Portfolio in Business Ethics

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Submitted by: Tatel, Mae M. Sec. 12-ABM B Date: June 10,

Lesson # 1, 2 & 3 (3rd Quarter)
Pre-Activity: Business as usual

Name of the Products/Services

Business offered
Puregold Basic necessities (Food, Appliances,
Mcdonalds Food

Toothfairy Dental Clinic Dentistry

Unciano Medical Center Medical facility

7/11 Convenient store (Foods)

Post Activity # 1: True or False
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
Post-Activity # 2

Multiple Choice
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. C
Post-Activity # 3

Reflective Thinking
Being Steward everywhere, in your home, community, school, work, etc. is
an obligation that we need to always assess if we are doing good in it. If we don’t
have people that we are degrading regardless of our level in society. It is a way to
show that we can be successful without doing something bad to others. Being a good
steward is something that we can always be proud of. To show our fairness,
transparency, being accountable and showing a good stewardship. To not look down
on someone, treating everyone fair and always keep the transparency of our motives
good. To show that we are willing and committed to do our duties and responsibilities
regardless of how hard it it.
I understand that
In business, there is a proper etiquette too so that we always have peace
and we are always organized, we need to keep that proper etiquette in our business

I realize that
This learning can help me in the future, in God’s will, since I am planning to build
my own business.

I still want to learn on

More things about business ethics so that I will be fully prepared in the
future. _
Lesson # 4 to 7 (3rd Quarter)
Pre-Activity # 1: Reflective thinking
1. In this scenario, I think the employee’s mistake is
that he didn’t check the change twice, He needs to
make a way to give the change to the owner of it and
tell the situation to his manager.
2. In this scenario, I believe that in the first place, the
pregnant woman shouldn’t be working in her situation.
She should’ve take a leave in her work and the
company is not also letting her to work.
Post Activity # 1: Q& A
1. The first philosopher is Aristotle, his business practice is that he based his ethics on a
psychological theory of human nature, insisting that we are naturally virtuous, rational, social
and happiness-seeking. The second is Socrates, who insisted on our right to think for ourselves.
The third is Epicurus who taught, rather scandalously, that the aim of life was simply to
be as happy as possible here on Earth, before we die and dissolve back into the
atomic universe. And lastly is Confucius who emphasized personal and governmental
morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, kindness, and sincerity.
2. Among all these philosophers, I mostly admire Socrates because thinking for
ourselves is like a self-reminder that we must also think for ourselves so that we will
not shrink alone.
3. Among the different Filipino values and attitudes in business, I admire the attitude
of a friendly competition to others.
4. I think it can improved if we continue to care for each other at all times. To always
assess if we always consider all things that we need to consider and if we are keeping
our business ethics.
Post-Activity # 2
 Performance task

 Socrates, on daring to disagree Socrates, one of the first philosophers,

insisted on our right to think for ourselves. Too often, he warned, humans
sleepwalk through life, simply going along with the crowd. (The
Guardian, 2020) This is dangerous in questions of morality, and
particularly in corporate governance. When corruption is uncovered, too
often people say, "everyone else was doing it". But our characters are our
responsibility. Socrates was prepared to die rather than go against his
conscience. Does your organization encourage independent thinkers, and
people who follow their conscience? Does it allow people to give critical
feedback to managers? Does it create opportunities for good people to
blow the whistle on bad behavior? (The Guardian, 2020)
I understand that
In business, if we don’t have ethics, things will be complicated and it will be hard
for us to be successful.

I realize that
Ethics is really important because some of famous philosophers also gave their
thoughts on it. I also realized that in this learning, it makes me want to search more
about proper business practices.

