Chapter 2 - Process Equipments PFD

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 ACTIVITY 2: Team activity

 For one-hour class, go to the FKK pilot plant.

 The activity will be done in 15 minutes,

 Will assign time as the following:

◦ 1.50 – 2.05pm: Team 1, 2

◦ 2.05 – 2.20 pm: Team 3, 4
◦ 2.20 – 2.35 pm: Team 5,6
◦ 2.35 – 2.50 pm: Team 7,8
 Compare and Contrast Flow Diagrams:
◦ Block Flow Diagrams (BFD)
◦ Process Flow Diagrams (PFD)
◦ Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&ID)

 Construct PFD and P&ID using an appropriate

engineering drawing
 The flow-sheet is the key document in
process design.
 It shows the arrangement of the equipment

selected to carry out the process.

 drawn up from material and energy balances

made over the complete process.

It is a diagrammatic model of the process
which shows the arrangement of equipment
selected to carry out the process including:
stream connections, names of streams, stream flow
compositions and operating conditions (Temp.,


optional details of streams (molar compositions,

physical data, code no. of streams, enthalpies of

streams, brief description of stream etc)
 specialist design groups as the basis for their
design and plant layout.
 operating personnel for the preparation of

operating manuals and operator training.

 During plant start-up and subsequent

operation, the flow-sheets form a basis for

comparison of operating performance with
 The most effective of communicating a
information about a process is through the
use of flow diagrams!

GOAL: Transmit the most amount of

information with the least amount of effort on
the part of the reader!
 Block Flow Diagram (BFD)
 Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
– often referred to as Mechanical Flow
Complexity Conceptual
increases understanding
As chemical engineers, we are most familiar
with BFD and PFD.
As the process flow-sheet is the definite
document on the process, the presentation
must be clear, comprehensive, accurate and
 BFD shows overall processing picture of a
chemical complex
◦ Flow of raw materials and products may be
included on a BFD
◦ BFD is a superficial view of facility – ChE
information is missing
 Block Flow Process Diagram
◦ Represent by blocks connected
by lines
◦ simplest
◦ Similar to sketches in material
and energy balances
◦ Specific software – No –
MSVisio, MSPower Point, MS
Word also!

 Target product is 37% formaldehyde in water. Known
as formalin
 Occurs of a silver catalyst at 200 oC and 2 – 3 atm
 Reaction 1 is the predominant reaction
 Develop a block flow diagram that describes the
 B.P. Pure formaldehyde = -19.3 oC
B.P. Formalin = 96 oC
R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
 Advantages:  Disadvantages:
◦ useful in initial studies
o With complex processes,
their use is limited to
◦ Useful for showing simple showing the overall
process process
◦ Useful for representing a
process in a simplified o The stream flow-rates
form in reports and and compositions can be
textbooks. shown on the diagram
◦ Useful to show inter- adjacent to the stream
relation of streams lines lines, when only a small
◦ Useful in conveying global, amount of information is
not detailed, material to be shown, or
balance tabulated separately.
 Palm oil is mixed with methanol is a
continuous reactor. The product, fatty acid
methyl ester (FAME) after a complete reaction
is then fed into a distillation column to
purifying. The by-product, glycerol is removed.
The excess methanol after distillation process
is recycled into the feed methanol, while the
FAME is stored in a closed vessel.

Sketch the block flow diagram.

In order to prepare clear, easy to understand and unambiguous block
flow diagrams a number of rules should be followed:
 unit operations such as mixers, separators, reactors, distillation

columns and heat exchangers are usually denoted by a simple block or

 groups of unit operations may be noted by a single block or rectangle.

 process flow streams flowing into and out of the blocks are

represented by neatly drawn straight lines. These lines should either be

horizontal or vertical.
 the direction of flow of each of the process flow streams must be

clearly indicated by arrows.

 flow streams should be numbered sequentially in a logical order.

 unit operations (i.e., blocks) should be labeled.

 where possible the diagram should be arranged so that the process

material flows from left to right, with upstream units on the left and
downstream units on the right.
 PFD shows all process engineering
◦ Shows the connectivity of streams and
equipments Shows flows of product to each
equipment and operations
◦ Often PFD is drawn on large paper
Should include:
 Process Piping
 Major equipment symbols, names and identification
 Control, valves and valves that affect operation of the
 Interconnection with other systems
 Major bypass and recirculation lines
 System ratings and operational values as minimum,
normal and maximum flow, temperature and pressure
 Composition of fluids
R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
Process Equipment General Format XX-YZZ A/B
  XX are the identification letters for the equipment classification
  Example: C - Compressor or Turbine
  E - Heat Exchanger
  H - Fired Heater
  P - Pump
  R - Reactor
  T - Tower
  TK - Storage Tank
  V - Vessel
 XX-YZZ A/B/…
◦ XX represents a 1- or 2-letter designation for the
equipment (P = pump)
◦ Y is the 1 or 2 digit unit number (1-99)
◦ ZZ designates the equipment number for the unit
◦ A/B/… represents the presence of spare equipment

