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Module 2
Contents: Grooming the self, Dress code for men and Women, Do’s
and Don’ts, social etiquettes and manners, Self confidence- Meaning
and building techniques, Willpower-Increasing the willpower for
Self improvement
It is the process of making yourself look neat & attractive. The thing which you do to make
yourself and your appearance tidy & pleasant.
Personality Development essentially means enhancing and grooming one’s outer and inner self
to bring about a positive change to your life. Each individual has a distinct persona that can be
developed, polished and refined. 
Personal Grooming is basically Etiquette which means “the art of doing the right thing at the
right time in social settings”
A person who is well groomed and follows the etiquette or the standard behavior, stands out in a
crowd. Etiquette is about presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows that you and
your words can be taken seriously. It is about feeling comfortable around people. Grooming is
about “what we do, how we do, what we say and how we say”.
Remember that “there is someone forming a judgement or opinion about you almost every

1)A self assured entrance- Walk into your workplace with confidence.
2)A well timed hand shake- Just 1…..2……3 and release his/her hand.
3)Posture while sitting on your chair-Dont cross your legs as it indicates negativity. If you sit at the edge
of your chair it indicates that you compromise, accept/agree/conclude. Rocking/swinging on the chair
indicates that the person is in full control of the situation.
4)Clothing-Maintain a professional/formal dress code in office. What you wear communicates a lot about
you. So do not wear anything that is unprofessional in your workplace.
5)Communication-Talk as much as required and have a smile on your face, that makes you sound
pleasant. Do not chew, eat or drink anything while you are talking to someone especially, your seniors or
clients at workplace.
6)Introduction-When you introduce yourself to someone, maintain an eye contact and do not
mispronounce someone’s name as that may be offensive.
7)Dining Etiquette-When you have to attend business dinners make sure you offer the other person to eat
first. Do not lean on the table. Do not keep your hands/elbow on the table. Use a fork and a spoon and
behave professionally.
1)Enhance Social Skills
2)Good conversation skills
3)Make a positive First Impression
4)Improve your overall appearance
Male Employees
 Male employees ideally should combine a simple shirt with trousers. Make sure the colours are well
coordinated. Prefer a light color shirt with a dark trouser and vice a versa. Do not wear designer shirts to
work. Prefer plain cotton or linen wrinkle free shirts in neutral colours. Go for brands like Zodiac, Arrow,
Color plus, Louis Philippe, Allen Solly etc. These brands offer good collection of formal office shirts.
 The shirt should be properly tucked into the trouser for the professional look. Prefer full sleeves shirts
at workplace. Never roll up your sleeves.
 Silk ties look best on professionals. Don’t go for designer ties. The tie should neither be too short nor too
long. The tip of the tie ideally should touch the bottom of the belt buckle. Slim ties are not meant for
 Wear leather belts to work preferably in black or brown shades. Do not wear belts with flashy and broad
 Socks must be well coordinated with the outfit.
 Don’t wear shoes that make noise while walking. Prefer soft leather shoes in black or brown color. Make
sure your shoes are polished and laces properly tied. Never wear sports shoes or sneakers to work.
 Shave daily. Use a good after shave lotion and make sure your skin does not look dry and flaky.
 Body odor is a big turn off. One must always smell good in public. Use a mild perfume or deodorant.
Female Employees
 Females should not wear revealing clothes to work. Avoid wearing outfits which expose
much of your body parts. Wear clothes which fit you best. Don’t wear too tight or loose
 Understand the basic difference between a party wear and office attire. Never wear low neck
blouses to work. Blouses with deep back or noodle straps are a strict no no at the workplace.
Avoid transparent saris.
 Females who prefer westerns can opt for light colored shirts with dark well fitted trousers. A
scarf makes you look elegant.
 Never wear heavy jewellery to work. Avoid being a make up box. Nails should be trimmed
and prefer natural shades for nail paint.
 Avoid wearing sharp pointed heels to work.
 The colour of the handbag must coordinate with the outfit.
 Eyebrow, naval, lip piercing must be avoided at the workplace.

