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Nama : Inesa syelvia jumaida

Npm : 201013008

Prodi : Informatika

Tugas Bahasa Inggris II

Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Well I will tell you a little about the tourist attraction in
Payakumbuh. one of them is a mangateh field.
PADANG Mangateh, as the locals call it. This area, which is
located on the edge of Payakumbuh City, West Sumatra, has a
beautiful tourist spot. The view of green meadows and thousands
of cows roaming around seems to draw us deep into the
atmosphere of Hobbiton Village located in Matamata, North Island
- New Zealand. Many call it that.
For MP's friends who are interested in traveling while enjoying the cool
rural atmosphere, Padang Atas is the right place to visit. In addition to
easy access to the location, this tourist spot also provides lodging for
those who want to stay for a while, be it with family or groups.
Like tourist attractions in general, Padang Mengatas also presents many
cool things that visitors can enjoy if they come to the place.
1. The natural beauty of Padang Atas is like in New Zealand

Its location which is located at the waist of Mount Sago,

spontaneously you can immediately enjoy and see the panoramic
view of the hilly City of Payakumbuh when the weather is sunny.
In the morning and evening you can also witness the beauty of the
sunrise and sunset among the natural expanses of the mountains
and hills
You can also surround
that use this farm.
this beautiful view on the expanse of meadow which
covers approximately 280 hectares as a pre-wedding photo with your
partner. Selfie spots with a cow background, trees in the middle of the
meadow are also scattered like cows in this place. For those who love
sports, in the morning you can immediately jog on the straight road that
divides the Padang Atas grassland.
2. Tourism in Padang Atas must be booked via online

To travel and stay in Padang Atas, you have to book a place in

advance. Considering that this location is also a Superior Cattle
Breeding and Forage Center for Padang Mengatas (BPTU-HPT) to
enter here you need to ask permission first.

Ok, just a short explanation from me..thank you for listening to me

tell my story..i'm done with assalamualaikum wr wb

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