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Factors Influencing the  Design and Selection
of Packaging Material

Food Packaging (FST-410)

Presented to:  Mam Amara Annie

Presented by:  Ayesha Shafique (17-uglc-603)
                           Amber Arshad (17-uglc-604)
                           Waqar Ibrahim (17-uglc-650)
                           Adnan Ali Zahid (17-uglc-621)
• It can be considered as a combination of art, science and technology
that is used in the transportation and selling of foods.
• To protect food products from the outside environment and from
damage by abrasion, to contain the food, and to provide consumers with
information about ingredients and nutrition.
• The main requirement of food packaging is to maintain the safety,
wholesomeness and quality of food.
Factors Influencing the design of
Food package:
1. Protection
2. Design and Structure
3. Appearance
4. Acceptance
5. Cost
6. Re-designing
7. Environmental & Legal Issues
• To protect the product from damage during shipping and handling.
• To lessen the decaying in case the product is exposed to foul air or other
harmful factors by accident
Design and Structure
• Good packaging design and proper structure can add value to a product. 
• Structure of a package enhances the quality of the product while the design
give the product an appealing look.
•  Package design should be attractive enough to capture customers’ attention 
•  Particularly important for customers who are not very familiar with the
• Package designs are not just to attract the end user, they also have to be
accepted and liked by distributors who are going to sell the product
• Retailer may not be interested in your package if it does not conform to the
requirements they have, for storing the products and displaying them on the
• Product can be a significant portion of its selling price. 
• Make smart packaging decisions in order to reduce the product’s selling price
and possibly lead to higher profits due to increase in sales.
• Use new materials and develop innovative structures to reduce costs, be more
environmentally friendly, or increase functionality.
• Developing an entirely new package for your product can be expensive but it is
also important to be part of the trend, since your product should appeal to
your consumers.  
• Re-designing the package if your product packaging requires an update

Environmental & Legal Issues: 

• While deciding on the package structure and design,
you should also include assessment of its
environmental impact especially for product
packages that are frequently discarded. 
• Ensure that you create packages that do not infringe
on intellectual property, such as trademarks,
copyrights or patents held by others companies. 
Factors influencing the selection of
packaging material
1. Secure and Durable
2. Easy to Use
3. Always Widely Available
4. Product security
5. Environmental friendliness and regulations
6. Branding and marketing
Securable and Durable
• Packaging should be reasonably strong, the amount of protection needed will
ofcourse, depend on the fragility of your product
• Food composition and its physical state (i.e., solid, liquid, powder)
• Knowledge of the various deteriorative reactions that might occur
• Intended storage conditions (including the time of storage)
Easy to Use
• The more complex the packaging, the longer it will take you to prepare products
for sale
• Package should be easy to open,re-sealable or light-weight
Product security
• To avoid damages during transit, you should use a packaging material that will
not burst under pressure
• The packaging should have high level of integrity to maintain the quality of the
• It should be impervious to avoid absorption of foreign flavour, which will
reduce product acceptability
• Use a packaging material with a tamper proofing capability

Always Widely Available

Packaging material should easily be available because packaging supplies are one
of those things that you’ll run out of from time to time
Environmental friendliness and regulations
• Use a packaging material that does not load the environment or will not be affected
by the local climate
•  Using plastic packaging material in extremely high temperature zones may pose a
health risk to the consumer due to contamination by the plastics
• Make sure to abide by the regulations of the country in which you are running your
business. Some countries have banned the use of plastic materials

Branding and marketing

• Use brand-able packaging materials to make them more appealing to the consumers
• Packaging Strategy Maintain uniformity within the brand’s family of product (e.g.,
do not want to make a very different product so that consumers do not recognize
the brand)
• The packaging material you choose to use should be shelf-ready, i.e. it should stack
readily in an appealing fashion in the shelves

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