Example: See activity 2

Thus, TT101 is the 1st temperature sensor at tray 1,
XX = TT denotes letter designation for
Temperature sensor, Y = 1 (unit number), 01 =
equipment number for the unit.
 Use unambiguous letters for new equipment
◦ Ex. Turbine use Tb or J not T (used for tower)
◦ Replace old vessel V-302 with a new one of
different design - use V-319 (e.g.) not V-302 –
since it may be confused with original V-302
R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
 Number streams from left to right as much as
 Horizontal lines are dominant

yes no no
R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
 Add arrows for
◦ Change in direction
◦ Inlet of equipment
 Since diagrams are small, not much
stream information can be included
 Include important data – around reactors
and towers, etc.
◦ Flags are used – see toluene HDA diagram
R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
Essential Information
Stream Number
Temperature (°C)
Pressure (bar)
Vapor Fraction
Total Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Total Mole Flow Rate (kmol/h)
Individual Component Flow Rates (kmol/h)
Optional Information
Component Mole Fractions
Component Mass Fractions
Individual Component Flow Rates (kg/h)
Volumetric Flow Rates (m3/h)
Significant Physical Properties
Thermodynamic Data
Heat Capacity
Stream Enthalpy
Stream Name

R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
Preparation for a PFD with a known process
Stream Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Temperature (°C) 25 59 25 225 41 600 41 38 654 90

Pressure (bar) 1.90 25.8 25.5 25.5 25.0 25.5 2.6

25.2 23.9 24.0

Vapor Fraction 0.0 0.0 1.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0

1.0 1.0 1.0

Mass Flow (tonne/h) 10.0 13.3 0.82 20.5 11.6

20.5 6.41 0.36 9.2 20.9

Mole Flow (kmol/h) 108.7 144.2 301.0 758.8 1204.4 42.6 142.2
1204.4 1100.8 1247.0

Component Mole Flow                    


Hydrogen 0.0 0.0 286.0 449.4 735.4 25.2

735.4 651.9 652.6 0.02

Methane 0.0 0.0 15.0 302.2 317.3

317.3 16.95 438.3 442.3 0.88

Benzene 0.0 1.0 0.0 6.6 7.6 106.3

7.6 0.37 9.55 116.0

Toluene 108.7 143.2 0.0 0.7 144.0 35.0

144.0 0.04 1.05 36.0

R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
 Often the basic control
loops (those involving
maintaining material
balance and reactor
controls) are included on
the PFD; instrumentation
and other control loops
are not shown
 Equipment are identified by number and a
label (name) positioned above the equipment
on the PFD
 Basic data such as size and key data are

included in a separate table

Equipment Summary
Vessel V-101 V-102
Temperature (ºC) 55 38
Pressure (bar) 2.0 24
Orientation Horizontal Vertical
Height/Length 5.9 3.5
Diameter (m) 1.9 1.1
Internals s.p. (splash plate)
 A PFD can be computer generated from
process simulators (Aspen Plus, Aspen
HYSYS, Aspen Custom Modeler, etc), CAD
packages, or flow chart software using a
library of chemical engineering symbols.
Rules and symbols are available from
standardization organizations such
as DIN, ISO or ANSI. Often PFDs are produced
on large sheets of paper.
P&ID –
Contains: plant construction information
(piping, process, instrumentation, and
other diagrams)
 shows the piping of the process flow
together with the installed equipment and
 uses specific symbols to show the
connectivity of equipment, sensors, and
valves in a control system
P&ID –
 provide more detail than a process flow
diagram with the exception of the
parameters, i.e. temperature, pressure,
and flow values.
 can be created by hand or computer. Common
programs, for both PC and Mac, that create
P&IDs include Microsoft Visio (PC)
and OmniGraffle (Mac).
R. Turton and J. A.
Shaeiwitz - Copyright 2008
Information on
equipment layout is
most clearly
conveyed through a
3-D plant layout
 The three principal diagrams (BFD, PFD, and P&ID)
are used to convey increasingly specific technical
information about a process.
 Important to adhere to common standards for
these diagrams in order to avoid confusion
 Information on equipment layout is most clearly
conveyed through a 3-D plant layout diagram.

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