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Electrical Properties

Electrical Conduction

Ohm’s law V = IR I

Area, A

where I is current (Ampere), V is voltage (Volts) and R is the

resistance (Ohms or ) of the conductor
Resistivity, = RA/l -m), where A is the area and l is the
length of the conductor.
Electrical conductivity
Conductivity, = 1/ = l/RA ( -m)-1
Band Theory
❑Electrons occupy energy states in atomic orbitals
❑When several atoms are brought close to each other in a
solid these energy states split in to a series of energy states
(molecular orbitals).
❑The spacing between these states are so small that they
overlap to form an energy band.
Band Theory
❑The furthest band from the nucleus is filled with valence
electrons and is called the valence band.
❑The empty band is called the conduction band.
❑The energy of the highest filled state is called Fermi energy.
❑There is a certain energy gap, called band gap, between
valence and conduction bands.
❑ Primarily four types of band structure exist in solids.
Band Theory
❑In metals the valence band is either partially filled (Cu) or the
valence and conduction bands overlap (Mg).
❑Insulators and semiconductors have completely filled
valence band and empty conduction band.
❑It is the magnitude of band gap which separates metals,
semiconductors and insulators in terms of their electrical
❑The band gap is relatively smaller in semiconductors while it
is very large in insulators.
Conduction Mechanism
❑An electron has to be excited from the filled to the empty
states above Fermi level (Ef) for it to become free and a charge
❑In metals large number of free valence electrons are
available and they can be easily excited to the empty states
due to their band structure.
❑On the other hand a large excitation energy is needed to
excite electrons in Insulators and semiconductors due the large
band gap.
Empty states


Conduction in Metals
Filled states
Intrinsic Semiconductors
❑Semiconductors like Si and Ge have relatively narrow band
gap generally below 2 eV.
❑Therefore, it is possible to excite electrons from the valence to
the conduction band. This is called intrinsic semi conductivity.
❑Every electron that is excited to the conduction band leaves
behind a hole in the valence band.
❑An electron can move in to a hole under an electrical potential
and thus holes are also charge carriers.

Conduction band

Band gap

Valence band
Intrinsic conductivity
❑Electrical conductivity of a conductor primarily depends on two
parameters – charge carrier concentration, n, and carrier
mobility, . Conductivity, = ne
e is absolute charge (1.6 x 10-19 C).
❑Intrinsic semiconductors have two types charge carriers,
namely electrons and holes
= ne e + p e h
where, n and p are concentration of electron and hole charge
carriers respectively and e and h are their mobility.
❑Since each electron excited to conduction band leaves behind
a hole in the valence band, n = p = ni and
= ne ( e + h) = p e ( e + h) = ni e ( e + h)
Extrinsic Semiconductors
❑The conductivity is enhanced by adding impurity atoms
(dopant) in extrinsic semi conductors . All semi conductors for
practical purposes are extrinsic.
❑A higher valence dopant e.g. P (5+) in Si (4+) creates an extra
electron (n-type) while a lower valence dopant like B (3+) creates
a hole (p-type) as shown in the atomic bonding model below.
❑This increases the charge carrier concentration and hence the
enhancement in conductivity.

Si Si Si Si Si Si Si
Free Hole
Si P Si Si Si B Si Si

Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si

n-type p-type
Extrinsic Semiconductors
❑The band theory model of n-type and p-type extrinsic
semiconductors are shown below.
❑In n-type, for each impurity atom one energy state (known as
Donor state) is introduced in the band gap just below the
conduction band.
❑In p-type, for each impurity atom one energy state (known as
acceptor state) is introduced in the band gap just above the
valence band.
Conduction band

state Band gap Acceptor

Valence band

n-type p-type
Extrinsic conductivity
❑Large number of electrons can be excited from the donor state
by thermal energy in n-type extrinsic semiconductors.
❑Hence, number of electrons in the conduction band is far
greater than number of holes in the valence band, i.e. n >> p
= ne e
❑In p-type conductors, on the other hand, number of holes is
much greater than electrons (p >> n) due to the presence of the
acceptor states.
= pe h
Effect of Temperature
❑Increasing temperature causes greater electron scattering due
to increased thermal vibrations of atoms and hence, resistivity,
, (reciprocal of conductivity) of metals increases (conductivity
decreases) linearly with temperature.
Effect of Temperature
Metals contd…
❑The resistivity of metals depends on two other factors namely,
impurity level and plastic deformation as these generate
scattering centers for electrons.
❑Increase in impurity level results in more scattering centers
and decreases the conductivity.
❑Similarly plastic deformation introduces more dislocations
which act as scattering centers and increase the resistivity.

= t + i+ d
Effect of Temperature
Intrinsic Semiconductors
❑In intrinsic semiconductors the carrier concentration increases
with temperature as more and more electrons are excited due
to the thermal energy.
Effect of Temperature

Extrinsic Semiconductors
❑Temperature dependence of extrinsic semiconductors, on the
other hand is totally different.
❑For example, an n-type conductor exhibits three regions in the
temperature vs. carrier concentration curve.
Effect of Temperature

Extrinsic Semiconductors contd..

