Accident Prevention Plan (APP) : Hale Lua Corp

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Accident Prevention


Hale Lua
Accident Prevention
Plan(APP) Checklist

Accident Prevention Plan(APP) Checklist

Accident Prevention Plans

 Signature Sheet - (Title, Signature, and

Phone number)
 Plan Preparer - (Safety, QC)
 Plan Approval - (Owner, Co. President,
Regional VP
 Plan - Concurrence - (Other
corporate/project personnel/IH/Project
Plan Prepared by: Safety Director

Plan Approval: , President

Plan Concurrence: Project Manager/Engineer/QC Manager

, Alternate QC Manager

, Project Superintendent
Accident Prevention Plans
 Background Information
 Contractor
 Contract Number
 Project Name
 Project Description
 Description of work performed/location
Background Information
Contractor: Hale Lua Corporation
Contract Number: N62742-02-XXXX
Project Name: Repair Water Tank, NCTAMS
The scope of work involves replacement of the exterior
stairway and balcony, modification of the rooftop
railing, repair of the water tank and structural steel
bracing, installation of new roofing for the Control
Office, and exterior painting of the entire signal tower
and elevator.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Background Information
 Contractor Accident Experience
 Experience Modification Rate
 OSHA 300 Forms

 Corporate Trend Analysis

 Phases of Work & Hazardous Activities

 Activity Hazard Analysis
Background Information

Workmen’s Compensation Modification Factor (EMR)

2006 – 2007 105%
2005 – 2006 110%
2004 – 2005 87%
2003 – 2004 93%
2002 – 2003 87%
Background Information
Search Options

Establishment Date Range RID State Limits Include Exclude

Hale Lua 2002-07-01 2007-12-31 All HI 100/2500    

Found 2 -- Processed 2 -- Selected 2 -- Displayed 2

Activity Open Report S Vi

    Type Sc SIC Establishment Name
Nr Date ID t o

H Planne Com Gussie L' Amour'S Dance Hall & N080

1 30142756 03/09/07 0951510 581 3
3 I d p 3 Saloon 000018573

H Planne Com
2 01464261 06/18/07 0951510 581 2 Hula'S Bar & Lei Stand 0951510
5 I d p 3
Background Information
Hale Lua’s safety trend analysis shows a definite decrease in the amount of reportable injuries and
illnesses within the time period of November 2005 to November 2007. From a total of 19 claims in
the time period 11/30/04 to 11/30/05 the trend analysis indicates the majority of injuries can be
attributed to lacerations and sprains/strains. Safety Toolbox meetings were used to address
training on proper lifting techniques and the proper use of personal protection equipment which was
provided the employees. The trend analysis for the time period 11/30/05 to 11/30/06 shows a
remarkable reduction in claims, from 19 claims the previous year to a total of 6 claims. Of these 6
claims, three were of “foreign matter in eyes, ” or eye injuries. Lacerations and sprains were
reduced to just 1 reported claim each and the sixth injury was due to an employee hitting himself in
the foot with a pick. Due to the amount of eye injuries, Hale Lua made it mandatory for all
employees to wear eye protection at all times when on the jobsite. The protective glasses are
provided for by Hale Lua. The last reported time period, from 11/30/06 to 11/30/07, once again
showed an even lower claim rate of just two reported cases. One involved “employee misconduct”
involving smoke irritation to respiratory tract because an individual exposed himself to smoke, by
entering a smoke filled room although he was not a part of the fire watch nor trained to fight a fire.
This employee was given a written warning and received required training on emergency
procedures prior to being returned to work. The other injury occurred when the employee’s finger
got smashed while handling PVC pipe. This injury occurred due to the repetitive job task that was
being done and the failure, by the employee, to pay attention to the tasks being performed.
Employee was wearing proper protective equipment (gloves) but still sustained injuries by the PVC
pipe crushing the fingers against a concrete wall. Overall assessment of trend analysis
demonstrates improvement in the number of reportable injuries and illnesses, and that the accident
prevention program is working and is effective.
Background Information
Phases of Work:
Pavement Repair
Chain Link Fence
Cast-in-place Concrete
Structural Steel
Metal Fabrication
Rough Carpentry
Roof and Deck Insulation
Flashing and Sheet Metal
Asbestos Abatement
Lead Abatement
Craning – No Critical Lift Anticipated
Installation of Safety Nets
Installation of Anchor Points for Fall Protection
Accident Prevention Plans

