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Dialogue 1

Self Identification
A : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb good morning. How do you
do?. How are you?
 B: waalaikum......morning. How do you do. I m fine thank
you and you?
 A: So do I (very well thank you) . Would you like to introduce
your self please?
 B: Of course. My full name....but my friends call
me.......I come from.....I’m (bugineese,
macassareese, Javaneese) Indonesia, I ‘m moslem
, I’m ....years old, I graduated from SMA (senior
high school/vocational high school/ islamic high
school / islamic boarding high
school......................... And now I continue my
study at Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture.
My department is Technology of Staple food
production ( My faculty is Social and Politic
Faculty and I choose communication
deparment). What about your self? Tell me please?
B: Well, My full name is..............but you can call me...........I
come from.........I’m (moslem/christian), I’m (bugineese,
Macassareese), I graduated from SMA.......and now I continue
my study at.............................., My department is.................
International Business Administration departmen.
By the way, why do you choose ...... department?
A: I choose ...........department because...........................................
And you?..tell me why do you choose International Business
administration department?
B: I choose Business department
Tell me, what do you study in your department and explain one
of them please?
A: Ok...some of my subjects in ......department
are......................................................and i wanna tell about .the
basic of Fishery Port
In this subject we study
.......................................................... And what about your subject
in your department? Explain to me please?
B: Well... In my department, I studied
about............................................................................................and i
tell about one subject namely :................. In this subject, we study
A: Tell me, what do you want to be in your future after you finish
your study in your department? and why?
B. Well, after I finish my study in Management of Fishery Port I
want to be......because..........and what about your self?
A: Ok, I want to be......... After I finish my study in.....department
B: Well. Thank you so much for your self identification and your
department. This is nice conversation. See you. Bye.
A: You are welcome. See you. Walaikum salam...

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