❑In the low temperature region known as Freeze-out region,
the charge carriers cannot be excited from the donor level
to conduction band due to insufficient thermal energy.
❑In the intermediate temperature range ( 150 – 450 K) almost
all the donor atoms are ionized and electron concentration is
approximately equal to donor content. This region is known as
Extrinsic region.
❑In the high temperature region sufficient thermal energy is
available for electrons to get excited from the valence to
the conduction band and hence it behaves like an intrinsic
semi conductor.
Electrical properties of some metals at RT

Metal Conductivity Resistivity

( -m)
( -m-1)
Silver 6.8 x 107 1.59 x 10-8
Copper 6.0 x 107 1.68 x 10-8
Gold 4.3 x 107 2.44 x 10-8
Aluminum 3.8 x 107 2.82 x 10-8
Nickel 1.43 x 107 6.99 x 10-8
Iron 1.0 x 107 9.0 x 10-8
Platinum 0.94 x 107 1.06 x 10-7
Electrical properties of some semi
Material Band gap Conductivity n p
(eV) -1 -1 (m2/V-s) (m2/V-s)
( -m )

Si 1.11 4 x 10-4 0.14 0.05

Ge 0.67 2.2 0.38 0.18
GaP 2.25 - 0.03 0.015
GaAs 1.42 1 x 10-6 0.85 0.04
InSb 0.17 2 x 104 7.7 0.07
CdS 2.40 - 0.03 -
ZnTe 2.26 - 0.03 0.01
Dielectric Property
➢A dielectric material is an insulating material which can
separate positive and negatively charged entities.
➢Dielectric materials are used in capacitors to store the
electrical energy.
➢Capacitance, C, is related to charge stored, Q, between
two oppositely charged layers subjected to a voltage V. C =
➢If two parallel plates of area, A, are separated by a distance l
in vacuum, then C = o A/l. o, permittivity of vacuum = 8.85
x 10-12 F/m.
➢If a dielectric material is present between the plates,
C = A/l,is the permittivity of the dielectric medium.
➢Relative permittivity r = / o , also known as
Capacitance and Polarization
➢The orientation of a dipole along the applied electric field is
called polarization (P).
➢It causes charge density to increase over that of a vacuum
due to the presence of the dielectric material so that
D = o + P. is the electric field.
➢D is surface charge density of a capacitor, also called
dielectric displacement.
Types of Polarization
➢Four types of polarization: Electronic, Ionic, Orientation, and
Space charge (interfacial).
➢Electronic polarization is due to displacement of the centre of
the electron cloud around the nucleus under the applied field.
➢Ionic polarization occurs in ionic material as the applied
electric filed displaces the cations and anions in
opposite directions resulting in a net dipole moment.
➢Orientation polarization can only occur in materials having
permanent dipole moments. The rotation of the permanent
moment in the direction of the applied field causes the
polarization in this case.
➢Space charges polarization arises from accumulation of
charge at interfaces in a heterogeneous material consisting of
more than one phase having different resistivity.
➢Ferro-electricity is defined as the spontaneous alignment
of electric dipoles in the absence of an external field.
➢The spontaneous polarization results from relative
displacement of cations and anions from their symmetrical
positions. Therefore, ferroelectric materials must posses
permanent dipoles.
➢Examples of ferroelectric materials: BaTiO3, Rochelle salt
(NaKC4H4O6.4H2O), potassium dihydrogen phosphate
(KH2PO4), potassium niobate (KNbO3), lead zirconate
titanate [Pb (ZrO3, TiO3)].
➢These materials have extremely high dielectric constants
at relatively low applied field frequencies. Hence,
capacitors made from ferroelectric materials are smaller
than those made from other dielectric materials.
➢Piezo-electricity is defined as conversion of electrical
energy into mechanical strain and vice versa.
➢It arises due to polarization induced by an external force.
Thus by reversing the direction of external force, direction of
the established field can be reversed i.e. the application of an
external electric field alters the net dipole length causing a
dimensional change.
➢Application for these materials includes microphones,
ultrasonic generators, sonar detectors, and mechanical strain
➢Examples: Barium titanate, lead titanate, lead zirconate
(PbZrO3),ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
(NH4H2PO4), and quartz.
At the end of this chapter one should be able to understand
➢The source of electrical conductivity
➢Band theory, energy bands and band gap
➢Reasons for high conductivity of metals
➢Semi conductivity – Intrinsic and Extrinsic
➢Effect of temperature on conductivity
➢Dielectric behavior
➢Ferro and Piezo-electricity

Key words: Electrical conductivity; Band theory; Band gap;

Metallic conductors; Semi conductors; Dielectric;
Ferroelectricity; Piezoelectricity.

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