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Using Activity Diagrams to

Model Use Cases Visually

Sahar Arshad
Department of Computer Science
Bahria University, Islamabad

UML notation set is a language and

not a methodology
What is UML?
• A standardized, graphical “modeling language” for
communicating software design.
• Allows implementation-independent specification of:
• user/system interactions (required behaviors)
• partitioning of responsibility (OO)
• integration with larger or existing systems
• data flow and dependency
• operation orderings (algorithms)
• concurrent operations
• Pretty pictures.
• UML is not “process”. (That is, it doesn’t tell you how to do
things, only what you should do.)

Motivations for UML

• UML is a fusion of ideas from several precursor

modeling languages.
• We need a modeling language to:
help develop efficient, effective and correct designs,
particularly Object Oriented designs.
communicate clearly with project stakeholders
(concerned parties: developers, customer, etc).
give us the “big picture” view of the project.

Types of UML diagrams
• There are different types of UML diagram, each
with slightly different syntax rules:
• use cases.
• class diagrams.
• sequence diagrams.
• package diagrams.
• state diagrams
• activity diagrams
• deployment diagrams

UML in your documents
• UML is intended to ease the task of communicating
software designs.

• Typical uses of UML:

• conceptual component diagrams in the concept
• use cases and class diagrams in the requirements
• class, sequence, state, package and deployment
diagrams in the architecture document.

UML pitfalls, 1
• UML is a language, with a (reasonably) rigorous
syntax and accepted semantics; that is, the diagrams
have a meaning. Thus you have to be careful that
the meaning of your diagram is what you intended.

• However, the semantics of UML are less well-defined

than a programming language (where the semantics
are defined by the compiler). Thus there is some
leeway to use UML your own way: but you must be
consistent in what you mean by the things you draw.

UML pitfalls, 2

• Arrow happiness: people tend to draw arrows (associations)

everywhere in their diagrams, inconsistently without much
regard for the UML meaning of a given arrow.
• Diagram fever: it’s easy to do too many diagrams. The trick
is to get the correct granularity. E.g. the requirements
document should leave implementation detail to the
• General loopiness: be careful about slapping together UML
diagrams, or doing a diagram without thoroughly
understanding your system. You should always be able to
give a clear and concise explanation of your diagram, and
why you did it that way.

Recap- System Modeling

• Process Modeling with Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

• what is the system doing
• Data Modeling with Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
• What is the data of the system
• Object Modeling with Unified Modeling Language (UML)
• what and why (logic of the system)
Process perspective

• Context models simply show the other systems in the

environment, not how the system being developed is used
in that environment.
• Process models reveal how the system being developed is
used in broader business processes.
• UML activity diagrams may be used to define business
process models.


Process model of
involuntary detention
Activity Diagrams
• Model business workflows

• Identify candidate use cases, through the examination of business workflows

• Identify pre- and post-conditions for use cases

• Model workflows between/within use cases

• Model complex workflows in operations on objects

• Model in detail complex activities in a high level activity diagram




For each X:
If the flow rejoins
the Primary Path, it
is known as an
Alternate Path.

[Condition 2]

[Condition 1]
If the flow does NOT
rejoin the Primary
Path, it is known as an
Exception Path.

[Condition 3] [Condition 2]

[Condition 1]
We can label the
Guards in order to easily
identify the paths.

E1: [Condition 3] A1: [Condition 2]

P: [Condition 1]
Primary Path: P1, P2.
We can label the Steps for easy backward
Alternate Path 1: P1, A1.1, P2. reference from Business Rules and a Logical
Exception Path 1: P1, E1.1. Data Model.


E1: [Condition 3] A1: [Condition 2]

P: [Condition 1]

E1.1: P2: A1.1:

In some Use Cases,
you will need to
model parallel steps

[Condition 3] [Condition 2]

[Condition 1]


In this example, steps A and

B must both start after step
X finishes and must both
finish before the Use Case
What would be
the order here???

