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Topic- Resume Writing

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Steps to Write Resume
Additional Information
A resume is a formal document that
provides an overview of your
professional qualifications, including
your relevant work experience, skills,
education, and notable
Steps you need to remember to write resume
Read the Job Description
Include you contact Info.
Write an objective statement
Highlight Education, Training
Choose the skill you want to highlight
Personality Traits
A) Read job description
You should be specific about your skill & quality
needed to be successful.
Should show you have same set of core values as
the employers.
Reading the Job Description before will help you
to choose the correct keyword you should or you
want to include.
The first section of your resume should include your
contact information.
We can also include links to social media profiles,
personal websites, personal blogs or personal
portfolios in this section.
The next section of your resume should be a personal
summary that states
 who you are as a professional?
 what your career goals are ?
why you are the best candidate for the position you
are applying for?
It should convey your knowledge
D) Highlight education, training
and certifications
The next section of your resume should highlight the
most relevant education, training and certifications
you have.
 This should be in Tabular form and listed from the
latest to class X.
E) Choose the skills you want
to highlight
Co- Curricular
 choose the technical hard skills and soft skills you have.
 You can often find specific skills the employer is looking for

listed throughout the job description.

Extra – Curricular
 Your participation in any events like dance, sports, music,
drama etc.
F) Achievements
Mention the highlights of your career here. If you have
won scholarships, awards, prizes etc. all should be
mentioned here.
G) Personality Traits
 The positives in your personality.
 Try finding different adjectives to describe your
positive attributes as it will make you stand apart
 As human beings and that too at your stage you are
bound to have weaknesses.
 Try to be a little smart here and mention weaknesses

that are not very harmful for the organization and in

brackets say that you are working on them.
H) Proofread
The last step in writing a fresher resume is to
proofread what you have written.
You can read your resume out loud or have a friend or
family member proofread your resume for you.
 This will help you find any spelling or grammar
errors, check for inconsistencies, ensure your resume
highlights the features that make you the best
candidate for the position and ensure your resume is
honest and memorable.
I) Additional tips
Properly include interests and hobbies. 
 It is best to include only interests and hobbies relevant to
the position you are applying for.
 You can also include interests and hobbies that you have

earned awards or special recognition for as this shows a level

of dedication and work ethic.
Give References-
 These should be the references of people who can vouch for
the information given in the resume and who can vouch for
your character too
Personal Details–
 Now you mention your Date of Birth, Gender, Nationality.
I) Additional tips
Keep your resume to one page. 
 One page is enough room to include the relevant information you
need on a fresher resume. Try to keep your resume clear, direct
and simple.
Highlight your willingness to learn. 
 Using your fresher resume to showcase your willingness to learn
can help you stand out to employers who prefer candidates who
will be open-minded to learning the employer’s specific way of
doing business.
Include a miscellaneous section if needed. 
 A miscellaneous section can include languages you are proficient
in, accomplishments you are most proud of that didn’t fit in
another section of your resume, your personal philosophy and
professional references.

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