 Statement of Safety & Health Policy

 Corporate Policy Statement/Corporate
Safety Plan
 May provide a significant portion of the
information required by the APP
Statement of Safety & Health Policy
The safety and health of each and every employee of Hale Lua, is of primary importance.
Therefore, I am issuing the following policy statement:
It is the policy of this company that every employee is entitled to work under the safest
possible conditions for the construction industry. To this end, every reasonable effort will
be made in the interest of accident prevention, fire protection, and health preservation.
A comprehensive safety and health program shall be maintained with the objective of
reducing the number of accidents and injuries to an absolute minimum. To be successful,
such a program must embody the proper attitudes towards accident prevention on the part
of both the supervisors and employees. It also requires cooperation in all safety and health
matters, not only between supervisor and employee, but also between employee and his or
her fellow worker. It is only through cooperation that such programs can work effectively.
Joe Greencross, Safety Manager will coordinate the safety program. On each job or shop,
the job superintendent/shop foreman will be responsible for implementing this safety
program. All employees shall adhere to the rules, regulations, and other provisions of our
safety program.
Accident Prevention Plans

 Responsibilities & Lines of Authority

 Identification & Accountability of Personnel
responsible for safety at both the corporate and
project level (for contracts specifically requiring
safety or IH personnel should include copy of
 Lines of Authority

H a le L u a
C o r p o r a tio n

P r e s id e n t

S a f e t y D ir e c t o r

P r o je c t S u p e r i n t e n d e n t

Q C M an ager
Safety is the responsibility of all personnel at Hale Lua. Each
employee will be held accountable for his or her personal
safety. Specific responsibilities regarding safety will be as
 President:
a.  Ultimately held responsible for the safety and health of all
personnel at Hale Lua.
b.  Will delegate the specific duties of safety to subordinates
and hold these responsible subordinates accountable for their
respective areas.
c.  Will require documentation of safety meetings and require
continuous updates regarding safety issues.

Safety Director:
a.  Will administer overall safety program.
b.  Will review accident reports.
c.  Will review recommendations of accident reports and
inspection reports.
d.  Will develop policies with regards to safety.
e.  Will conduct management level safety meetings.
f.   Will research standards, regulations, etc. for safety
g.  Will report directly to the President.
h.  Will coordinate with Carriers, Agencies, and outside
i.    Will require documentation of safety meetings, etc. from

Project Manager/Job Superintendents/Shop Foremen:

a.  Will be responsible for safety on each individual job and in each shop.
b.  Will maintain an accident prevention program.
c.  Will pass safety information along to all their foremen.
d.  Will educate and train their employees on safe working procedures.
e.   Will conduct foreman’s meetings at which job or shop work progress
hazards, accidents, and other work and safety items will be discussed.
Written records of these meetings will be maintained.
f.  When necessary, will work with the general contractor/subcontractors,
etc., on physical changes or new safety requirement.
g.  Will be responsible for administering disciplinary actions.
h.  Will determine if immediate medical attention by a physician is needed
when it is warranted.

a.  Will, in the event of an accident, make sure that the

necessary action to prevent similar-type accidents has
been and/or that others working under his direction are
re-instructed or cautioned as needed.

b.  Will prepare and hold “tool box” meetings with his

workers at which accident and other information
concerning safety of his workers and their work are

c.  Will be responsible for the employees’ performance in

adhering to the work rules set forth in the company
safety rules.

a. Will complete an indoctrination covering EM 385-1-1 topics relevant
to the contract.
a.    Will be responsible for their personal safety while employed
at Hale Lua.
b.    Will follow all company rules and regulations regarding
c.    Will adhere to the accident prevention program of Hale Lua.
d.    Will use proper personal protective equipment when
e.    Will ask questions if uncertain about any issue.
f.     Will inform their supervisors of safety issues with their work
g.    Will attend all safety related meetings.
h.    Will immediately report all injuries to their job
superintendents/foreman, no matter how trivial it may be.
Accident Prevention Plans

