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What would you think about this bold

reorientation in BP business strategy?

• If I try to put my shoes as activist point of view, this is a good move by
BP and we should be respect to them. They are trying to show to us
that they are committed seriously to Paris agreement target which is
net zero emission in 2050 (not only reducing but put it on zero to
achieve 1.5-degree Celsius global warming). So they are try to start
moving their company image and portfolio from international oil
company to integrated energy company.
Will this serve well to the company’s future
ambition and aspiration?
• I hope so and I think BP will achieve it. They have skill, experience in
oil sectors, they have a huge talent pool of scientist, technologist,
engineers, trading, marketing and innovation and have a good
relationship with many stakeholders. So, this is a good capital owned
by BP to achieve their ambition.
• I think BP also not starting this new world from scratch. Many
business that are growing already all over the world such as BP Bunge
bioenergia in biofuels, first Electric vehicle charging in Guangzhou,
Solar park in Penn State University in the US etc.
Why do you think BP is doing what it is doing, and
what are (or can you distinguish) the drivers behind it?
• Beside the issue about climate change and paris agreement, at the end of
the day, business is a business which is to find profit. If I try to see from
business point of view, I think BP have seen there is a huge business
opportunity following climate change issue and want to put their company
value proposition to the new market of renewable energy business,
electricity, convenience & mobility business, CCUS business etc. So, there
are many oil company try to seek early positions in this market including BP.
• Besides, I just try to find from another perspective, its also about company
brand image. Remember BP image was destroyed due to Deepwater horizon
oil spill incident in 2010 which categorized as the biggest oil spill in the US
What would be the impact of such bold move of BP and other similar
companies’ situation (e.g., Amazon, Walmart, General Motor, and more
recently, Fedex, which have made similar statement to other companies that
have not made any statement at all?
• There are several impact, I think. First, those companies who not make
any statement regarding net zero emission, their company image and
value will be eroded and may be kicked out from this particular pro-
climate change customer market and investor.
• Secondly, if many companies are not ready yet to commit NZE ambition
but still enforcing to make statement of commitment, I am worrying the
NZE ambition is only become another greenwashing method like before.
So, I think its ok if any company feel not ready to make commitment.
Eventhought, there are still many investor which not put a comment on
this issue such as HSBC.
Can you relate this specifically to the company
that you are currently associated with?
• My company also do the same thing as BP done. Even, we are
rebranding our company from Total into TotalEnergies as a concrete
commitment to move as oil company into energy company and
toward net zero emission in 2050.
• In the term of portfolio percentage, as per 2020, the portion of
energy that we delivered to costumer is 55% is oil, 40% is gas and 5%
is renewable energy. Our target, in 2030, the portion of oil is 35%,
50% is gas and 15% is renewable energy. So, even in 2030, oil sector
still important to us because it become the cashcow to fund another
new renewable energy projects.
Within the company that you are currently associated
with, what would be the impact to the specific unit that
you are currently being part of?
• Basically no, because I am working in TotalE&P Qatar which is the
main activity is operatorship of one oilfield in Qatar up to 2039.
• As I mention previously that even until 2030, we still need oil portfolio
as a cashcow to fund another project. Hence, as one of the mature
oilfield operated by Total, we just to ensure the reliability and safety
of oilfield that we are operated by. Especially I am working as
inspection team role in my company.
Last but not least, what would you think the trends that are exemplified
or shown by BP and other companies with similar aspirations have an
impact on your professional career? And how are you going to start
adjusting to it?
• Honestly, I still thinking that my professional career will not be
impacted as inspection engineer. But, we will get many new
opportunity in renewable energy area of career such as material
innovative, solar cell, wind offshore project etc.

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