3 Governments, Systems and Regimes

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UK Queen Elizabeth II

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Historic handshakes at the Kim-Trump summit

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

shakes hands with US President Donald
Trump three times before their meeting
at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa Island in
Singapore on June 12.

North China Electrical Power University


3 Governments, Systems and Regimes

That government is best which governs not at all.

——Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

North China Electrical Power University


In its broadest sense, to govern means to rule or

control others.
Government: make law (legislation), implement law
(execution) and interpret law (adjudication).
In some cases, the political executive alone is referred
to as ‘the government’, making it equivalent to ‘ the
administration’ in presidential systems.

Central People's Government

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3.1 Traditional systems of classification

• 3.1.1 Why classify political systems?

• First, classification is an essential aid to understanding
of politics and governments.
• Second, classification is to facilitate evaluation rather
than analysis.

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3.1.2 Classical typologies

• Aristotle’s six forms of government

Who rules
One person The few The many

Who Rulers Tyranny Oligarchy Democracy

benefits All Monarchy Aristocracy Polity

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3.1.3 The ‘three worlds’ typology

• A capitalist ‘first world’
• A communist ‘second world’
• A developing ‘third world’

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3.2 Regimes of the modern world

• Western polyarchies
• New democracies
• Islamic regimes
• Military regimes

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3.2.1 Western polyarchies

• Polyarchy
• Government is in the hands of elected officials
• Elections are free and fair
• Practically all adults have the right to vote
• The right to run for office is unrestricted
• There is free expression and a right to criticize and protest
• Citizens have access to alternative sources of information
• Groups and associations enjoy at least relative independence from

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Politics Westminster model

• Single-party government
• A lack of separation of powers between the executive and
the assembly
• An assembly that either unicameral or weakly bicameral
• A two-party system
• A single-member plurality or first-past-the-post electoral
• Unitary and centralized government
• An uncodified constitution and a sovereign assembly

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Politics Consociational democracy

• Coalition government
• A separation of powers between the executive and
• An effective bicameral system
• A multiparty system
• Proportional representation
• Federalism or devolution
• A codified constitution and a bill of rights

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3.2.2 New democracies

• Communism
 Marxism-Leninism is the ‘official’ ideology.
 A communist party that is organized on the principles of
‘democratic centralism’ enjoys a monopoly of political power.
 The communist party ‘rules’ in the sense that dominates the state
machine, creating a fused state-party apparatus.
 The communist party plays a ‘leading and guiding role’ in
society, controlling all institutions, including the economic,
educational, cultural and recreational institutions.
 Economic life is based on state collectivization, and it is
organized through a central planning system.

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3.2.3 East Asian regimes

• Asian values are distinct from
western ones
 First, they are orientated more around
economic goals than around political ones.
 Second, there is a broad support for
‘strong’ government.
 Third, by a general disposition to respect
leaders because of the Confucian stress on
loyalty, discipline and duty.
 Finally, great emphasis is placed on
community and social cohesion, embodied
in the central role accorded to the family.

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• Asian Values: Values that supposedly reflect the history,

culture and religious backgrounds of Asian societies;
examples include social harmony, respect for authority
and a belief in the family.
Family Portrait
Four Generations Under One Roof

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3.2.4 Islamic regimes

• Islam is not, and never has been, simply a religion.
Rather, it is a complete way of life, defining
correct moral, political and economic behaviour
for individuals and nations alike.

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3.2.5 Military regimes

• The leading position is the government are filled on
the basis of the person’s position within the military
chain of command.

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