 Subcontractors & Suppliers

 Identification
of Subs & Suppliers
 Means of controlling & coordinating Subs
and Suppliers
 Safety Responsibilities of Subs and
Subcontractors & Suppliers
 Subcontractors:
XYZ Roofing
Associated Steel - Crane
J&M Sheet Metal – Sheet Metal/Flashing
Emerald Painting - Painter
Leadee Co – Asbestos/Lead
 Suppliers:
ABC. – Safety Nets and Scaffolds
All Steel – Steel Fabricator
Subcontractors & Suppliers
The following is taken from Hale Lua’s subcontract agreement with
the various Subcontractors:
1.  Subcontractor will comply fully with all laws, orders, regulations and
statutes with respect to safety, accident prevention, safety equipment and
practices, and in particular, agrees to comply with EM385-1-1 Federal
(OSHA) and State codes and the Contractor’s safety and health program.
Subcontractor will conduct inspections to determine that safe working
conditions and equipment exist and accept sole responsibility for
providing a safe place to work for its employees and for employees of its
subcontractors and materialsmen and for the adequacy of and required
use of all safety equipment.
Subcontractors & Suppliers

Safety Responsibilities of Subcontractors and Suppliers – The

following is taken from Hale Lua’s subcontract agreement with the
various Suppliers:
Suppliers will comply with all safety, pollution control, noise control and
environmental laws and regulations. Supplier’s personnel will attend
safety meetings organized on site by Contractor. Supplier’s personnel
will not bring radios and/or tape players of any kind onto the jobsite.
Suppliers will conduct their own safety meetings on site at least weekly.
Suppliers will submit a written outline describing their safety program
and will implement that program.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Training
List subjects to be discussed with
employees in safety indoctrination
List mandatory training/certifications
- explosive tools, confined space,
forklift, crane operator, fall
protection, HAZWOPER, PPE, etc.
The following is extracted from Hale Lua’s Safety Manual given to each
employee when they start work.
General Safety Information
1.      Injury Reporting
2.      Clothing
3.      Drugs, Alcohol, Narcotics
4.      Running
5.      Horseplay
6.      Signs
7.      Lifting
8.      Minimum PPE Requirements
9. Topics in EM 385-1-1 relevant to the contract.
Accident Prevention Plans

 Training
Requirements for emergency
response training
Outline Requirements - attendees,
when given, who will give for
supervisory and employee
To accomplish the project without injury, good communications is necessary
between employee, supervisor, fellow employees and the employees of other
contractors on the project. Prior to starting a project, a qualified person shall
conduct an indoctrination of the requirements of EM 385-1-1 relevant to the project
to familiarize the workforce with any probable hazards that may arise, and instate
necessary safety precautions. It is mandatory that everyone working on the Project
receive safety indoctrination prior to them starting work. The general contractor
has notified all sub-contractors of this requirement. EM 385-1-1 indoctrination are
available by contacting Joe Greencross; Site Safety & Health Officer for Hale Lua,
for scheduling. In addition, weekly safety meetings shall be conducted thereafter to
reiterate safety precautions and accident prevention procedures with activity
specific topics at the supervisory level. Material Safety Data Sheets will be made
readily available for all hazardous substances associated with the project. Training
on these substances and their safe usage shall be conducted at weekly toolbox
meetings for employees along with the weekly safety meeting for foremen and
superintendents of all trades involved. Employees shall be given instructions on
the proper reporting procedures in the event of a hazardous condition and the
unlikely event of an accident. Communication between all parties involved helps
prevent accidents and insure a safe working environment.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Safety and Health Inspections
 Who will conduct
 When Inspections will be conducted
 How Inspections will be recorded
 Tracking Systems
 Follow-up Procedures
 External Inspections/Certifications
Safety & Health Inspections
 The Hale Lua safety inspection will be
conducted by the Joe Greencross, Site
Safety & Health Officer, at least daily on
this project. The inspection form will
be maintained on each project.
Deficiencies will be followed-up by the
QC Representative before the following
weekly safety meeting on Mondays.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Safety & Health Expectations, Incentive
Programs, & Compliance
 Company written safety program goals, objectives
& accident experience goals
 Company safety incentive programs
 Policies and procedures for Non-compliance
 Written Company procedures for accountability of
managers and supervisors.
Safety & Health Expectations,
Incentive Programs & Compliance
 It is the objective of Hale Lua, to conduct all
work in an accident-free environment. The
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Safety and
Health Requirements Manual, EM 385-1-1,
dated 3 November 2003, will be used as our
guideline in implementing this safety
program. Additional OSHA, State and local
safety regulations will also be incorporated
in this program as required.
Safety & Health Compliance
 As it is the responsibility of each job
superintendent/shop foreman to train and educate each
employee at Hale Lua, it is also the responsibility of
each employee to follow all rules and regulations while
employed at Hale Lua.
 All job superintendents/shop foremen will enforce
company rules and regulations as outlined in the Safety
Program. The following are guidelines, which the job
superintendent/foreman will take when an employee
fails to observe company rules and regulations.
Safety & Health Compliance
may include removing the employee away
from the job and talking to the employee.
NOTE: These verbal warnings should be
documented in file and include an
explanation of the infraction and type of
counseling conducted.
Safety & Health Compliance