I still want to learn on

Things that I need to know for me to be my guide in the future in coming up
with a decision about my own business.
Q3W1 LEAP Assessment
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True
Q3W2 LEAP Assessment
Questions Agree Disagree
1. Do you think it is reasonable to ✅
expect businesspersons to help
society or the country?
2. After reading and discussing this ✅
chapter, do you agree that the
purpose of business must not be
limited to the profit-motive?
3. Do you think that there are ✅
subjective reasons in putting up
4. Do you think transparency ✅
ensures that stakeholders can have
confidence in the decision-making
and management processes of a
5. Do you think openness and ✅
willingness to disclose financial
information figures which are
truthful and accurate means
Q3W3 LEAP Assessment
Statement Agree Disagree
1. Correctness in behavior and
manners are considered as

2. There is nothing important in
life than punctuality. And that is

decorum. – Samuel Beckett
3. To create an effective, cost-
efficient marketing management

strategy, firms must possess a
detailed, objective understanding
of the market in which they
4. We all need in a business
environment. – Rsome

restrictions because without
restrictions of any kind, we
forget the decorum we are
supposed to have oslyn Rolan
5. There are sets of rules and a
code of conduct that I believe

that you should adhere to in life.
– Stuart Pierce
Q3W4 LEAP Assessment
Self-assessment of the different ethical theories
With the philosophical theories, the one:

● I like most is Aristotle’s ‘On letting people seek fulfillment’ because I believe on
Self-Determination Theory, which suggests that employees will work harder for you,
and perform better, if you give them tasks, they find meaningful and morally
● most significant is Epicurus, on the art of happiness because I believe to the thought
that the aim of life was simply to be as happy as possible here on Earth, before we die
and dissolve back into the atomic universe
● I like least is Socrates, on daring to disagree because Sometimes, I believe that
always considering the fact that we can disagree is not helping in promoting peace
with each other.
● least relevant is Rufus, on keeping track of one’s ethical progress because
sometimes, always keeping track on other people makes our own self to lose in track
● Frequently used in business is Plutarch, on being a good role model because being a
Q3W5 LEAP Assessment
Let’s talk more!

1. After discussing the relationship between religion and business, do you agree that religion and
business are two congruent areas? Explain your answer.
- I disagree because we can’t deny the fact that we can’t prevent religious area to not affect
business since we all know that everybody has their own beliefs.
2. Give at least two specific implications of Islam on the conduct of business.
-The best wealth is spent on caring for your family, the needy, and society at large.
-Sources of livelihood are in business. for their business activities as long as they obey His
3. Despite many differences with regards to beliefs, rituals, and practices of major religions, can
we still find team spirit among their ethical values in relation to the conduct of business?
-I think we can, if we really want to have peace in business world.
4. For Muslim people, drinking alcohol is “haram” or unlawful, but it does not prevent Muslim
merchants from selling and making money. How do Muslim people deal with the issue?
-They don’t care about other people’s belief, as long as they are not drinking it, they will sell it to
other religion to make money.
5. Cite observable business practices in your locality that are affected by specific belief systems.
-There are businesses that some religion is not allowed to eat like Muslims not allowed to eat
pork and other religion not allowed to eat foods sealed by halal.
Q3W6 LEAP Assessment
Let’s talk more!
Give at least three (3) Filipino values that are commonly practiced in business and how these
values affect the attitudes of business constituents?
Pagmamalasakit (Empathy)
 Filipinos are very social beings, and they always look after their fellow countrymen, 
wherever they are in the world. Being a naturally empathetic nation allows us to have a sense of
service towards others. And, who else would be a better fit for an other-centric company than a
leader who practices pagmamalasakit?
Pagpapakumbaba (Humility)
There is an old Filipino proverb that says, “He who does not know how to look back at where he
came from will never reach his destination.”
Pagkamausisa (Curiosity)
Curiosity is made up of two parts: The first is admitting that there are many things one does not
know, and second is having an eager desire to learn more. Through these two, individuals not
only gain a deeper understanding of themselves, but they also get a chance to build partnerships,
solve problems, and most importantly, remove complacency.
Q3W7-8 LEAP Assessment
Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you. – Analects 15:23

In general, it can be defined as treating other people as you would like to be treated. It is one of
the main values to get along and have a good relationship with others. An employer-employee
relationship is very important not just for professional purposes but as well as for personal
purposes. Both professional and personal relationships help build a great working environment
that surely improves business and helps attain its mission and vision.