 Etiquette in simpler words is defined as good behavior which distinguishes human beings from
 Human Being is a social animal and it is really important for him to behave in an appropriate way.
Etiquette refers to behaving in a socially responsible way.
Etiquette refers to guidelines which control the way a responsible individual should behave in
the society.
Need for Etiquette:
 Etiquette makes you a cultured individual who leaves his mark wherever he goes.
 Etiquette teaches you the way to talk, walk and most importantly behave in the society.
 Etiquette is essential for an everlasting first impression. The way you interact with your superiors,
parents, fellow workers, friends speak a lot about your personality and up- bringing.
 Etiquette enables the individuals to earn respect and appreciation in the society. No one would feel
like talking to a person who does not know how to speak or behave in the society. Etiquette
inculcates a feeling of trust and loyalty in the individuals. One becomes more responsible and
mature. Etiquette helps individuals to value relationships

 Never adopt a casual attitude at work

 Don’t peep into other’s cubicles and workstations-Knock before entering anyone’s cabin.
Respect each other’s privacy.
 Put your hand phone in the silent or vibrating mode at the workplace
 Don’t open anyone else’s notepads registers or files without his permission
 It is bad manners to sneeze or cough in public without covering your mouth
 Popping chewing gums in front of co workers is simply not expected out of a professional.
 Stay away from nasty politics at the workplace. Avoid playing blame games.
 Keep your workstation clean and tidy. 
 Never criticize or make fun of any of your colleagues
 Take care of your pitch and tone at the workplace.
 Never attend meetings or seminars without a notepad and pen.
 Reach office on time
 While having lunch together, do not start till the others have received their food.
 It is unethical to share confidential data with external parties and any other individual who is
not related to the organization.
 Make sure you turn off the monitor while you go out for lunch or tea breaks. 
 Park you car at the space allocated to you
 Never ever drink while you are at work
 Do not leave the restroom with taps on.
 Don’t bring your personal work to office
Good manners are a set of behaviors which mark someone as a civilized and cultured member of
a society.
Guidelines for good manners:
1. Be polite and Respectful to others
2. Always work to make others feel comfortable
3. Treat everyone with proper Respect
4. Mix honesty with diplomacy and tact
5. Show consideration for others
6. Be flexible
7. Never Humiliate

Man is a social animal and rightfully so he or she must follow certain social etiquettes that are
appreciated by one and all. Everyone wants to be socially accepted and hence all of us want to engage
in social conversations. Social etiquette tips help us to be correct with our mannerisms, communication
and our behavior in general.
 While conversing with a group of people, you need to be polite, humble and sophisticated.
  use language effectively and do not forget saying basic polite words like thank you, please, welcome,
sorry etc. wherever necessary.
 When a group of people are talking, always allow others to talk and only when they finish, make your
 Always ask relevant and appropriate questions.(Hence, read newspapers regularly and keep yourself
aware of what I happening socially and in the world in general)
 social etiquette conversations are pleasant and short.
 While conversing with people make an eye contact with everyone.
  personal hygiene is also an important part of social etiquette.
1. Participation in a social event
 Preparation for the occasion
 Physical appearance during the social occasion
 Arrival and Departure from a social function
 Self-conduct in Public

2. Interpersonal etiquette
 Forms of Greetings
 Handshakes
 Interpersonal introduction
 Etiquette of conversation
 Dealing with persons of the opposite gender

3. Social drinking etiquette

4. Meal service and eating manners and
5. Social graces and customs
1. Business is a part of the society
2. Understanding Etiquettes
3. Cross-cultural Differences
4. Do not be Overwhelmed
5. Ways to learn
6. Body posture
7. Talk confidently
8. Walk confidently
9. Head position
10. Distance
11. Lips Movement
12. fidgeting
Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust
yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well,
and have a positive view of yourself.
Self-confidence is a person's belief or trust in their own ability. An example of self-
confidence is a guitarist knowing they're able to play a particular song really well.
Factors affecting Self-Confidence:
1. Childhood
2. Teen years
3. Adulthood
4. Behaviors
5. Misconceptions
6. perception
Importance of Self-confidence:
1. Self-confident people are able to meet work deadlines
2. Self-confident people have a positive outlook
3. Self-confident people are often healthier
4. Self-confident can spend more quality time at home
5. Self confident people have a higher income
6. People look-up to self confident people.

1. Emphasize Strengths
2. Take risks
3. Use self talk
4. Self evaluate
Willpower is the ability to resist short term temptations in
order to meet long term goals. Willpower is the main virtue
that aids in developing inner power and control the
unnecessary and useless habits.
Increasing the willpower for Self-Improvement:
1. Increase the capacity for pressure, learn how to manage
2. Encourage yourself to stick to the plan
3. Get more sleep to help the brain manage energy better
4. Meditate
5. Better exercise and Nutrition, the most ignored route to
higher Willpower.
1. Boosts the brain
2. Helps to stay away from negativity
3. Develops self control
4. Helps to develop focus on goal
5. Gives the power to Handle Difficulties

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