WRITTEN WARNING: Written warnings shall include a

letter to the employee in violation of the rule or
regulation with copies of the letter to the President and
Safety Director.
This letter shall explain the type of infraction, location
and date of infraction, dangerous situation present, and
type of counseling conducted previously and by whom.
Safety & Health Compliance
TERMINATION: All previous correspondence shall be attached
to the termination letter along with similar information outlined
in the Written Warning section of this policy.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Accident Reporting
 Identify who completes:
 Exposure Data (Man-hours Worked)
 Accident Investigations, Reports, Logs

 Immediate Notification of Major Mishaps

 How
 When
Accident Reporting
 The Site Safety & Health Officer for this
project will report this information
monthly and in turn/send it to the main
office in care of Hale Lua’s Safety
Accident Reporting

 Notification of Major Accidents:

 The SSHO, after taking care of the immediate
medical issues, will notify Hale Lua’s Safety
Director, who in turn will notify Hale Lua’s
worker’s compensation carrier if a claim
exists. The SSHO will also immediately
notify the ROICC/PWD of any incident.
Accident Prevention Plans

 Medical Support
 Outline
on-site medical support and off-
site medical arrangements
Medical Support

 Off-Site Medical Support

 Hospital: Pali Momi Medical Center
 98-1079 Moanalua Road
 Aiea, Hawaii 96701
 Hospital Phone No.: 485-4300
 Pearl Harbor Ambulance: 474-7116
Doctor: Emergency Room Physician
Pearl Harbor Fire: 471-7117
Medical Support
It shall be the policy of Hale Lua to have first aid kits on hand at areas most
accessible to employees and in the proximity of those areas where
accidents are most likely to occur. Each site or location will be responsible
for keeping the first aid kits adequately supplied.
First aid kits will be provided at a ratio of one for every 25 employees or less.

The safety director will consult the job superintendent/ foreman and make
recommendations as to the location of the first aid kits. The location of the
first aid equipment shall be made known to all employees on premises. The
safety director will make periodic checks of the first aid equipment at each

As a measure to provide immediate first aid attention to personnel who suffer

minor injuries, Hale Lua has designated personnel on staff who are trained
in first aid.

