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Selection of site depends on these factors

• Engineering
• Economic
• Social
• Aesthetic
Besides this alignments also has to be considered
– in case of old alignments, existing roadway/railway
governs the selection
– in case of new alignments, site is chosen taking into
consideration of maximum commercial and social
benefits with three criteria
An ideal bridge site should possess some
characteristics such as,
• Geologically suitable i.e. unyielding , nonerodable material for
foundation,strata should be firm and away from faults.
• Straight reach of river.
• Well defined and as narrow as possible stream, preferably at
nodal point of meandering river.
• Firm, permanent, straight and high banks
• Steady river flow without serious whirls and cross currents
• No confluence of large tributaries in the vicinity
• Straight approaches which should be economic too such as free
from obstacles e.g. Hills , Sacred places, graveyards etc., as
well as there should be right angled crossing
• Absence of expensive river training works
• Minimum obstruction of natural water way (for minimum afflux)
• Easy available resources like labour, construction material,
transport facility in the vicinity
• Avoidance of excessive under water construction for minimum
foundation cost
• On curved alignment bridge should be possibly on tangent
• Reasonable proximity to a direct alignment of the road to the
• Adequate vertical height and waterway for navigation purpose
• No adverse environmental impact
The location of the bridge is mainly depends upon
Finding an ideal bridge site is truly an economic problem.The various factors
which should be carefully examined before settling finally upon the layout are
 Grade of alignment
 Geographical condition
 Commercial influence
 Adjacent property
 Future trends for enlargement
 Time consideration
 Navigation
 Erection consideration
 Aesthetics
 Maintenance and repairs cost
 Environmental impact
In a nutshell location of a bridge at any particular point depends upon
• Local demand - travel by shortest distance
• Administrative requirements - master plans
• As a part of a road project
The number of alternatives can be reduced to 3 – 4 numbers
 Study of maps to choose sites
 Study the local features of sites
 Gathering the information on the behaviour of the river at the sites by
study available reports
 Holding discussions with knowledgeable people
 Comparative study of past survey maps
 Studying the existing traffic pattern
 Studying the routes /modes possible
 Construction problem assessment

This study is to estimate the cost of alternatives such

that final cost may be within 15% limit.The
comparative position of different alternatives are
obtained with respect of economics and technical
suitability which finally leads to selection of best site

 Minimum field measurements

 Length of bridge, approaches
 Distance from important city or town
 Nature of stream flow at site, foundation strata
 More detail study of maps of the area
– Traffic data specifically quantifies

– Traffic volume

– Expected duration of construction

– Saving in detours(problems involved)

– Construction and maintenance problems

– Construction cost of bridge, protection works and approaches

– Benefit cost ratio / rate of return

 Study the topography of the area and ground profile along the proposed
alignment of the bridge and along the proposed river training works
 Hydrological studies like natural waterway determination,
 Expected effect of constructing bridge on stream behaviour by
(scale)model test in hydraulic research stations
 Soil investigation which includes finding scouring action (worst flood
condition),bearing capacity of the soil strata, study on water table depth
variations and physical properties of the soil strata
 Preliminary design of the structure, approach bank, protection works
and estimated cost
 Traffic volume study of 30 years
 Construction program for the work drawn up
 Sufficient technical details like sanction and tender

• General data
• Regarding catchment area and runoff data like
rainfall data etc.
• Data regarding nature of stream
 Type of stream e.g. alluvial/quasi-alluvial/ rigid and
 The extent of meander if any in past
 Type of bank e.g.firm and steep/firm and gently
sloping/erodable and indefinite
 L.W.L., Surface velocity, Water surface slope and Bed
slope , at L.W.L.
 O.F.L. at site and at U/s c/s,Suraface velocity,water surface slope
,area and discharge of the c/s at O.F.L.
 H.F.L at site,U/s & D/s c/s,Surface velocity,Water surface slope,area
and discharge of c/s at U/s & D/S at H.F.L.
 RL and ,location of maximum recorded and maximum anticipated
scour below H.F.L.
 Location of the plan of trial pits borings with their identification nos..
both at proposed bridge site and other locations
 The test results e.g.mean dia of the particle,lacey’s factor,angle of
internal friction,cohesion and angle of skin friction
 Allowable bearing capacity of the strata at foundation theoretically as
well as by standard test
• Data regarding alignment and approaches
• Superstructure data
• Foundation data
• Data of existing bridge
• Miscellaneous Data like name of nearest inhabited
identifiable locality, facilities available for
accommodation of labour site or nearby,
Nearest railway station and its distance from site,
Availability of labour,power ,construction
materials,power and transport facility
A reasonably accurate assessment of the physical properties of the soil
at the proposed bridge is very essential for correctly deciding the location
and type of foundation. The field and laboratory investigations required to
obtained the necessary soil data for the design are called soil
exploration.A carefully planned investigation programme helps to find
suitable and economic solution, to plan construction schedule,to
determine extent and nature of difficulties,to determine rate & amount
settlements and water table variation . It includes
– Nature of soil deposits upto the sufficient depth.
– Depth, thickness and composition of each soil stratum
– the location of ground water
– Depth to rock and and composition of rock
– The engg. Properties of soil and rock strata that affect the design of structure
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