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What is Leading?
Management function which
involves influencing others to engage in
the work behaviors necessary to reach
organizational goals.

Legitimate Referent
Power Power
Bases of

Reward Coercive
Power Power
Traits of Effective Leaders

A high level of
The desire to lead Personal integrity Self confidence
personal drive

Knowledge of the
Analytical ability
company, industry Charisma Creativity
or judgement
or technology

Technical skills


Conceptual skills
Technical skills
 Enables a leader to understand and make
decisions about work processes, activities,
and technology.
 Specialized knowledge needed to perform a
 A leader possessing technical skills related to
his area will be more confident in
performing his functions.
Human skills
 Ability of a leader to deal with people, both
inside and outside the organization.
 Good leaders must know how to get along
with people, motivate them, and inspire them.

• Motivating • Training and

• Coaching development
• Communicating • Help and
• Morale building supportiveness
• Delegating
Conceptual skills
 “The ability to think in abstract terms, to see
how parts fit together to form the whole.”
 A very basic requirement for effective
implementation is a clear and well-expressed
presentation of what must be done.
According to ways leadership
leaders approach
people to motivate
them Negative


According to the
Behavioral Approach way the leader
uses power Participative


According to the Employee

leader’s orientation orientation
towards tasks and
people Task
Ways Leaders Approach People

Leader’s approach Leader’s approach

emphasizes rewards like emphasizes punishments
increase in monthly in a form of reprimand,
salary and membership in suspension or dismissal.
an advisory committee.
Ways leader uses power

Autocratic Leaders Participative Leaders Free – Rein Leaders

Leaders Orientation Toward Task and People
Leaders may be classified according to how they view task and people.
Consequently, a leader may either be (1) employee oriented or (2) task oriented.

Employee Orientation. A leader is said to be employee oriented when he considers

employee as human beings of “intrinsic importance and with individual and personal
need to satisfy”.

Task Orientation. A leader is said to be task-oriented if he places stress on production

and the technical aspects of the job and employee are viewed as the means of getting the
work done.
Contingency Approaches to
Leadership Style

Hersey and
Blanchard’s Path-Goal Model Vroom’s Decision
Situational of Leadership Making Model
Fiedler’s Contingency Model
• “Leadership is effective when the leader’s style is appropriate to the
situation.” – Fred Fiedler
To be effective, the situation must
Situational characteristics is fit the leader. If not so, the ff. may
determined by 3 principal factors: be tried.
1. Relations between leaders and 1. Change the leader’s trait.
followers 2. Select leaders whose behavior
2. Structure of the task, and is fitting the situation.
3. Power inherent in the leader’s 3. Move leaders around the
position. organization.
4. Change the situation.
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational
• Hersey and Blanchard suggests that the most important factor
affecting the selection of a leader’s style is the development level of
the subordinate. The leader should match his or her style to this
maturity level.
• Job skills and knowledge, and
• Psychological maturity
• Blanchard and others elaborated on the leadership styles appropriate
for various maturity level of subordinates.
• Style 1 – Directing • Style 3 – Supporting
• Style 2 – Coaching • Style 4 - Delegating
Path Goal Model of Leadership

Leader Identifies Appropriate goals Leader connects Leader Provides

Employee needs are established rewards with goals Assistance

Both employees
Employee becomes
and organization Effective
satisfied and accept
better reach with performance occurs
the leader
The End

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