There shall be at least two employees on premises for each shift who are
trained and qualified to administer first aid and CPR. The employees shall
have the certification on his or her person at all times.
Accident Prevention Plans

 Personal Protective Equipment

 Outline Procedures
 Who, When, Where
 Conducting Hazard Assessments & Written Certifications
for use of PPE
 Minimum requirements on NAVFAC Pacific projects
 Hard Hats, Safety Boots, Long Trousers, Shirts with
Sleeves and Reflective Vests.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Plans (Programs, Procedures) Required by
EM 385-1-1
 Hazard Communication, Emergency Response
Plans, Layout Plans, Respiratory Protection,
Health Hazard Control Program, Lead & Asbestos
Abatement Plans, Abrasive Blasting, Confined
Space, Hazardous Energy Control Plan, Critical
Lift Procedures, Demolition, Fall Protection,
Diving, Tree Trimming, etc.
Plans Required by EM 385-1-1
 Hazard Communication Program
 Material Safety Data Sheets will be made available at the Hale Lua job site office
for all Hazardous Materials defined by Federal Standard No. 313 per EM 385-1-1
01.B.06. Upon request, an index of hazardous material being introduced to the
site will be provided.
 All containers to be stored on site will be labeled with an approved labeling
system. Color codes will distinguish hazardous materials:

 Red: Highly flammable with flash point of less than 140 degrees.
 Blue: Toxic chemical health hazard material.
 Yellow: Reactive or unstable.
 White: Corrosive infectious or radioactive.
 If hazardous materials are stored on site, every precaution shall be taken to
ensure that these items are protected and secured from the general public and
contractor personnel. At this time, no hazardous materials are anticipated to be
brought to the job site.
Plans Required by EM 385-1-1
 Hazardous Energy Control Plan:
 Hale Lua will implement a Hazardous Energy Control Plan as described in EM 385-1-1, Section
 The Job-Site Superintendent and QC Manager will have overall responsibility in ensuring that
the procedures of the Hazardous Energy Control Plan are being followed. The authorized
employees that will lockout or tagout the applicable systems will be the Electrical Foreman for
electrical systems or the Mechanical Foreman for mechanical systems.
 Before work begins in the affected area, the authorized employee will verify that the applicable
system is shut down, isolated or blocked by means of the proper lockout or tagout devices.
Before the lockout or tagout devices are removed the authorized employee will inspect the work
area to ensure that it is safe reenergize the system.
 All employees will be informed of the procedures and prohibitions regarding the lockout and
tagout of energy hazard systems. In addition, all employees affected by the lockout or tagout
will be notified, before and upon completion of, the application or removal of lockout or tagout
Plans Required by EM 385-1-1
 Critical Lift Procedures:
 Hale Lua will be lifting material on to the roof
of the Signal Tower. Hale Lua will use its
own Linkbelt Crane 25 ton capacity for this
effort. A critical lift plan IAW 16.C.18 will be
followed and submitted prior to each lift.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Hale Lua shall provide how they will meet the
requirements of the major sections of EM
385-1-1 in the Accident Prevention Plan.
 Excavations, Scaffolding, Medical & First Aid,
Sanitation, PPE, Fire Protection, Machinery &
Mechanized Equipment, Electrical, Public
Safety, Fall Protection, Chemical, Biological
Hazards, etc.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Hale Lua will install fencing around the entire
perimeter of the project and construction warning
sign will be installed every 300 feet.
 100 % Fall Protection will be required for all work
performed above 6 feet. Anchor points will be
installed to hold 5000 lbs/person. All personnel
working at elevated levels will be provided with full
body harnesses and decelerating lanyards. They
will receive fall protection training before being
assigned to this type of work.
Accident Prevention Plans
 Class Exercise
 Break up into 4 Groups
 Using the Accident Prevention Plan (APP)
checklist, determine if the APP submitted
by Hale Lua can be accepted by the
 Each group will present to the class their
acceptance or rejection of the APP and the
Accident Prevention Plans

Questions ??
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM
 Before beginning each work activity
 Involving a type of work presenting hazards
not experienced in previous project
 Or where a new work crew or subcontractor is
to perform work
 AHA prepared by contractor performing work
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM

 Work will not begin until the AHA for

the work activity has been accepted by
the GDA and discussed with all
engaged in the activity including the
 Contractor
 Sub-Contractor

