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Diagnosis & Testosterone Replacement


dr. Adi Santosa Maliki, SpAnd(K)

Testosterone for Life
• Testosterone is essential for Men’s
Body, Mind and Sexual Function.

• Symptoms associated with

hypogonadism may cause significant
reduction of patients’ quality-of-life.

• Testosterone Replacement Therapy

indicated progressive improvement
of HRQoL.

The Aging Male, 2012; 15(4): 198–207

Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Testicular Axis

Bagatell CJ, Bremner WJ. N Eng J Med 1996; 334: 707-714.

Griffin JE & Wilson JD. In Williams Text book of Endocrinology. 2003: 709-753.
• Metabolism
– Primarily by the liver • Major androgen in man
– Two active metabolites • 95% synthesized by Leydig
cells, from cholesterol
• Secreted into the
Testosterone 5 alpha-reductase • Necessary for
– fetal male sexual
aromatase – puberty
– maintenance of
Dihydrotestosterone secondary male sex
(DHT) characteristics

F: female
Endogenous Testosterone
Sex Hormone
Usual distribution in the blood Binding Globulin

Albumin and
Free Testosterone
other Proteins

Bioavailable Testosterone

Total testosterone : 300 - 1,000 ng/dL (10.4 – 41.6 nmol/L)

Free testosterone : 50 - 210 pg/mL (1.7 – 166.7 nmol/L)
Serum testosterone levels a day (Circadian Rhythm )
in men

MMESOR = midline estimate statistic of rhythm, defined as the rhythm-adjusted mean or the average
value of the rhythmic function fitted to the data. * A significant difference between the young and older
mean total testosterone was shown at three sampling times: 06:00, 07:00 and 07:30.

Reference: Diver MJ, Imtiaz KE, Ahmad AM, Vora JP, Fraser WD. Diurnal rhythms of serum
total, free and bioavailable testosterone and of SHBG in middle-aged men compared with
those in young men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2003; 58: 710-717.
Organs and tissues throughout the
male body that affected by Testosterone
Physiologic effects of androgens
Sexual differentiation:

Figure from Molina PE. Male Reproductive System. In: Raff H, Levitzky M, eds. Medical
Physiology: A Systems Approach: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2011: 683-694.
Physiologic effects of androgens
– Triggered by:
•  pulsatile secretion of GnRH   serum gonadotropins   testosterone production by
Leydig cells

– Associated physiologic changes:

• initiation of spermatogenesis
• testes and penis enlargement
• pubic, facial, extremities hair growth
• prostate, seminal vesicle, epididymis growth
• larynx enlargement, vocal cord thickening, deepening of voice
• increased linear growth
• increased muscle mass, haematocrit
• increased libido and sexual potency

References: Molina PE. Male Reproductive System. In: Raff H, Levitzky M, eds. Medical Physiology: A Systems Approach: The McGraw-Hill Companies;
2011: 683-694. Figure from Koeppen BM, Stanton BA, Berne RM. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th ed. London: Mosby; 2008.
Physiologic effects of androgens
Sexual maturity:
– sperm production optimal, most sexual anatomic changes completed
– testosterone and DHT required for:
• maintenance of reproductive tissues
• maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics

– testosterone has major effects on:

• libido and erectile function
• muscle mass and strength
• fat distribution
• bone mass
• erythropoiesis
• skin and hair
– testosterone may also enhance:
• general metabolism
• mood
• sense of well-being
References: 1. Molina PE. Male Reproductive System. In: Raff H, Levitzky M, eds. Medical Physiology: A Systems Approach: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2011:683-694. 2.
Griffin JE, Wilson JD. Disorders of the testes and the male reproductive tract. In: Larson PR, Kronenberg HM, Melmed S, Polonsky KS, eds. Williams Textbook of
Endocrinology. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; 2003: 709-769. 3. Bagatell CJ, Bremner WJ. Androgens in men--uses and abuses. N Engl J Med. 1996; 334: 707-714. Figure
from Koeppen BM, Stanton BA, Berne RM. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th ed. London: Mosby; 2008.
Age-related Decline in Testosterone Level
(Hypogonadism or Hypoandrogenism in male)

Testosterone levels in adult male begins to

decline at an average of 1.25% per year.
Surampudi PN, Wang C, Swerdloff R. Hypogonadism in the aging male
diagnosis, potential benefits, and risks of testosterone replacement therapy.
Int J Endocrinol. 2012; 2012:625434
Age-specific prevalence of hypogonadism in men:
Results from the HIM study

Mulligan T, Frick MF et al. Int J Clin Pract. 2006; 60:762-769.

