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Hormones Target Effects Hormone Sign & Symptoms


ACTH Adrenal Growth of adrenal Glucocorticoids Most tissues - promote fat and protein catabolism,
Cortex cortex secretion gluconeogenesis, stress resistance, and tissue repair;
of hormones inhibit inflammation

Aldosterone Kidney - promotes Na+ retention and K+ excretion;

maintain blood pressure and volume

Androgen Bone, muscle, integument - stimulate growth of pubic

and axillary hair; stimulate libido

FSH Ovarium Follicle / egg Estrogen Ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, brain, tissues -
development regulates egg production; stimulates adolscent growth;
promotes development female secondary sex
characteristics; prepare mammary glands for lactation;
prepare uterus for pregnancy

LH Ovulation and Progresterone Ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, tissues - stimulates

growth of corpus mammary development in puberty and pregnancy;
luteum prepare uterus for pregnancy

Inhibin Anterior pituitary - suppress FSH secretion

Hormones Target Effects Hormone Sign & Symptoms

FSH Testis Sperm

Testosterone PITUITARY
Most tissues -HORMONE
regulates sperm production; promotes
development of male reproductive system and physique;
stimulate adolscent growth, libido, and sexual behavior
LH Ovulation

PRL Enhance
secretion of

Mammary Milk synthesis


TSH Thyroid Growth of thyroid Triiodothyronin (T3) Most tissues - stimulates Na-K pumps, metabolic rate,
Gland gland; secreion of heat productuon, alertness, protein synthesis, fetal and
thyroid hormone Thyroxine (T4) childhood growth, and CNS development

Calcitonin Osteoblasts - stimulates calcium deposition and

ossification; reduces blood calcium concentration

Hormones Target Effects Hormone Sign & Symptoms


ADH Kidney Water excretions Calcitriol Intestines - increase absorption of calcium

Erythropoietin Red Bone Marrow - stimulate RBC production

Renin Angiotensinogen - stimulate production of angiotensin I

Smooth Vasoconstriction; regulates Blood Pressure

muscle in

Oxytocin Uterine Uterine contractions


Mammary Milk ejections


Referensi : Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (12th Edn)

Prosedur Pemeriksaan Lab
1. Dexamethasone suppression test (low dose)
• Minum dexametasone 1 mg pukul 23.00. Besok paginya ukur kadar kortisol darah, dapat dilakukan
antara pukul 8-9 pagi pada hari berikutnya.
• Negatif bila kortisol dibawah 1,8µg/dl (50nmol/L)
2. Free cortisol urine 24 jam
• Urine ditampung 24 jam
• Pengumpulan spesimen dapat dilakukan dari pukul 8 pagi - 8 pagi berikutnya. Ketika pengumpulan
spesimen, spesimen harus disimpan di dalam kulkas. Tidak perlu tambahan pengawet untuk
• Normal bila 5-50µg (14-135 nmol)
Referensi :
Harrison Internal Medicine 20ed
J.Yeo KT, Babic N, Hannoush ZC, et al. Endocrine Testing Protocols: Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis. [Updated 2017 May 17]. In: Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Boyce A, et
al., editors. Endotext [Internet]. South Dartmouth (MA):, Inc.
Prosedur Pemeriksaan Lab
3. Kortisol Saliva
• Diambil pada tengah malam
• Pengumpulan air liur ke dalam wadah dapat dilakukan dengan cara meneteskan air liur secara pasif
ke dalam wadah atau dapat mengunyah absorbent cotton pad yang kemudian akan disentrifugasi
untuk mengeluarkan kandungan cairannya untuk dianalisis.
• Untuk menghindari analisis air liur yang tampak berwarna merah muda sebaiknya pengumpulan air
liur dilakukan 30 menit setelah makan, minum, atau menyikat gigi.
• Normal : 0,15 µg/dl (4nmol/L)

Referensi :
Harrison Internal Medicine 20ed
El-Farhan, N, et al. Measuring cortisol in serum, urine and saliva – are our assays good enough?. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 2017. 54(3):

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