 Government on-site representative

During the preparatory and initial control

phase meetings.
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM
Prepared for each Activity
 hazards associated with activity
 Generally AHA shall be prepared for all
field operations
 With advice from FEC OSH Office
 determine need for analysis for each activity
within their AOR
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM
 Principal Steps
 Potential Safety/Health Hazards
 Recommended Controls
 Equipment To Be Used
 Inspection Requirements
 Training Requirements
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM

Principal Steps
 Identify
the principal steps involved and
the sequence of work activities
Clearing and Earthwork Building Concrete
 Utilities  Excavation
 Scarifying  Rough Grading
 Equipment  Building Layout
-Mob, Maintenance, Repair  Set Forms
-Exposure to vehicular  Rebar Installation
equipment Traffic
 Utilities
 Traffic Control
 Concrete Placement
 Project Fencing
 Strip Forms
 Dust Control
 Clean Up
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM

Potential Hazards
 Analyze each principle step for potential
Clearing and Earthwork Utilities – Potential Hazards
 Utilities  Foot Hazards
 Scarifying  Dropped Objects
 Equipment  Twist/Sprain Ankles
 Operator  Heat Stroke
 Maintenance and repair of  Sunburn
 Struck by Vehicular or
 Fueling of equipment
Equipment Traffic
 Overnight parking
 Vermin (Yellow Jackets,
Centipede, Scorpion)
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM
Potential Hazards
Is there danger of striking against, being struck by, or otherwise making injurious
contact with an object?
Can the employee be caught in, on, or between objects?
Can the employee slip or trip?
Can the employee fall on the same level or to another?
Can the employee strain themselves by pushing, pulling or lifting?
Is there a possibility of electrical, health or fire hazards?
Is there a possibility of employee coming in contact with a hazardous chemical or
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM
Recommended Controls
 Develop Specific Controls for each potential
Clearing and Earthwork Utilities – Specific Controls
 Steel-toe high ankle boots will be
Utilities – Potential Hazards
worn by all surveyors
 Foot Hazards
 Iced water with disposable cups
 Dropped Objects will be provided at strategic
 Twist/Sprain Ankles locations
 Heat Stroke  Suntan lotion will be provided
and used.
 Sunburn
 High visibility vests will be worn
 Struck by Vehicular or by all surveyors
Equipment Traffic  High ankle boots, gloves, long
 Vermin (Yellow Jackets, trousers and long sleeve shirts will
Centipede, Scorpion) worn by all surveyors
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM

Equipment to be used
 List equipment to be used in the work activity

Clearing and Earthwork

Utilities – Equipment to be used
 Metal Detecting Toner
 Pick
 Shovel
 Stakes and Ribbons
 Backhoe (Hoptoe)
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM

Inspection Requirements
 List inspection requirements for the work
Clearing and Earthwork
Utilities – Inspection requirements
 Metal Detecting Toner will be annually calibrated by the
manufacturer and inspected prior to each use.
 Hand tools shall be inspected daily, defective or tools in
need of repair shall be taken out of service
 Backhoe (Hoptoe) – Equipment will be tested, inspected
and certified to be in safe operating condition by a
competent person. Daily inspections shall be conducted
by the operator prior to use.
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM
Training Requirements
 List training requirements for the work activity
including hazard communication
Clearing and Earthwork
Utilities – Training requirements
 All employees will be provide with an initial orientation that
covers, unstable/uneven ground that could cause trips and falls
and sprained ankles, heat stroke, sunburn, vermin exposure and
the potential of being struck by vehicles or equipment
 Metal Detecting Toner – only factory trained operators will be
allowed to use metal detecting toners. Operator’s cards will be
in the possession of the operator.
 Backhoe (Hoptoe) – All designated equipment operators will be
will be trained and provided with practical, written and oral
examinations prior to the issuance of a company issued
operator’s card.
 Class Exercise
 Break up into 4 Groups
 Using the AHA Form, develop Principal Steps,
Potential Safety & Health Hazards and
Recommended Controls.
 Group 1 –
 Group 2 –
 Group 3 –
 Group 4 –
 Each group will make a presentation on
their AHA/ORM
Activity Hazard Analysis/ORM

Questions ??

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