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Welcome to the orientation

program for
Project Work
(Research Based)
06/19/2021 @T.Jamtsho
1. What is a Research based Project Work?

 learning experience
 opportunity to synthesize
knowledge from various areas of
 critically and creatively apply it
to real life situations.

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 Provide opportunity to explore and
extend knowledge and skills beyond the
 learn to organize, plan and bring together
several separate ideas and information
into a coherent whole.
 learn various scientific techniques and
skills, including data collection, analysis,
experimentation, interpretation,
evaluation and drawing conclusion;

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The teacher’s role ;
NOT directing and managing all student
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Project Work

Is based on

Experimental Non-
research Experimental
designs research designs

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Experimental research designs
• Experimental research designs are preferred in conditions not found in a
natural setting
• They are based on a clear hypothesis whose validity is to be confirmed or
• They have an independent (variable you have control over, what you can
choose and manipulate. It is usually what you think will affect the
dependent variable),
• a dependent variable, and a control group and the experimenter can
manipulate them .
• Most of the experiments are conducted in a laboratory in a controlled
• The experiments are repeatable and therefore, results can be checked and
• Experimental research can create artificial situations that do not always
represent real-life situations.
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Non-Experimental research designs
Non-experimental research designs are carried out in
 natural settings & no external variables are introduced
therefore tend to be closest to real-life situation.
 which variables are not deliberately manipulated, nor is the
setting controlled
 which it is unethical to manipulate the independent variable,
i.e. manipulation may cause physical or psychological harm
to subjects.

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1. Survey Research Design: are investigations in which self-
report data are collected from samples.
• subjects report their attitudes, opinions, perceptions, or
• participants may be studied using a cross-sectional (at one
point on time) or longitudinal (over an extended period of
time) approach.

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2. Correlational research design: is the one where researcher examines
the relationship between two or more variables

a) Prospective research design

A design in which the researcher relates the present to the future is a
prospective research design .

b) Retrospective research design

A design in which the researcher studies the current phenomenon by seeking
information from past by linking the present phenomenon with the past
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3. Descriptive research design
 Descriptive designs are used to observe, to identify,
explore, document, & describe a phenomenon its
related factors.

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Experimental Non-Experimental

- Effects of water and social problem ( alcohol

sunlight on a potted plant consumption)
growth.  Diversity of plant species
- Effects of temperature on along the Wang chhu river

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General Steps involved in Scientific Research
 The title of the project work.
 Acknowledgment: Show courtesy to thank the people and organizations for the help received.
 Table of content.
1. Introduction: What is the topic about, and why was the topic chosen?(problem statement)
Hypothesis, research question.
2. Background information: literature review Scientific concepts, principles, laws and
information on the topic.
3. Methodology: Methods of data collection – sampling, tools used, etc., data sorting.
4. Data analysis: Data tabulation, data processing, findings, etc., presented in a logical order with
illustrations, photographs, and drawings where appropriate and necessary to support the
5. Conclusion: Reflection of the findings, learner’s experiences and opinions
regarding the project.
6. Bibliography/ references : List of the sources of the information
7. Appendix: all relevant data, questionnaire, observation table, sketches, official letters, etc.
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How to do a Project Work in Science

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STEP1: Select a project topic

• The first step in doing a environmental science project is

selecting a topic or a subject.
• Teachers allow students select subject or topic of their interest;
however, teachers guide and approve the topic before they start
• Make a list of the most probable project ideas and select one
idea that might be the best and interesting.

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Determine if the project is feasible
• Can the project be completed within the time
• Do you have adequate resources (both human and
infrastructure or both) to complete the project?
• What is the cost of completing the project? Is it
within your capacity to manage the budget?
• Is the design of the experiment adequate? Are the
effects measurable in an objective way?
• Are there any ethical issues?

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How do we know the topic is broad?
1. impact of improper waste
2. health and environmental impact
of improper waste management
3. health and environmental impact
of improper solid waste
management in Bhutan
4. environmental impact of improper
solid waste management in Narrower and more specific
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Strategy 2
Very Poor: Species
Poor: Marine Species.
Good: fish species in rivers of Bhutan
Better: population of fish species in rivers of Bhutan
Even Better: population of fish species in Pa Chuu-
Drukgyel Dzong Sector
Best: Impact on the population of native fish species in Pa
ChuuChuu- Drukgyel Dzong Sector
Very Best : Impact on the population of native fish species
in Pa Chuu- Drukgyel Dzong Sector within
2007 to 2017.
BESTEST: Impact of introduction of Swiss trout on the
population of native fish species in Pa
ChuuChuu- Drukgyel Dzong Sector within
2007 to 2017.
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STEP2: Statement of problem
A problem statement : Existing problem that project will address.
In general, a problem statement will outline the negative points
of the current situation and explain why this matters.
• What is the topic about
• why was the topic chosen
• Specification of problem/issue.