-This means you should treat others the way you would like to be treated. If you don't want to be
hurt, treated unfairly, or ridiculed, don't do those things to other people. The statement requires
that people step outside themselves and consider another person's point of view, situation, or
circumstances. We are all pretty self-serving creatures, and no one wishes for a life of hardship or
difficulty. No one wishes to be disrespected at work, insulted on social media, or excluded at a
dinner. Therefore, Matthew 7:12 provides a way to interact with people in healthy and productive
ways. When in doubt about how to respond to a situation or how to react to a person, simply
consider how you would like to be treated—and then do that.
1. What do you think are the best philosophies or Filipino values that help employees feel
motivated and involved in the workplace?
-I think the values makes us do whatever it is even if it is hard is our love to our family, they
make us strong whenever we see them happy and in good condition.
2. Does an individual’s belief system matter in his/her involvement in achieving the company’s
-Yes it matters our involvement since it affects our health in every aspect.
4. How do belief systems help achieve business goals and improve business practices?
-It makes us united, and make us learn to get along with others and respect what their belief is so
that they will respect you too.
5. How do these different belief systems influence you as a future businessperson?
-It influences me by being prepared in the future since I am planning to build my own business in
the future, this lessons serves as my guide so that I will become aware in my career.
Lesson # 1& 2 (4th Quarter)
Pre-Activity: Ethical or Unethical
1. ETH
2. ETH
3. ETH
8. ETH
Post Activity # 1: Reflective
Post Activity # 1: Reflective
-Philosophies reflect in business practices guide me to ponder on how beliefs systems really
affects business since it is a huge factor to consider whenever you will plan to enter the business
-The learnings I have found in this lesson is that philosophy is a great factor and you need to
learn more about it also if you are in business area. I t can guide you in the future by learning in
the past like the thoughts shared by great and famous philosophers.
-I think other examples that I can contribute is the story of some businessmen who is now
successful regarding on how they cope up with all the situations they have been through and how
their beliefs affects it.
-The learnings I can share with my family and peers is that the lesson I have learned that we
really should be careful in getting along with athers and promotes peace always in all ways.
-The good character I developed from this lesson is being always considerable and showing
empathy to others.
-My conclusion on the lesson is, I think it makes us understand clearly how much things we need
to learn and consider in entering in the business world.
Post-Activity # 2 Critical thinking
1. It is important that your business philosophy be genuine. Your employees will know if
you write a business philosophy merely because it makes a good sound bite and a
talking point with customers. Your customers will see through a company touting strong
values but that has no respect for consumers' needs. For example, if the code of ethics
has a clearly stated policy of inclusiveness, but the manager of a department divides his
team into groups because of favoritism, it becomes clear that inclusiveness is not a
value he embraces. If those above him on the corporate structure allow it to occur, then
the inclusive philosophy is seen as disingenuous and can hurt team morale. Being
honest, standing behind your product and being an active, positive member in the
community are all positive philosophies a business might adopt. Cutting corners, putting
profits first and embracing exclusivity can negatively affect a company's ability to
produce the desired results. As a leader, it is imperative that you understand how to
position a philosophy. Being innovative could be seen as cutting corners where, in fact, it
represents seeking out better ways to do things. The latter is a positive business
philosophy, where the former tends to lead to negative results. Look for areas in which
your company can embody personal values and philosophies. Think about how you feel
about customer service, quality, honesty and cooperation. These are usually the
foundation for any business philosophy and core value statement.
2. Yes, that candy wrapper you threw on the ground the other day can have lasting effects on the
environment. Waste disposal problems have become a pressing issue for many countries, and it
has become a global problem everyone needs to address. At this point, it’s not enough to look at
waste management and disposal as a problem global leaders and local governments have to deal
with. The extreme waste problem we’re facing right now started because everyday people like
you and me thought one candy wrapper left on the ground or one plastic bottle left on a park
bench was not going to make a dent in the amount of waste their area makes. But when hundreds
of millions of people share this mindset, it becomes dangerous as the waste starts to accumulate.
Whether it is plastic, an old computer, or your worn-out shoes, you have to think about the
appropriate waste management and disposal. Waste disposal is a lengthy but methodical process
that includes burial, burning, recycling, discharge, and other processes.  Indeed, many
organizations and localities in the world are grappling with the problem, unable to handle it
completely. Here are some common waste disposal problems in various scales and potential
3. In your personal life, you might not give much thought to the importance of ethics exactly. You
just try to do what’s right. But just like making those moral judgment calls can have a major
impact on your life, they can affect a business’s success in big ways. Your business can offer a
great service or innovative product, but with questionable ethics, it might not even matter. Good
business ethics are important to businesses for several reasons.
Business ethics help ensure a good reputation for your company. Not only does it feel good to be
part of a company with a great reputation, but it’s great for business. When you have a reputation
for consistently being ethical in how you source and build products, and treat employees,
customers and the community, more people will want to do business with you. Even 
social media ethics is important for your reputation.
4. Market Research can significantly help your marketing strategy as it helps to provide key
insights and information to the business. It can provide a deeper understanding on your customer
and competitors. Research will help to understand who is buying your product or service, who is
not buying your product or service, what motivates them, and whether they are loyal to your
brand – ultimately leading to increased sales over time. Similarly understanding the wider market
environment can help identify new opportunities for your business. As the market changes its
important to continue to research and understand ways you can improve on your offering based
on the changing consumer preferences or market dynamics.
I understand that
Philosophies in business is really important, it shows how philosophy affects the ethics that
we need to learn as we enter the business world and I also understand the thoughts that the great
philosophers is trying to convey on they philosophical theories in business.

