Tasty Food Court Order Management System: Harshad Devasthali

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1. Customer enters the food court, identifies a spot to sit and goes to three counters to see what they want to eat (Assumption- People like to see the food at food courts and there are also sample food trays at
display in such F&B outlets, this process can’t be eliminated)

2. Customer place their orders at the billing counter (Given in Case)

3. Collect the coupons from the billing counter (Given in Case)

4. Go to the respective outlets to give the coupon (Given in Case)

5. Outlet prepares the food items (Given in Case)

6. Customer collects the order from the outlet (Given in Case- Also in food courts people are expected to collect their own food orders)

7. Dine at the seating area (Last step)

1. The first step listed is an assumption and that is something which a lot of customers like to do, and it is a part of the experience.
2. Once they have seen the food products, they go to the billing counter, place their order and rather than a coupon they get an SMS with the details of their order.
3. Customers also get a web link which they can access to see the digital copy of their bill with all the details and any special requests.
4. They can now go and sit at their seats, the order when placed goes to the respective kitchen, the outlet starts preparing the order,
5. Once an order is finished and ready for consumption, the outlet generates a signal and that would give an SMS with details and OTP to the customer.
6. The customer now can go to the respective outlet, tell his order number and OTP and collect the order and can come back.

• We ideally reduced the dependency on the coupons and now the person needs to visit the outlet only twice (to see the food at start and to collect order) rather than three time (see the food, five the
coupon and collect order).

• The bills and details of food ordered is also received via the SMS on your phone only.

• Once a SMS is sent to the customer for their order collection and the order is not collected by the customer in 10 mins, an automated call goes to customer’s mobile and they will hear a recorded message
with their outlet and order details which are ready to be collected.

• The reason for using the SMS is to avoid using any additional app or device from customer point of view.

Product at Billing Counter-

1. A system where the cashier needs to enter the mobile number of the customer, that also becomes his unique identifier.
2. Then he can take the order and the payment can be made by any available mode- cash card, wallets, UPI etc.
3. While the order is placed and details are added, there is one screen at customer end as well where they can see their order and other details being entered- mobile number, outlet, order, qty. etc.
4. Any special requests with respect to food can also be mentioned while ordering only.
5. The customers will receive weblink with details of bill and all the special requests.

Product at food Outlets-

1. As and when a order is processed and confirmed the respective outlet gets a notification on their system- they see the order number, order details, special requests associated with that order and start
preparing the same.
2. Once order is prepared and comes from kitchen to delivery area, a system trigger is generated by the kitchen staff and in the system at Delivery area the person gets a notification that the order is ready to
be served, they then generate a trigger in their system which will let the customer know that the order is processed.
3. When customer comes to collect the order, they give their order number to the outlet and the associated OTP, so the order is collected by the right person only, the delivery guy enters that OTP and
validated the request and hand overs the order to customer.
4. When the order ready trigger is generated by the delivery area guy, a automatic timer starts and if the order is not collected by the customer a system generated call goes to their phone reminding them of
collecting the order.

Integration between Billing counter and food outlet system-

1. In case a certain product is not available anymore of the qty available is less than 10 the same can be updated by the outlet in the system and when the billing desk is processing the order they would know
if a certain product is stock out or can only be provided in limited numbers. For e.g.- Margerita Pizza, only 6 more can be served and then a order comes for 7 the billing desk guy can update the customer
that only 6 can be served.
Product at Billing Counter
Tasty Food Inc.
Billing Counter

Customer Mobile Number Touch buttons to see the menu of a respective outlet

Customer Name Ice

Pizza Paratha

Special (if
Outlet Product Qty Price
Menu Item, cost and qty
available of the food items Pizza Cheese Pizza 2 200.00 Extra crispy
(This is a dynamic area,
whichever tab is selected Pizza Veg Pizza 1 250 No Tomatoes
from the above three the
menu for that place is shown
here along with qty

Billing Counter Feature- Taking Order

Harshad is taking order at the billing desk, the customer SRK comes in, HD enters his name and mobile number in system, the same is displayed on the customer screen as well. SRK wants to place order for 2
pizzas out of which 1 is out of stock, when HD selects pizza option and tries to enter the SRK’s order he sees one of the pizza is out of stock and he lets SRK know of this, then SRK order 1 pizza and 2 parathas
with some special instructions as he does not want green chilly in his paratha. The same is placed by the Harshad. SRK makes the payment and gets an SMS with order number and basic details, pkus he also
gets a weblink to see the detailed tax invoice with special instructions.

Outlet Counter Feature- Informing customer about order collection

SRK’s cheese pizza is ready and the order comes from the kitchen area to delivery section. The delivery section guy sees the order number and triggers a collection request. This sends a SMS to SRK that his pizza
is ready to be collected but he misses the SMS. After 10 mins SRK gets a call and the auto voice tells him that his pizza is ready for the collection. He goes to counter, gives his order number shared his OTP, the
same is entered in the system by delivery guy and he gives the order to SRK. SRK also gets a confirmation that he collected his order.


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