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Chapter 4

Consumer Motivation

Consumer Behavior,
Ninth Edition

Schiffman & Kanuk

Copyright 2007 by Prentice Hall

Chapter Outline
• Model of the Motivation Process
• Goals
• Motives
• Needs
• Motivational Research

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Needs and Motivation
• Needs are the essence of the
marketing concept. Marketers do
not create needs but can make
consumers aware of needs.
• Motivation is the driving force
within individuals that impels
them to action.

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Figure 4.1 Model of the
Motivation Process

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Types of Needs
• Innate Needs-Physiological (or
biogenic) needs that are considered
primary needs or motives
• Acquired Needs-Learned in response
to our culture or environment. Are
generally psychological and
considered secondary needs

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Is a body spray
an innate or

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• The sought-after results of motivated
• Generic goals are general categories of
goals that consumers see as a way to
fulfill their needs
• Product-specific goals are specifically
branded products or services that
consumers select as their goals

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Figure 4-2a
Goals Structure for Weight Control

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Figure 4-2b
Goals Structure for Weight Control

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Figure 4-2c
Goals Structure for Weight Control

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Weight Control Giants

weblink weblink

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The Selection of Goals
• The goals selected by an individual
depend on their:
– Personal experiences
– Physical capacity
– Prevailing cultural norms and
– Goal’s accessibility in the physical
and social environment

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Discussion Question
• What are three generic goals you have set for
yourself in the past year?
• What are three product-specific goals you
have set in the past year?
• In what situations are these two related?
• How were these goals selected? Was it
personal experiences, physical capacity, or
prevailing cultural norms and values?

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Motivations and Goals

Positive Negative
• Motivation • Motivation
– A driving force A driving force away
toward some object from some object or
or condition condition
• Approach Goal • Avoidance Goal
– A positive goal – A negative goal from
toward which which behavior is
behavior is directed directed away

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Rational versus Emotional
• Rationality implies that consumers
select goals based on totally
objective criteria such as size,
weight, price, or miles per gallon
• Emotional motives imply the
selection of goals according to
personal or subjective criteria

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Discussion Question
• What products might be purchased
using rational and emotional motives?
• What marketing strategies are effective
when there are combined motives?

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The Dynamic Nature of
• Needs are never fully satisfied
• New needs emerge as old
needs are satisfied
• People who achieve their
goals set new and higher
goals for themselves

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Substitute Goals
• Are used when a consumer cannot
attain a specific goal he/she
anticipates will satisfy a need
• The substitute goal will dispel
• Substitute goals may actually
replace the primary goal over time
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• Failure to achieve a goal
may result in frustration.
• Some adapt; others adopt
defense mechanisms to
protect their ego.

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Defense Mechanism
• Methods by which people
mentally redefine frustrating
situations to protect their
self-images and their self-

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What type of
mechanism is
using in this

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Table 4.2
Defense Mechanisms
• Aggression (Cricket • Projection (Paper was
player slamming his difficult, Parents did
bat on getting out) not gave u opportunity)
• Rationalization • Autism (Daydreaming)
(Grapes are sour) • Identification (Relating
• Regression (I wont yourself with the
play but you can’t situation)
play either) • Repression (Wife
• Withdrawal (Can’t get without kids join school
promotion, resign to be with kids)
and own business
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Arousal of Motives
• Physiological arousal (Hungry / Wearing
sweaters due to cold weather)
• Emotional arousal (Latent needs, A
person who wants to be a famous writer
enrolls in writing class)
• Cognitive arousal (Long distance calls)
• Environmental arousal (A smell of food)

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Philosophies Concerned with
Arousal of Motives
• Behaviorist School
– Behavior is response to stimulus
– Elements of conscious thoughts are to be ignored
– Consumer does not act, but reacts

• Cognitive School
– Behavior is directed at goal achievement
– Needs and past experiences are reasoned,
categorized, and transformed into attitudes and

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Figure 4.10


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Discussion Question
• What are three types of products
related to more then one level of
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
• For each type of product – consider
two brands. How do marketers attempt
to differentiate their product from the

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Table 4.3
Murray’s List of Psychogenic Needs

Needs Associated with Inanimate Objects:

Acquisition, Conservancy, Order, Retention, Construction

Needs Reflecting Ambition, Power,

Accomplishment, and Prestige:
Superiority, Achievement, Recognition, Exhibition, Infavoidance

Needs Connected with Human Power:

Dominance, Deferrence, Similance, Autonomy, Contrariance

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Table 4.3 (con’t)
Murray’s List of Psychogenic Needs

Sado-Masochistic Needs :
Aggression, Abasement

Needs Concerned with Affection between People:

Affiliation, Rejection, Nurturance, Succorance, Play

Needs Concerned with Social Intercourse:

Cognizance, Exposition

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This ad reflects
a need for
with a

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A Trio of Needs
Subsumed with Maslow’s
• Power
– individual’s desire to control environment
• Affiliation
– need for friendship, acceptance, and
• Achievement
– need for personal accomplishment
– closely related to egoistic and self-
actualization needs

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Measurement of Motives
• Researchers rely on a
combination of techniques
• Combination of behavioral,
subjective, and qualitative data
• Construction of a measurement
scale can be complex

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Motivational Research
• Qualitative research designed
to uncover consumers’
subconscious or hidden
• Attempts to discover
underlying feelings, attitudes,
and emotions
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Qualitative Motivational
• Metaphor analysis (DuPont, Why people act
in certain ways? Subconscious thoughts)
• Storytelling (Third person technique)
• Word association and sentence completion
(Waves and You bought Sony TV for------)
• Thematic apperception test (Showing
pictures and telling a story like pimples?)
• Drawing pictures and photo-sorts (Pillsbury
vs. Duncan Hines)
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Many Companies Specialize in
Motivational Research

weblink we blink

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