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10 Most Unusual Jobs

• Some do jobs for need, some for fun and

some in lack of any other option. In this
curious world one has lots of things to
explore and same applies for the job
which may get weird, unusual or dirty.
Want to know how, then read further
about some of the world’s most
unconventional jobs.
Chocolate Engineer

• If you love designing things

and have fantasy towards
being an engineer then
separate yourself from race by
being Chocolate Engineer.
Here you have not to deal with
heavy machineries and tools,
all one has to do is design and
make chocolates. The job of a
chocolate engineer is to create
an assortment of delicious
chocolate recipes. Isn’t it a
lovely job but one has to keep
control on tongue while
designing them!!!
Island Caretaker

• What can be the best job other than

living in all natural milieus!!! This
exotic job has its own demands though
which includes exploring the islands
and to discover what the area has to
offer. One has to be smart in some
fundamental skills including general
carpentry, plumbing, gardening skills,
communication skills, management
skills and above all adventurous
attitude. Each island is unique, so
requirements differ for upkeep.
Nowadays, many private island owners
hire caretakers to look after their
islands.Mind you, this may be
interesting but can be lonely too!!
Tea Taster

• It is one of the specialized

professions in tea industry in
which quality of tea is examined.
You and I probably will not realize
the difference in taste but these
professionals with their sharp
taste buds will not only identify
the kind of fragrance but also the
content. Tea being an everlasting
beverage has numerous effects on
body and that where value of Tea
Taster lies.
• Alarm!! It’s pretty tough when one
has to taste several hundred of
samples in a single day!!!
Crime Scene Cleaner

• Specialized training, knowledge of

deep cleaning equipment,
attention to detail and above all
valiant guts are mark up of Crime
Scene Cleaner. A crime scene
cleaner clears up the mess after
the dirty offenses took place
which may include cleaning of
damage to walls, doors, stains of
blood, bones or body parts. It is
one of the dirtiest jobs in the
world which may even lead to
emotional disorders but someone
has to do it after all.
• Not for any emotional or timid
persons please!!!
Hot Walker

• Blood heat has to be cooled

down after horses finishes up
the race to save them from
shocks or kidney damage. The
person who does this is the
Hot Walker. His main work is
to calm down horses right
after the races by giving them
rounds in slow paces. Besides
some general training and
education one should
genuinely be a horse lover.
• Do hot walk with horse and
save their lives!!!
Gum Buster

• Have ever got that yuck

feeling when you sat at public
bench and an unwanted gum
got sticked to your hand? Well,
some guys are there to help
you out from stucking in such
situations, they are Gum
Busters. This people get out
gums from public places being
in this sticky job.
• Be cautious while playing
pranks by gum, someone may
bust you too!!!!
Cartoon Mascots

• Recently “Shera”, CWG mascot

brought fun and resemblance in
sporty fever. Have ever thought
there is a person inside these
entertaining figures who are loved
by everyone. This interesting job
to spread love with jolly faces and
gestures especially among
children is soul satisfying. But it is
not that easy as it sounds, it
needs lots of stamina to carry
heavy suits, dance, do acrobats
and entertain all the time.
• Have guts to get in stuffy and hot
mascots suits?? If yes, then come
and play!!
Fortune Cookies Writer

• Many of you might have tried

out virtual fortune cookies at
Facebook, but these are actual
yummy cookies baked with a
fortune note inside it. Writing
these fortunes for fortune
cookie companies is actually a
great way to earn. All one
need is smart and creative
imagination which can find
fortune in small walks of life.
• If you want to be a Fortune
Cookie Writer than your
fortune has already begun I
Whiskey Ambassador

• Yes you guessed right!!

You will be paid for
tasting whiskeys and
recommending them as
per their quality. This job
is to choose finest
whiskeys and to spread
knowledge regarding
differentiating attributes
to select best liquor.
• Though one should have
strong liver to grab this
Pet Psychic

• Pet psychics are animal

communicators who by their
telepathy techniques try to
learn animal’s unsaid
emotions. This job is
preferably for animal lovers
who find comfort in spending
time with them. It does not
actually need only formal
training; all it need is care,
love and understanding of
body language.
• Try to speak to your pets, you
may guess their response!!

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