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( A case Study of Teaching English at

Eight D grade Students of SMP N 2
Kesesi in the Academic Year of

1.1 General Background of the Study

 Communication not only done in speaking but also in

 Writing is one media of communication, writing as a part
of the language skill besides listening, speaking, and
reading must be taught maximally by the teacher to the
 In teaching language the teacher had to be selective in
choosing a strategy to introduce a learning material.
Reason for Choosing the Topic
 The teacher still teach with conventional
form with not able to use instrument
especially in teaching writing Descriptive
 Descriptive text is the most interesting of
writing genres for students of junior high
school because it tells about describe
particular person, place, or thing.
 Animation movies because use movie very
interesting for the students and make the
students more have fun focus learn the
Problem of the Study
How to use animation movies to improve
writing skill to teach descriptive texts?
Objective of this study
1. To find out what the students
difficulties in improving a
descriptive text.
2. To find out the extent to which
animation movies increase the
ability of students in writing
descriptive text.
Limitation of the Study
This study only focuses in
teaching The Use of Animation
Movies for Improving Student
Writing Skill of Descriptive Texts
(A case Study of Teaching English
at Eight Grade Students of SMP 2
Kesesi in the Academic Year of
Significance of the study

a. The teacher is able to choose the

method and media effectively in
teaching writing descriptive text.
b. The teacher knows how far the
student’s ability and their problem
faced especially in writing descriptive
text by using animation movies.
c. The students will focus to learn about
writing descriptive text
d. The students are able write about
descriptive text.
Chapter II
Review of the Related Literature

1. General concept of writing

2. The process of writing
a. Planning what to write
b. Writing first draft
c. Checking the first draft
d. Checking the second draft
e. Writing the final draft
Benefit of Teaching writing
1. Writing can be used to improve students.
2. Students can explore their ideas an combine word by
word so became sentence.
3. Teaching writing can learn the students make
sentence good.
4. By writing we are encouraged to think more
coherently and logically.
5. Teaching writing can invited to explore the meaning
of an event.
6. Writing our brains continue to be sharpened. Writing
to be able to think logically, find cause and affect
relationships. Teaching writing is able to see the
lessons to be learned from the events of the day.
Writing Applied in Descriptive text

Gathering the materials

Arrange the materials
Writing the first draft
Revising the first draft
1. Characteristristics of teenager
 Teenager seemed to be less lively and
humorous than adult.
 Teenager still search for individual identity
 Teenager student in particular may be
descruptive in class.
2. Genres
Genres is text type as frame of references
so can produce effective text, effective in
purpose, choosing arrange text element, and
grammatical pattern.
Descriptive text
1. Communicative purpose
Descriptive text is a type of written text, which has the specific function
to give description about an object( human or non human)
2. Text element Function
◦ Identification:
a. Form of statements that describe the objects that will be described
b. Statement should be attractive, able to provoke the reader to be
interested to read the description.
c. Use adjectives (adjective) or a degree of comparison is very helpful.
◦ Description : Give picture a of the object that can be reviewed
from few aspect
3 Grammatical Patterns:
 Present tense, present perfect tense
 Verbs be (is, are), have, linking Verbs
 The use of adjectives (adjective)
Chapter III
Methodology of Research
1. Location of the Study
2. Population and Sample
3. Design of Research
Action research is process in which participants
examine their own educational practice systematically
and carefully, using the techniques of research.
The procedure of the Study
there are two cycle in this reseach:
1. Pre Cycle
a. Cycle 1
a. Planning
b. Acting
c. Observing
d. Reflecting
b. Cycle II
2. Post Test
In this pos-test, the students asked to watch the animation movie
based on the movie. After that asked to complete the sentences based
on the question. Hence, In this test will be conducted written test. The
materials of the test are all of the Descriptive text that have been
taught at all the previous meeting.
1. Method of Collecting data
a. Observation
b. Test
2. Data Analysis
In this study the writer use Qualitative research.
3. Instrument of the Study
Before collecting the data, the writer selects a
animation movie to teaching descriptive text as
the instrument of the study. To make sure that
the instrument valid enough, the writer read
Competence-Based Curriculum first. This
curriculum states that the students are supposed
to write a simple composition on a descriptive
texts by using a animation movies as the

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