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STEP3: Generate research questions

It is important to select a question that is going to be interesting to work on

for at least a few weeks and that is specific enough to allow you to find the

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research questions:
• what is the level of awareness on the effect of improper waste
management in Thimphu thromde?
• what are the problems militating against improper management of solid
waste in Thimphu thromde?
• what is the role of government in managing solid waste in Thimphu
• what are the possible environmental impact caused by improper waste
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STEP 4: Literature Review (background information)
• A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the
literature related to your selected area of study.
• The review should describe, summarize, evaluate and clarify this
• purpose is to convey to your reader what knowledge and ideas have
been established on a topic
• literature review must be defined by a guiding concept (e.g., your
research objective, the problem or issue you are discussing, or your
argumentative thesis).
• It is not just a descriptive list of the material available, or a set of
summaries. University of Toronto.
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Nature of Hypothesis
1. It can be tested – verifiable or falsifiable
2. Hypotheses are not moral or ethical questions
3. It is neither too specific nor to general
4. It is a prediction of consequences
5. It is considered valuable even if proven false

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Writing a testable Hypothesis

If Swiss trout is introduced in a stream, then the population of native fish

species will decline.

The population of native fish species are in decline due to Swiss trout
pollution in stream.

The crossbreeding of native fish species with Swiss trout has led to a new
species of fish.

The weedicides
‘x’ has no impact on the soil quality (Y)
Question Prediction Hypothesis

Plants need many types of nutrients to If I add fertilizer to the soil, seedlings
Does fertilizer
grow. Fertilizer adds those nutrients to will grow taller and have more leaves
make a plant
the soil, thus allowing plants to grow than those seedling growing in the
grow bigger?
more. non-fertilized soil.

Electric motors work because they

have electromagnets inside them,
Does an electric which push/pull on permanent If I increase the current supplied to an
motor turn faster magnets and make the motor spin. As electric motor, then the RPMs
if you increase more current flows through the (revolutions per minute) of the motor
the current? motor's electromagnet, the strength of will increase.
the magnetic field increases, thus
turning the motor faster.

06/19/2021 @T.Jamtsho
Referencing and Citation.
American Psychological
Association (APA)- 6 Edition

06/19/2021 @T.Jamtsho
Presentation Outline
- APA style Citation
- APA Style Referencing
- Referencing and Bibliography

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American Psychological Association (APA) style is one of
several styles for academic writing. This guide covers
frequently used citation forms.

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In-text Citation
Rule 1: When
using a direct quotation, include the
page number of the quote.
Primary education is to “provide students with
opportunities to attain the highest proficiency level in
Dzongkha, the national language, and English, the
international language of communication” (Ministry of
Education, 2014, p. 66).

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In-Text Citation Contd…
Rule 2: When paraphrasing an idea, the
citation will include author(s) and date.

a. Author’s name given in b. Author’s name not given in

the body of your paper: the body of your paper:

Ex. Tenzin (2016) reported Ex. The national average of

that the national average of scores from 8864 classes X and
the students score in Force XI students on Force Concept
Concept Inventory was Inventory was determined to be
18%. 18% (Tenzin, 2016).
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In-Text Citation Contd…
Rule 3. For electronic sources without page numbers,
use the abbreviation para. If the paragraph number
is not apparent, cite the section heading and the
paragraph number following it.
(Biggs & Collis,1982, para. 2)
(Kingdom Culture Cristian School, n.d, para. 5)

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In-Text Citation Contd…
Rule 4. Order two or more works within the same parentheses as
they would appear in the reference list (Alphabetically).
Example: Teachers’ hold a variety of beliefs about the world and self but
beliefs related directly to the educational process are most relevant
to teachers’ classroom practices (Brickhouse & Bodner, 1992;
Bryan & Atwater, 2002; Fang, 1996; Fenstermacher, 1979; Nespor,
1987; Pajares, 1992; Pintrich, 1990; Richardson, 1996).

06/19/2021 @T.Jamtsho
Periodicals (Journals or News Papers)

General Rule:

Author’s surname, (year of publication/ date). Title of the

article, Journal Title in italics, Journal volume and issue
no if any, page range, DOI if any.