[Condition 3] [Condition 2]

[Condition 1]


In some Use Cases,
you will need to model
repeated steps.

[Condition 3] [Condition 2]

[Condition 1]

[Condition 3] [Condition 2]

[Condition 1]

For each X:

In this example, you B

repeat (A + B) until
there is no more X.
Activity Diagrams

• Activities and Actions

• Transitions and Activity Edges

• Tokens and Activity Nodes

• Control Nodes
– Initial and Final Nodes
– Forks and Joins
– Decision and Merge Points

• States

• Swimlanes
Diagram -

• An Activity is the process being modelled

• Activities are the vertices of the diagram

• An Activity is a unit of work that needs to be carried out

• Any Activity takes time

• An activity is like a state where the criterion for leaving the state is
the completion of the activity

• An Action is a step in the overall activity

• The work can be documented as Actions in the activity

• There are four ways in which an action can be triggered

1. On Entry – as soon as the activity starts
2. Do – during lifetime of the activity
3. On Event – in response to an event
4. On Exit – just before the activity completes

• A Transition is the movement from one activity to another, the

change from one state to another, or the movement between a
state and an activity in either direction

• Transitions: unlabelled arrows from one activity to the next

• Transitions take place when one activity is complete and the

next can commence
• A transition can be split into multiple paths and multiple paths combined into a
single transitions by using a synchronisation bar

• A synchronization may havemanyin-arcs from activities and a number of out-

arcs to activities

• A fork is where the paths split

• On an occurrence of the transition all the activities with arcs from the transition
are initiated

• A fork node splits the current flow through an activity into multiple concurrent

• In a detailed design model, you can use forks to represent multiple processes or
multiple threads in a program.

• A join is where the paths meet

• The bar represents synchronisation of the completion of

those activities with arcs into the transition

• A join synchronises multiple flows of an activity backto a

single flow of execution
Decision and Merge Points
• A decision point shows where the exit transition from a state or
activity may branch in alternative directions depending on a condition

• A decision involves selecting one control-flow transition out of many

control- flow transitions based on a condition

• Each branched edge contains a guard condition

• Guard expressions (inside []) label the transitions coming out of a


• A merge point brings together alternate flows into a single output flow
- note that it does not synchronise multiple concurrent flows

• A state in an activity diagram is a point where some event needs to take place
before activity can continue

• Activities and States are similar

– States carry out actions as activities do
– Activities need to complete their actions before exiting
– States are used to imply waiting, not doing

• It is possible to show an object changing states as it flows through an activity

Start and End States

• The Start state is the entry point to a flow

• There can be several End states – multiple End states can be used to
indicated different follow-on processes from a particular process

• Start and End states can have actions too

• Malformed diagrams – it is possible to form ill-formed diagrams that require

multiple activations of activities or can allow deadlock

• Swimlanes (or activity partitions) indicate where activities

take place.

• Swimlanes can also be used to identify areas at the

technology level where activities are carried out

• Swimlanes allow the partition an activity diagram

so that parts of it appear in the swimlane
relevant to that element in the partition

•Partitions may be constructed on the basis of:

1. the class and actor doing the activity

 Partitioning by class and actor can help to identify new

associations that have not been documented in the class
2. the use case the activity belongs to
 Partitioning by use cases can help document how use cases
Swimlanes – Example
1. Finding system Actors, Classes and use
2. Identifying key scenarios of system use
3. Combining the scenarios to produce
How to comprehensive workflows described using
construct 4.
activity diagrams
Where significant object behaviour is
Activity triggered by a workflow, adding object
Diagrams 5.
flows to the diagrams
Where workflows cross technology
boundaries, using swimlanes to map the
6. Refining complicated high level activities
similarly, nested activity diagrams
• Activity Diagrams are good for
describing synchronization and
concurrency between activities

• Activity diagrams are useful for capturing

detailed activities, but they can also
Summary capture elements of the high level
workflow the system is intended to

• Partitioning can be helpful in investigating

responsibilities for interactions and
associations between objects and actors

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