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Bagus Adi Luthfi

Mahasiswa S3 FIA UI
Vision & Mission Analysis
• Mission is “to bringing the best user experience to its • Improving the lives of people.

customers through its innovative hardware, software, • Empowerment of the public

• Top-quality products
and services.”

• Apple vision statement is “We believe that we are on • Innovations

• Integration of partners and excellence
the face of the earth to make great products and
• Market specialization
that’s not changing.
Sejarah Apple

• 1976–1984: The Founders Build a Company

• 1985–1997: Professional Managers Fail to Extend the Company

• 1998–2001: Jobs Leads Apple “Back to the Future”

• 2002–2006: A Corporate Renaissance?

• 2007–Present: Mobile Consumer Electronics Era

Corporate Structure

Steve Jobs memegang peran yang sangat

sentral dalam pengambilan keputusan
perusahaan dengan berperan sebagai
Director dan CEO sekaligus eksekutif
Current Performance
• The company’s customers were primarily in the consumer, SMB, education, enterprise, government, and
creative markets.
• The company utilized a variety of direct and indirect distribution channels, such as its retail stores, online
stores, and direct sales force, as well as third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers, and
value-added resellers.
• During 2010, net sales in the Americas segment increased $5.5 billion or 29% compared to 2009
• During 2010, net sales in Europe increased $6.9 billion or 58% compared to 2009
• During 2010, Japan’s net sales increased $1.7 billion or 75% compared to 2009
• Net sales in Asia-Pacific increased $5.1 billion or 160% during 2010 compared to 2009
• Retail net sales increased $3.1 billion or 47% during 2010 compared to 2009
Current Performance
External Factors Value Score Comments
Digital lifestyle consumer 0,2 5 1 Wide range of digital product
Mobile consumer electronics 0,1 5 0,5 ease to use product Berdasarkan hasil EFAS dapat disimpulkan
Multi market segment 0,1 4 0,4 product customization
bahwa Apple dapat memanfaatkan peluang
0,15 5 0,75 The company continued to develop new products
and technologies and to enhance existing products yang ada di dalam lingkungan eksternal,
Rapid technological change that expanded the range of its product offerings
Threats utamanya terkait dengan perubahan perilaku
-Market Leaders konsumen dan kecepatan perkembangan
Agrressive competition 0,15 4 0,60 -Competitor aggressively cut prices and lowered
their product margins to gain or maintain Market
share teknologi sebagai driver utama pertumbuhan
fluctuatives (the company entered into certain bisnis di era ekonomi digital. Disisi lain, Apple
Commodity pricing 0,05 4 0,20
Environmental law 0,05 2 0,10 The company did not anticipate any material relatif dapat menghadapi tantangan yang ada
adverse effects in the future
As of September 25, 2010, the company was di lingkungan eksternal utamanya terkait
subject to the various legal proceedings and
Legal 0,1 2 0,20 claims dengan kompetisi dan perubahan harga
International trade regulations, including tariffs and
antidumping penalties komoditi, namun masih memiliki masalah
One of the company’s customers accounted for terkait dengan isu legal, lingkungan, dan
0,1 2 0,20 11% of net sales in 2009; there was no single
customer that accounted for more than 10% of net
Customer retention sales in 2010 or 2008. loyalitas pelanggan
1   3,95 Apple cukup mampu merespon lingkungan
Total Score eksternal dengan baik
External Factors Weight Rating Value Score Comments

Superior and well-integrated digital lifestyle and productivity Berdasarkan hasil IFAS dapat disimpulkan
Strong brand image 0,2 5 1
bahwa Apple dapat mengeksploitasi
-Commitment for R&D funding
-The company currently held rights to patents and copyrights kekuatan internal yang dimikiki sekaligus
Strong R&D (product innovation) 0,15 4 0,6 relating to certain aspects
-The company had been notified that it may be infringing upon
certain patents or other intellectual property rights of third mampu mengeksplorasi peluang

Production 0,1 4 0,4 the company can manage product backlog

pertumbuhan bisnis melalui peluncuran

The company sold many of its products and resells certain

produk-produk baru dari hasil R&D nya.
Distribution channel 0,1 4 0,4 third-party products in most of its major markets directly to
consumers and businesses through its retail and online stores. Apple mampu melakukan komersialisasi dan
Financial Strength 0,1 4 0,4 Net sales increased menjaga kualitas layanan. Disisi lain Apple
ternya juga memiliki kapasitas yang baik
-Obtained by the company from single or limited sources,
which subjected the company to significant supply and pricing dalam mengatasi kelemahannya meskipun
Limited supply of components & vendor 0,1 4 0,4 -Availability of these components at
acceptable prices, or at all, may be affected if those suppliers dari sisi pengelolaan jaringan masih menjadi
decided to concentrate on the
production of common components tanda tanya.
Leadership Succession 0,15 4 0,6 Highly dependent on Steve Jobs

Retail stores 0,1 3 0,3 The company would incur substantial costs if it were to close
multiple retail stores,
Apple dapat menggunakan sumber daya internal mereka
Total Skor 1   4,1 untuk bersaing
5 Opportunity

Berkaca pada peta ini maka Apple

berada pada kondisi yang favorable.
Dalam posisi ini, Apple memiliki
(3,95 : 4,1) engine yang cukup untuk terus
Weakness Strenghth
meningkatkan pertumbuhan
1 3 5
bisnisnya meskipun persaingan yang
ada semakin ketat dengan tekanan
harga. Apple dengan pilihan strategi
differensiasinya (produk yang unggul)
tekanan harga tidak begitu
Pertanyaan Kasus
• After analyzing Apple’s most recent balance sheets and income statements and integrating that information with his knowledge of the
company, John Tarpey was unsure of his next move. As a senior financial analyst of a securities firm, he was obligated to make a
recommendation. Should he tell his clients to buy, hold, or sell Apple’s common stock?

• Apple dapat terus tumbuh dengan beberapa catatan perbaikan antara lain untuk mengantisipasi isu lingkungan di masa depan, Apple harus
mencari bahan baku alternatif yang lebih ramah lingkungan.

• Kinerja saham Apple meskipun diambil alih oleh Tim Cook berhasil bangkit kembali setelah menurun akibat isu ketergantungan Apple
terhadap Steve Jobs

• Strategi outsourcing untuk bahan baku, komponen, maupun perakitan membuat Apple menjadi efisien dan mendatangkan profit yang lebih

• Apple juga berhasil melakukan ekspansi pasar global yang berpotensi meningkatkan kapitalisasi pasar

• Dengan demikian, sebaiknya menganjurkan kliennya untuk tetap memegang saham Apple dan bahkan menambah porsi kepemilikan dengan
membeli sebagian sahamnya di bursa.

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