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a. One or Two Author(s)
1. Referencing
Author(s) Date/ year Title

Barzilai, S. & Zohar, A. (2014). Reconsidering personal

epistemology as metacognition: A multifaceted approach to
the analysis of epistemic thinking, Educational Psychologist,
49 (1), 13-35, DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2013.863265

Journal Title Volume (issue Page no DOI


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a. One or Two Author(s)
2. In-text citation
Direct quotation in text: (Barzilai & Zohar, 2014,
p. 20)
Ex. According to Barzilai and Zohar (2014) ….

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b. Three to Five Author(s)
1. Referencing
Date/ year

Rush, K. L., Waldrop, S., Mitchell, C., & Dyches, C. (2005). The
Title RN-BSN distance education experience: From educational
limbo to more than an elusive degree. Journal of Professional
Nursing, 21, 283-292. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2005 .07.007 Journal Title

Page no

Volume (issue
no) DOI

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b. Three to Five Author(s)
2. In-text citation
i. Direct quotation in text: (Rush, Waldrop, Mitchell, &
Dyches, 2005, p. 35)
ii. Paraphrasing (First Citation)
(Rush, Waldrop, Mitchell, & Dyches (2005)……

iii. Subsequent citations

(Rush et al., 2005, p. 35) or Rush et al., (2005) assert

06/19/2021 @T.Jamtsho
c. Five to Seven Author(s)
1. Referencing
Dietz, P. M., Williams, S. B., Callaghan, W. M., Bachman, D. J., Whitlock,
E. P., & Hornbrook, M. C.     (2007).Clinically identified in live
births. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(10), 1515-1520.
doi:10.1176/appi. maternal depression before, during, and after
pregnancies ending ajp.2007.061118936

2. In-text citation and quotation

  Paraphrase:        (Dietz et al., 2007)
 Quotation:       (Dietz et al., 2007, p. 1518)

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c. More than Seven Author(s)
1. Referencing
When authors number eight or more, include the first six authors’ names
in the reference, then insert three spaced dots (an ellipsis - p. 172), and add
the last author’s name (p. 184).

Bottorff, J. L., Carey, J., Mowatt, R., Varcoe, C., Johnson, J. L., Hutchinson,
P., . . . Wardman, D. (2009). Bingo halls and smoking: Perspectives of First
Nations women. Health & Place. Advance online publication.

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1. Referencing
Rai, R. (2017, January 26). Yak herder’s son tops BHSEC with 89.5 percent in science. Kuensel.
Retrieved from

Citations in text: (Rai, 2017)

Give the URL of the home page when the online version of the article is available by search to
avoid non working URLs

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Authors (s) Surname (s) separated by

comma or ampersand (Year in Bracket).
Title (Edition if any). Place, State:

06/19/2021 @T.Jamtsho
a. One, Two, or Three authors
Murphy, M. A., Lai, D., & Sookraj, D. (1997). Evaluation of the neighborhood
(congregate) meal program: Final report. Kelowna, BC: Kelowna Home
Support Society.

 Citations in text: First Citation: (Murphy, Lai, & Sookraj, 1997)

Subsequent: (Murphy et al., 1997)

Follows the same rules as in Journal Articles.

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b. Group author: Author as publisher
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication
manual of the American Psychological Association (6th
ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

First citation: (American Psychological Association [APA],

2010) Subsequent: (APA, 2010)

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c. Edited book

Hare, R. D., & Schalling, D. (Eds.). (1978). Psychopathic behaviour:

Approaches to research. Chichester, NY: Wiley.

Citation in text: (Hare & Schalling, 1978)

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c. Chapter in an edited book
Porter, S., Woodworth, M., & Doucette, N. (2007). Memory for murder:
The qualities and credibility of homicide narratives by perpetrators. In
S. Christianson (Ed.), Offenders’ memories of violent crimes (pp. 115-
134). New York, NY: Wiley.

Citation in text: (Porter, Woodworth, & Doucette, 2007)

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d. Encyclopedia article
Lindgren, H. C. (2001). Stereotyping. In The Corsini
encyclopedia of psychology and behavioral science
(Vol. 4, pp. 1617-1618). New York, NY: Wiley.

Citation in text: (Lindgren, 2001)

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e. Book with no author or editor

Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th

ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-

 Citation in text: (Merriam-Webster’s, 1993)

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Any Questions?
Thank You

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