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Lesson One
Understanding the FX Markets

The Trading Pitt 2010 1

Terms to Know:

• Currency Pair – Currency (USD, EURO) can only be bought by buying

one pair and selling an equivalent amount of the second currency.
– Ex: Buying 1 Lot (10,000 units) of EUR/USD at 1.30: 10,000
euros costs $13,000
• Foreign Exchange – Another name for the currency exchange
markets that are over the counter and trade 24 Hours/ 5.5 days a
• Spot Market –Buying something in the spot market means that you
in most cases take delivery in 2 days .
• Margin – Amount required by the clearing house in order to trade a
leveraged product
• Leverage – The ability to borrow or use financial products to increase
your exposure to a certain instrument. Which can increase or
decrease portfolio returns.
• Pip – The smallest increment that a currency pair can move, now
with fractional pips is equivalent to $.00001 (Yen pairs are quoted
in .001)
• Carry Trade – Buying high yielding assets by financing purchases
with borrowed low interest rate assets
• Rollover –
• Spread – Difference between the bid and ask; the immediate
• Stop Hunting – Market movements in thin conditions to trigger levels
where stop orders exist

The Trading Pitt 2010 2
Intro to
Understanding the
Forex Markets

• Hours: 6:00 PM EST Sunday to 5 PM Friday

• Participants :
– Corporations – Commercial Hedgers
– Banks – Process payments, prop desks, and
internal hedging
– Hedge Funds and Speculators – Pure
speculation, and in some cases arbitrage
when it rarely exists
• Sessions –
– New York: 8 AM – 5 PM
– London: 3 AM – 12 PM
– Australasian : 5 PM – 4 AM
• Best Times to Trade – London/New York overlap is
the most overall liquid, but really depends on the
pair your trading

The Trading Pitt 2010 3


• Leverage
– 100:1
• Practicing trading with real money is important when
you get the basics
• Understanding how the fee structures work
– “Commission Free Trading” is just paying
through a wider spread
• FX is a rigged game, your going to have to work hard if
you want to succeed in it
• Undercapitalized?
– If you can’t trade at a level where a 1% profit at
first is a good amount keep working on the
demo till you have enough money
• Dangers of Overtrading
– Leverage is dangerous because it is so easy and
accessible and although the thoughts it only
takes one trade to double your money. More
The Trading Pitt 2010 4
than likely you will blow your account.
The Major Currencies
“Major Pairs”

• US Dollar “Greenback”
• Great Britain Pound “Cable”
• Swiss Franc “Swissie”
• European Monetary Union Euro “Euro/Fiber”
• Australian Dollar “Aussie”
• Japanese Yen “Yen”
• Canadian Dollar “Loonie”
• New Zealand Dollar “Kiwi”
• The major are the all the foreign currencies traded against
the US Dollar

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Simulation 1 Practice Trading and Getting
Used to the Volatility in FX
Fundamentals vs Risk
May 20th , 2010

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Key Points The Australian economy at

from this time was perceived to be

the best but got dragged down
Simulation 1 with poor risk appetite

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Traders Psych

• The importance of not trading when you do not have

an edge.
• “TRADE To Make Money, never trade to just TRADE”
• The importance of a playbook you eventually make
that over time tells you what you want to do next.

• Quote for Yra Harris from Inside the House of Money.
• “The worst thing you can do in a trade is try to get
back to even. I call that the “prayer trade”. I can
spot guys on the floor who have it on because they
shake back and forth, basically in prayer,
mumbling , “Oh, please God, just let it come back
to me. Let me break even.”
 What is that? Break even? That’s a loser. I’m
not in this business to break even. There’s always
opportunity in the markets, so forget breaking even.
If breaking even is your goal, you’re not trading
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Second Same day but now look how

Simulation currency crosses are affected

by the majors and vice versa

may 20th , 2010

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Key Points EUR/JPY underperforms late

Simulation 2 day as the USD/JPY stays weak

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Week Follow EUR/USD all week and

Simulation: practice trading that. It tends

to move more cleanly.

The Trading Pitt 2010 11

Analysis, • Open Practice Accounts
Comments, – MB, FXCM
Questions? • Contact info
• Questions?

The Trading Pitt 2010 12

What to Look
out for this

The Trading Pitt 2010 13

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