago locale.
Gregorio Zara
He was a Filipino scientist best known as the in
ventor of the first patented videophone, the fir
st two-way electronic video communicator, in 1
955. In his lifetime he patented 30 other device
s which ranged from an alcohol-powered airpla
ne engine,microscope with a collapsible stage,
propeller-cutting machine, to a solar-powered
water heater and stove.
Julian Banzon
He was a Filipino scientist whose main contributio
n to chemistry was the research hecarried out int
o the use of alternative fuels. He was known for h
is research on the production of ethyl ester fuels f
rom sugarcane and coconuts and devised a meth
od of extracting residual coconut oil through che
mical means, which became his maininvention. Hi
s invention was a real innovation in the field of ch
emistry that is stillwidely talked of amongst scien
tists in the Philippines today.
Manuel Guerrero
He was a Filipino medical doctor known for his study o
n beriberi in infants in thePhilippines, which proclaime
d him as the Father on the Study of Beriberi on theInfa
nts of the Philippines. Together with Quintos, they ca
me up with the idea that “aform of beriberi transmitte
d to a child by a mother or wet nurse sick with beriberi
bymeans of her milk in almost all instances, rarely in t
he uterus”. His contribution to medical science won re
cognition with a silver medal award in the Louisiana Pu
rchaseExposition and in the Panama-Pacific Internatio
nal Exposition in San Francisco.
Ignacio Mercado
He is known to be the first local botanist to record
more than 200 plants that thrivedin the Philippine
s. He was the first Filipino botanist who did a syste
matic study of indigenous Philippine plants. Among
which is his greatest achievement known as the"Fl
ora De Filipinas", a compilation a about endemic pl
ants. His works greatlycontributed to discovery of p
lant species in the Philippines, the beautiful colore
dillustrations are also considered as an artwork.
Trinidad Pardo de Tav
He was a Filipino physician and historian known for his
writings about different aspects of Philippine culture a
nd Philippine historiography. His book 'Plantas Medici
nales de Filipinas' is an outstanding study on the differ
ent medicinal plants of the country. A very valuable co
ntribution to Philippine historiography was his inventi
on of the first detailed map of the Philippine Archipela
go. His map contained 19 pages in 8° with two engravi
ngs and printed in Manila in 1894, the map was notabl
e for its accuracy and neatness.
Maria Orosa
She is a food chemist, pharmaceutical chemist, humanitarian and w
ar heroine whowas the pioneer of Food technology and food preser
vation here in the Philippines.She invented over 700 recipes during
her lifetime, including Soyalac and Darak,which saved thousands of l
ives during the war. She also invented a process for canning goods f
or the guerilla warriors fighting for the liberation of the Philippines.
She made studies on the preservation of various fruit juices, dehydr
ated vegetablesand shredded beef while exporting frozen foods. Ma
de canned food for the army, the pioneer preserved macapuno, can
ned various nuts, preserved toasted cashew nuts,saba banana, cam
ote and potato chips. Without her food inventions, thousands of pe
ople would have died in internment camps, hospitals, and on the str
Agapito Flores
He is a Filipino inventor who is claimed to be
the inventor the funnel of theFluorescent ligh
t tube invention, most commonly known as t
he fluorescent lamp.There is an ongoing deba
te on who really invented the first fluorescent
lamp, someclaim that Edmund Germer was t
he very first person who invented the fluores
centlamp and that Agapito Flores did not inve
nt the fluorescent lamp.
Juan Salcedo Jr.
He was a Filipino scientist who studied and wrote
about nutrition and public health.His works contri
buted immeasurably to the areas of biochemistry,
nutrition, and physiology as a scientist. He is best
known for inventing the “Enriched Rice” whichis a
variety of rice fortified with vitamin B1 that helpe
d prevent beriberi, thisdiscovery helped reduced t
he cases of beriberi in the Philippines and in other


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