I realize that
This learnings can be helpful to me as my guide in the future as a future businesswomen
because it helps me to be aware on things that we always needto consider and that in
businessworld, it is not that easy so we need to be strong and learn everything that we need to

I still want to learn on

Things about how business ethics can help us to be truly successful in the future, and
how it affects the lives of every people in the area.
Lesson # 3-4 (4th Quarter)
Pre-Activity: Reaction to videos
1. Being a socially responsible company can bolster a company's image and build its
brand. Social responsibility empowers employees to leverage the corporate resources at their
disposal to do good. Formal corporate social responsibility programs can boost employee
morale and lead to greater productivity in the workforce.
2. The CSR of Jollibee helps them to be more successful, I think having a good and precise CSR
can get the trust of the consumers and giving them assurance that your company can be trusted.
Not just Jollibee but all the huge companies out there that up until now, we continue supporting.
3. The Starbucks CSR shows that they are committed to offering high-quality, ethically
purchased and responsibly produced products. We are committed to investing in paths to
opportunity through education, training and employment and that they are committed to
minimizing our environmental footprint and inspiring others to do the same.
Post Activity # 1: levels of CSR
 Draw and label your own version of Carroll’s CSR
Pyramid. Make sure to explain each four
responsibilities of a company.
Philanthropic refers to charitable acts or other good works that
help others or society as a whole. Philanthropy can include
donating money to a worthy cause or volunteering time, effort, or
other forms of altruism
Philanthropic Ethical corporate social responsibility programmes focus on
ensuring that. all stakeholders in a business receive fair
treatment, from employees to customers.
Legal responsibilities are not only liable to the
individuals in the society but also to the businesses
in the society.
Economic responsibility initiatives involve improving the
firm's business operation while participating in sustainable
I understand that
Philosophies in business is really important, it shows how philosophy affects the ethics that
we need to learn as we enter the business world and I also understand the thoughts that the great
philosophers is trying to convey on they philosophical theories in business.

