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 Aggregates intended for either

Bitominos!as"ha#t$ or %ort#and &ement
&on&rete " a' em en t ( sho#d ) e of good
*a#it+ in a&&ordan&e , i t h the re*irements of
AAS-TO standard or Item/01 of the D%2-
s"e&ifi&ation , hi &h genera##+ "ro'ides that:

“The aggregates shall consist of hard durable

 particles or fragments of crushed stone,
crushed slag or crushed rock or natural gravel.”
Aggregates mst ndergo 'arios test to
) e &#assified as good *a#it+
 Test for strength

Test for sondness
 Test for affinit+ and s,e##
 Test for resistan&e to "o#ishing

Degradation Test
Test of strength

The &riterion for aggregate strength test is the Los

Ange#es Ratt#er test !AAS-TO$

3. Ratt#er test is done in a ho##o, &+#inder &#osed at ) o t h


4. The &+#inder is rotated 500 re'o#tions at s"eed of 10 to

11 ronds " e r minte
1. After testing the sam"#e is "assed on to NO.34 sie'e.
Those that "asses throgh i t are set aside the amont of
#oss is the differen&e ) e t , e e n the origina# and fina#
, e i g h t e6"ressed in "er&ent.

7. The 8 - 2 A re&ommended that aggregates for a dense

graded mi6tre sha## ha'e 50 or #ess &oeffi&ient of , e a r.

5. 8or o"en graded mi6tre( the re*irement is 70 or

- o , e ' e r ( "er&entage ma+ ) e set in &ases , h e r e e6&e##ent
aggregates are a)ndant#+ a'ai#a)#e.
Test for sondness

 Sondness refers to the resistan&e of materia#s to

deterioration from the effe&t of a&tion #i9e freeing and
t h a , i n g . The &ommon test for sondness is the a""#i&ation
, i t h sodim or magnesim s#fate. !AAS-TO T307$
Test for affinit+ and s,e##

 Strong and dra)#e " a ' e m e n t mst ha'e )inder that

adhere or sti&9 firm#+ to the aggregate "arti&#es. If
the )inder se"arates or stri";soff from the

i g.ate( the " a ' e m e n t ,i## disintegrate nder

 Another rea&tion of the " a ' e m e n t is to " i t , h e n

theaggregates are "##edoff &ased )+ rnning ,hee#s.
In the e ' e n t that " a ' e m e n t mi6tre s,e##s( the
inter#o&9 and fri&tion ) e t , e e n the "arti&#es
are destro+ed res#ting to &o##a"se of the
"a'ement sta)i#it+.
Test for Sha"e and Te6tre
 A re#ati'e#+ rounded smooth aggregate "arti&#es #i9e natra# gra'e# is re&ommended
for %ort#and &ement &on&rete " a ' e m e n t )e&ase the mi6tre is ,or9a)#e. Meaning
easi#+ manage and &onso#idated inside the forms.

 The angular or cubical shape and rough surface texture aggregate has )een
"ro'en e6&e##ent materia# for as"ha#t " a ' e m e n t )e&ase i t has stronger inter#o&9ing
a&tion and ,e## adheren&e of as"ha#t )inder to the "arti&#es

 A thin or elongated "ie&e of dirt is &onsidered undesirable materia# for

either as"ha#t or &on&rete " a ' e m e n t .

The AAS-TO standard s"e&ifi&ations for as"ha#t " a ' e m e n t aggregate has no s"e&ifi&
sti"#ation as to the &ontro# of the sha"e or srfa&e te6tre.
Test for Resistant to %o#ishing
 One good &riterion for " a ' e m e n t design is the high
&oeffi&ient of fri&tion ) e t , e e n the tire and the
road srfa&e.

 A good as"ha#t or &on&rete road is , h e n <; the r))er

tire is in dire&t &onta&t , i t h the aggregate and not
, i t h the )inder;;
Degradation test

 Some aggregates degrade in the "resen&e of , a t e r. This

si measred throgh me&hani&a# agitation in , a t e r nder
designation test T430 of AAS-TO
%arti&#e sie
1. For dense graded pavement- t h e "arti&#e sie o f aggregate
ranges from &oarse to dst.
2. For open graded pavements- one or more #a+er of the &oarse
ro&9 of niform sie is sed.
3. For sheet asphalt- the minera# aggregate is a &aref##+ graded
sand and minera# dst.
Aggregate for Bitminos %a'ement
 8or )itminos or as"ha#t " a ' e m e n t ( the aggregates &onstitte
==> to ?@> ) + , e i g h t or more than / 5 > ) + 'o#me.
AAS-TO standard s"e&ifi&ation

‘ ’ the aggregates that consist of hard durable particles of

 fragments of stones gravel and sands or other fine mineral
 particles free from vegetable matter and lumps or balls of
clay and of such nature that i t can be compacted readily
 form a f i r m , stable layer. It shall conform t o the grading
requirements hen tested by ! ! " # T $ T%&& and ' ( ‘ ’
Aggregate for %ort#and &ement &on&rete
"a ' eme nt
 In order to o)tain high *a#it+ &on&rete( road agen&ies
ha'e im"osed a#most , it h o  t e6&e"tion that a##
aggregates sha## "ass a " " r o " r i a t e tests for
strength( sondness( , e a r or &om)ination of these
Minera# 8i##er
 The strength of road " a ' e m e n t ,i## ) e in&reased
if dst additi'es , h i& h dense the graded mi6tre is
added. It is &a##ed minera# fi##er that red&es the
' o i d &ontents in the mi6tre.

 Dst additi'e is &#assified into:

8ine#+ " o , d e r e d #imestone

-+drated #ime

%ort#and &ement

Tra" ro&9 dst

 The D%2- standard s"e&ifi&ations re#ati'e to minera#
fi##er states that:
 “ ) i n e r a l f il le r shall consist of finely divided mineral
matter such as rock dust,slag dust, hydrated
lime,hydraulic cement, fly ash or other suitable mineral
matter. It shall be free from organic impuritiesand at the
time of use shall be sufficiently dry to flo freely and
shall be essentially free from agglomeratons”

AAS-TO frther sti"#ates that a## minera#s other than

h+drated #ime or%ort#and &ement(the %#asti& Inde6 'a#e
sha## ) e 7 or #ess.
Bitminos materia#
 Bitminos materia# or as"ha#t in short( is a 'is&os #i*id
sed as )inder for aggregates in road &onstr&tion. At
norma# tem"eratre( as"ha#t is either s#ight#+ thi&9er than
, a t e r or hard )t )ritt#e materia# that )rea9s nder a
hammer ) # o , , h e n &o#d.

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