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Week 10

Ms. Maryam Zahid

Capital University of Science and Technology April 29th, 2019
Week – 10
Abstraction is the process used to hide certain
details and only show the essential features of the
In other words, it deals with the outside view of an
object (interface)
Encapsulation is a strategy
used as part of abstraction
Encapsulation is the process of
combining data and functions
into a single unit called class
Encapsulation refers to the
state of objects - objects
encapsulate their state and hide
it from the outside; outside
users of the class interact with
it through its methods, but
cannot access the classes state
The polymorphism refers to ‘one name having many
forms, different behavior of an instance depending
upon the situation
Ways to Achieve Polymorphism

Function Overloading
The term ‘overloading’ means a name having two or
more distinct meanings
Thus, an ‘overloaded function’ refers to a function
having (one name and) more than one distinct meanings
Revision - What is Happening Here?
class Rectangle
public: int main()
void printArea(int x, int y) {
{ cout << x * y << endl; }
Rectangle rt;
void printArea(int x)
{ cout << x * x << endl; }
void printArea(int x, double y)
{ cout << x * y << endl; } rt.printArea(10);
void printArea(double x) rt.printArea(2.3);
{ cout << x * x << endl; } return 0;
}; }
Function Overriding
It is when we define a function with same name and
arguments in both base class and derived class, then
the function s called as overridden function and the
process is called function overriding
It enables programmer to change the behavior of any
base class functionality in the derived class
When you class the overridden function by child
object the child version is called and when your call
the overridden using base class object the base class
version is called
class Animals
void sound()
{ cout << "This is parent class" << endl; }
class Dogs : public Animals
void sound()
{ cout << "Dogs bark" << endl; }
void main()
{ The sound() function in the child
Dogs d; class overrides the sound()
d.sound(); function in the parent class OUTPUT:
} Dogs bark
Condition for Function Overriding
Functions of both parent and child class must have the
same name
Functions must have the same argument list and return
 If a function cannot be inherited, it cannot be

Constructors cannot be overridden
Overloading VS Overriding
Inheritance: Overriding of functions occurs when one class is
inherited from another class. Overloading can occur without
Function Signature: Overloaded functions must differ in
function signature i.e. either number of parameters or type of
parameters should differ. In overriding, function signatures must
be same.
Scope of functions: Overridden functions are in different scopes;
whereas overloaded functions are in same scope.
Behavior of functions: Overriding is needed when derived class
function has to do some added or different job than the base class
function. Overloading is used to have same name functions which
behave differently depending upon parameters passed to them.

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