Statistical Process Control Using Control Charts: June 21, 2021 Materi Ke-3

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Lecture 3

Statistical Process Control

Using Control Charts

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

 What is control chart / Shewhart
control chart ?
 Describe the importantce of pareto
diagrams in process improvement ?

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

 Introduction
 Cause of Variation

 Statistical Basis for Control Charts

 Selection of rational Subgroups

 Analysis of Patterns in Control Chart

 Maintenance of Control Chart

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

 Statistical process control is a collection
of tools that when used together can
result in process stability and variability
 Control Chart : Graphical tool for monitoring
the activity of on going process

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

 Benefits using control chart
 When to take corrective action

 Type remedial action necessary

 When to leave a process alone

 Process capability

 Possible means of quality improvement

 How to set product specifications

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

Cause of Variation
 Variability is a part of any process
 The causes of variations
 Chance Cause
Something inherent to a process ( as the natural
variation in a process )
 Assignable Cause
Something for which an identifiable reason can
Example : wrong tool , operator error
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Cause of Variation
 Chance and Assignable Causes of Quality
 A process that is operating with only chance causes of
variation present is said to be in statistical control. Natural
variability or background noise. Fluctuations
 A process that is operating in the presence of assignable
causes is said to be out of control. E.g. Operator errors,
defective raw material, improper settings.
 The eventual goal of SPC is reduction or elimination of
variability in the process by identification of assignable

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Statistical Basis
for Control Charts
 Basic Principles
 Assumed to have approximately
normal distribution
 Control limits : 99.74 % ( 3 limits )

 A control chart : on line process

 Making inference
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Statistical Basis
for Control Charts
 Selection of Control Limits
Let  represent a quality characteristic of
interest and represent an estimate of 

 
CL  E ˆ
If k = 3 
UCL  E  ˆ   k SD  ˆ  0.0026 of a sample
statistic falling
LCL  E  ˆ   k SD  ˆ  outside

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

Statistical Basis
for Control Charts
 Errors in making inference from control chart
 Type I : process is out of control when it is actually in
 Type II : process is in control when it is really out of control
 Effect of control limits on errors in making inference
 Warning limit
 Usually 2 standard deviation
 Effect of sample size on control limits
 Influence in standard deviation

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

Statistical Basis
for Control Charts
 Basic Principles
A typical control chart has control limits set at
values such that if the process is in control,
nearly all points will lie between the upper
control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

Statistical Basis
for Control Charts
 A control chart contains
 A center line
 An upper control limit
 A lower control limit
 A point that plots within the control limits indicates the process is
in control
 No action is necessary
 A point that plots outside the control limits is evidence that the
process is out of control
 Investigation and corrective action are required to find and
eliminate assignable cause(s)
 There is a close connection between control charts and
hypothesis testing
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Photolithography Example
 Important quality characteristic in hard bake
is resist flow width
 Process is monitored by average flow width
 Sample of 5 wafers
 Process mean is 1.5 microns
 Process standard deviation is 0.15 microns
 Note that all plotted points fall inside the
control limits
 Process is considered to be in statistical control

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Selection of rational
 The premise : chosen is such manner that the
variation within it is considered to due only to
chance causes.
 Basis : Time order
 Two approaches ( Besterfield , 1990 )
 Instance of time method
 Period of time method
 Subgroup Size ( the number of items in each
group )
 Frequency of sampling
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Selection of rational
 Subgroups or samples should be selected so
that if assignable causes are present, the
chance for differences between subgroups
will be maximized, while the chance for
differences due to these assignable causes
within a subgroup will be minimized.

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

Selection of rational
 Selection of Rational Subgroups
Two general approaches to constructing rational
 Select consecutive units of production. Each
sample consists of units that were produced
at the same time (or as closely together as
 Provides a “snapshot” of the process.
 Effective at detecting process shifts.
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
 Select a random sample over the entire
sampling interval.
 Often used to make decisions about the
acceptance of all units of product that have been
produced since the last sample.
 Can be effective at detecting if the mean has
wandered out-of-control and then back in-control.

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Analysis of Patterns
in Control Chart
Five Rules for identifying an out-of-control process
1. A single point outside the control limits

2. Two out of three consecutive points fall outside the 2

warning limits on the same side
3. Four out of five consecutive points fall beyond the 1
warning limits on the same side
4. Eight or more consecutive points fall to one side

5. A run of eight or more consecutive points –up, down,

above or below the CL , or above or bellow the

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

Analysis of Patterns
in Control Chart
Nonrandom patterns can indicate out-of-
control conditions
 Patterns such as cycles, trends, are often of
considerable diagnostic value (more about this in
Chapter 5)
 Look for “runs” - this is a sequence of
observations of the same type (all above the
center line, or all below the center line)
 Runs of say 8 observations or more could indicate
an out-of-control situation.
 Run up: a series of observations are increasing
 Run down: a series of observations are
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
An x chart with a nonrandom,
up-run, down-run patterns
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
An x chart with a cyclic pattern

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Analysis of Patterns
in Control Chart
 Interpretation of Plots ( Non random pattern )
 Determination of causes associated with out-of-control points
 Require a thorough knowledge of the process and the sensitivity
of the output quality characteristic to the process parameters
 The pattern and associated causes
 Change in the level of the plotted pattern ( a jump ) ( change
quality raw material , change operator , failure component )
 Trend in the plotted pattern ( tool wear , change in pressure )
 Cyclic behavior in the plotted pattern ( seasonal effects of
quality , operator fatigue )
 Concentration of points near the control limits ( two or more
operator plotted on the same chart , different production
method )

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3
Maintenance of Control Chart
 Proper placement of the control
charts on the shop floor is important
 easy to access
 The control chart should draw the
attention and curiosity of everyone

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

1. What are benefits of using control chart ?
2. Explain the different between chance
causes and assignable causes ? give
example of each ?
3. How are rational subgroups selected ?
explain the importance of this in the total
quality systems approach?

June 21, 2021 Materi ke-3

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