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By Inlogic IT Solutions


End to End Solutions for Any type of Awards , Events,

Contest Conferences and More

Inlogic IT Solutions is a global IT Solutions company OUR OBJECTIVE

specializing in shaping our customers’ future by combining To be part of customer success by providing solutions
deep business insight with the understanding of how for LIFE.
technologies will impact industry and business models. We
provide the following: We understand our clients’ vision and deliver more than
their expectations.
1. IT Business Consulting
2. RFID Technology

3. Mobile Application Development and Innovation ISO 27001:2013

4. System Analysis & Strategy

5. Software Solutions and website Development

ISO 9001:2015
6. Big Data & Analytics and more

Intelligent Information Dashboard System For UAE Projects


We have satisfied customers 190+

Internet of Things
And reliable products

Countries Served

Intelligent Information Dashboard System


High Touch Communication

Our goal is to answer every call with a LIVE person.
We Are FUN To Work With.
Inlogic IT Solutions Team genuinely cares about every client. This drives us to provide absolute

190+ 6
fanatical support of their systems.
Security is Paramount.

4+ Countries Served

Intelligent Information Dashboard System

About the Award management system and its Inception
Awards Management Software

1. Establish a culture of an automated innovation in the workplace for

• Define and Count down for awards Nomination
your Organization awards.
2. To ensure the provision of administrative services in accordance with • Provide a knowledge-based system for awards and
the standards of quality, efficiency and transparency.
• Nomination can be individual or team or Entity
3. Facilitate these accesses to define Awards and categories
4. Ability to configure the Questions ,Answers type ,length of content • Generating smart reports and graphs: the system will be
smart enough to create multiple and modifiable interactive
and type of attachments with their Size. graphs for privileged users/entity with the ability to print it
5. Ability to create Weight for Awards per category or Per questions and in the most used formats.

give evaluation tips • High level reporting formats: a customized dashboard for
6. Can Create Jory members and assign them application as individual Higher Management with a simple look and a view of all
the data available in the system for nomination , jurification
Or Groups and evaluate their performance using interactive , and final results
Dashboard • Ability to create customized search and save to automate
7. Monitor awards Nomonation online with ability to send back the the output and save time.
application to applicate • Favorite : Ability to add certain dashboard to favorite.
8. Providing Alerts By SMS or EMAIL with customize template to send
• Powerful tool extract reports and Dashboard
tasks Alerts
Awards Management Software Features

General Features

• The award management is responsive system allowing access online on any internet-enabled system anytime and

• Easy to use system and will have flexible configuration for unique award needs

• Option for designing and branding

• Will have Life cycle management which includes:

 planning and defining awards,
 defining questions for each criterion
 defining the answers length and if required any proof attachments and weight,
 judging members or team entries,
 judging,
 monitor nominations,
 assigning each application to jury member or team,
 have flexible number of rounds for judging,
 monitor the results and the performance of jury’s,
 selecting top nominations
Awards Management Software Features

• The system provides a real time dashboard and reporting with export option.

• The award management has the option to track progress anytime.

• The system has the ability for multiple rounds of evaluation and voting.

• Unlimited file attachment and file size.

• Complete database of the users.

• Option for search and filter

• Multiple awards can run in the same panel

• Will have system Administrator account and user manual

• Will provide Demo account

Awards Management Software Features

Award Planning Features

Will have the flexibility in setting Award rules, category and requirements

• An Award landing page will be there

• Option to manage entry submission setup

• Option to create and manage unlimited number of award categories

• Will have the option to group the categories

• Will have pre-defined templates on the platform for registration acknowledgment and judge’s invitation

• Option to Customize email messages during the awards management Cycle

Awards Management Software Features

Award Submissions Features

• Option for Online submissions

• Easy to use and for viewing
• Will have option for registration and creating participants account
• Auto-saves entries in-progress
• Option to save and complete submission any time before the deadline
• Option to edit the submission
• Will have the option to collect all log messages in log services
• Unlimited entries allowed per user
• Single dashboard access and view features
• Option to track and filter entrants
• Online submission can be filtered according the category, name and status
• Can filters to view selected entrants to assigned Jury Members
• Easy to edit and withdraw award entries
• Option for sending emails to participants with copy of their application
• Option to Disqualify
Awards Management Software Features

Judging Process Features

• Option to Determine judging criteria and sub criteria
• Will have Qualifying criteria
• Judges will have separate and secured login
• Option for judges to choose and rank the entries with the option of commenting on each question, criteria and sub
• Will have Easy overview and scoring experience
• Judging status capability to keep track of the entries they have judged, that are in progress, or are yet to be judged
• System will have the ability to mark shortlist, and configure second round judging panels to review shortlisted entries.
• Option to map judges to categories
• Will have option to group judges and assign a lead member with a master view of their activities
• Scoring will be monitored
• Send invitations and receive notification emails from jury upon completion of assignment.
• Will have voting rules, participants votes should Dubai Muncipality wish to engage a wide community of participants

Scoring Features
• Option to collect the outcome of the submission and can calculate the score
• Will manage the result online
• Option for clear overview of user and entry volume and can filter, export and analyses entries.
• Option for easy overview of entries that are in progress
Awards Management Software Features

Reporting Features
• Option to mark winners
• Reports of comments
• Will customize the submission report by category, entrant
Archiving Features
• Option to Archive Award’s process, submission, results and reports.

Consultancy Role

• Over all awards management guidance

• Regular Visits to discuss the excellency process and map to the strategy goals
• Process manual gathering
• Document Evaluation
• Quality management Documentation for awards
• Training the trainers
• Business process improvement
• Defining policies and workflow for awards
• Defining scope of jury system for awards
Awards Management Software Features
Awards Management Software Features
Easy to set Categories, Awards or
Easy to configure Awards contest and Identify question

Web based compatible with All browsers Ease of Use for all type of Users

Responsive and can be access by smart Rich a graphical representations

Mobile Devices dashboards for admin
Simplified registration and submision Easy to search and save search results

You can build your report easly and

Make the judging process more
export it or share it instatly

User-friendly judging interface Can create any number of Rounds

Awards Modules

 Government

 Acadimics

 Events

 Contests

 Banks

 Shopping and retails

 Security
 Any Businss
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