I realize that
This learnings can be helpful to me as my guide in the future as a future businesswomen
because it helps me to be aware on things that we always needto consider and that in
businessworld, it is not that easy so we need to be strong and learn everything that we need to

I still want to learn on

Things about how business ethics can help us to be truly successful in the future, and
how it affects the lives of every people in the area.
Lesson # 5 & 6 (4th Quarter)
Pre-Activity: Reaction to videos
1. The video shows that when organizations implement best practices in CSR, employees are
more likely to engage in cooperative behaviors toward their coworkers and the organization, like
going out of their way to help their teammate. Similarly, CSR promotes higher-quality and closer
relationships between employees.
2. Implementing a CSR model does more than just help the environment and society, it also has a
positive impact on a business’ reputation. As people are becoming more socially conscious, they
are choosing to prioritize businesses that are focused on social responsibility. CSR practices also
help boost employee morale as employees and employers gain a greater sense of purpose in their
work.  Understanding the appropriate ways to implement a CSR model has become vital for
anyone wishing to work in business.
Post Activity : essay writing
 1
The faster your business can grow—the better? Not necessarily. In order for a
business to grow without unnecessary financial and operational hurdles, it must develop at a
rate which takes into consideration the consequences of increased sales volume and staff,
while remaining consistant with the methodology that made the business possible. Calculating
the sustainable growth rate for your business can help you plan for the future and reduce the
danger of becoming over-leveraged. Every company wants to grow their business, yet few
know how to sustain it for the long-term or look beyond the next quarterly or yearly report.
Growing a business requires the right intellectual capital, carefully selected strategic
partnerships, and products and/or services with strong marketplace demand. Beyond these
fundamentals, sustaining growth requires a strong operational foundation – to reduce the risks
to the business over time. The best way to create operational efficiencies is to assure that the
workplace culture supports the tools to drive efficiencies within the organization – by design –
not by accident. To learn more, here are six organizational values to create and sustain growth
through an efficiencies-driven mindset. In the end, your organization must embrace a cultural
promise that stands by the following motto: Success comes most to those who are surrounded
by people who want their success to continue.
 2
For a small business owner, your finances are like gas in the car. Money keeps your
business running. If you manage your cash flow properly, your business can take you to
destinations you’ve always dreamed of: rapidly scaling your business, early retirement , and
more. If you’re struggling to handle your own finances, a small business financial advisor may be
the right solution. While it does cost money to work with a financial advisor, the upfront
investment can be worth it to increase your business’s financial health, create a plan for your
retirement, and more. In this article, we’ll explore what a small business financial advisor does
and how they can potentially help your business. A small business financial advisor is a
professional who will help you maximize the capital that goes into starting and running your
business. The most practical part about managing your business finances is that it keeps your
business alive. But you didn’t start a business just to skimp by. You want your business to make a
profit, scale, and thrive. Keeping your business finances healthy can help you achieve this.
 3
If you're an ideas person like me, you likely come up with great ideas for businesses on
the fly. You know, the kind that solves a problem that exists in the world, or that you think will
fill a need that is currently going unmet. You might get these ideas by the dozen--in the moments
before you drift off to sleep, or when you are washing dishes or while going for a run. But that
does not mean that all of these ideas can be converted into business ideas. Recognize that ideas
are just ideas. In order to turn your business idea into reality, you need to start executing them.
Once you settle on an idea to put in motion, you must then conduct market research of your target
market, implement a good strategy, write a sound business plan, get the right space, and the right
staff. You need to have a clear image of who your target market is. What problem do they have
that your product or service can solve? How much money do they have? Where do they live?
How much education do they have? What do they do for a living? Are they single or do they have
a family? How much disposable income do they have? Where and how will they use your
product? Hold a focus group and write it all down.
I understand that
In business, there is a proper etiquette too so that we always have peace
and we are always organized, we need to keep that proper etiquette in our business
life. I also understand about how CSR is important for a business to be successful.

I realize that
This learning can help me in the future, in God’s will, since I am planning to build
my own business. I also realize how lucky I was that I am able to learn about this
learnings that I can use in the future.

I still want to learn on

More things about business ethics so that I will be fully prepared in the
future. _

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