Hypogonadism: Classification
Primary hypogonadism Late-onset
- Abnormality is in the testes hypogonadism/Andropause
– defined as “hypogonadism in a
male who has had normal
Secondary hypogonadism pubertal development and as a
- Abnormality lies above the level of the testes result developed normal male
secondary sex characteristics”
– often either secondary or mixed
Mixed hypogonadism hypogonadism
- Defects in the testes and the hypothalamic-
pituitary axis

References: Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Hayes FJ, et al. Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes:
an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010; 95: 2536-2559. Figure from Pantalone KM,
Faiman C. Male hypogonadism: more than just a low testosterone. Cleve Clin J Med. 2012; 79: 717-725.
Primary Hypogonadism Hypogonadism
• Low testosterone levels • Decreased gonadotropin
• Impairment of stimulation of potentially
spermatogenesis normal testes
• Elevated gonadotropin • Low testosterone levels
level • Low or low-normal
(Hypergonadotropic) gonadotropin levels
: High LH, FSH (Hypogonadotropic) : normal
• Also known as Primary or Low LH, FSH
Testiculare Failure (PTF) • Impairment of

Bagatell CJ, Bremner WJ. N Eng J Med 1996; 334: 707-714.

Griffin JE & Wilson JD. In Williams Text book of Endocrinology. 2003: 709-753.
Primary Hypogonadism

Causes of Primary Male Hypogonadism

Genetic: Kleinefelter (XXY) Testicular trauma

Enzymatic: 5α-reductase deficiency Bilateral torsion

Myotonic muscular dystrophy Orchidectomy

Cryptorchidism Toxic exposure

Orchitis Chemotherapy, radiation

Autoimmune disease Malnutrition

Bagatell CJ, Bremner WJ. N Eng J Med 1996; 334: 707-714.

Plymate S. In Androgens in Health and Disease. 2003: 45-75.
Secondary Hypogonadism

Causes of Secondary Male Hypogonadism

Genetic: Kallmann Syndrome Hypothyroidism

Prader-Willi syndrome Hyperprolactemia

Pituitary tumors Cirrhosis

Suprasellar tumors Hemochromatosis

Hypothalamic, pituitary lesions Massive obesity

Bagatell CJ, Bremner WJ. N Eng J Med 1996; 334: 707-714.

Plymate S. In Androgens in Health and Disease. 2003: 45-75.
Mixed Hypogonadism
• Combined defects in the
Causes of Mixed Male testes and the
Hypogonadism hypothalamic-pituitary
Severe systemic axis
Occupational • Low testosterone levels
HIV / AIDS Medications • Variable gonadotropin
Sickle cell disease Alcohol levels
• Impairment of

Bagatell CJ, Bremner WJ. N Eng J Med 1996; 334: 707-714.

Plymate S. In Androgens in Health and Disease. 2003: 45-75.
Hypogonadism: Signs and symptoms

• Incomplete or delayed sexual development, eunuchoidism

• Reduced libido, decreased spontaneous erections
• Breast discomfort, gynaecomastia
• Loss of body hair, reduced shaving More specific
• Very small or shrinking testes
• Low or zero sperm count
• Height loss, low trauma fracture, low bone mineral density
• Hot flushes, sweats

• Decreased energy/motivation
• Depressed mood
• Poor concentration and memory
• Sleep disturbance, increased sleepiness Less specific
• Mild anaemia
• Reduced muscle bulk and strength
• Increased body fat, body mass index
• Diminished physical or work performance

Reference: Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Hayes FJ, et al. Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an Endocrine Society
clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010; 95: 2536-2559.
Hypogonadism: Symptoms

Reference: Zitzmann M, Faber S, Nieschlag E. Association of specific symptoms and metabolic

risks with serum testosterone in older men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006; 91: 4335-4343.
Hypogonadism: Laboratory Evaluation

• Hypogonadism is characterized by repeatedly low serum testosterone concentrations.

• Measurement of serum testosterone concentration requires consideration:2

– types/forms of testosterone to be measured
– time of measurement
– frequency of measurement

• Three different forms of testosterone can be measured: total testosterone, free testosterone,
bioavailable testosterone.1
– Most circulating testosterone is bound to SHBG (44%) and to albumin (54%), with only 0.5-3% being unbound or
– Bioavailable testosterone = free testosterone + albumin-bound testosterone.
– Total testosterone concentrations are affected by changes in SHBG concentrations.
– When total testosterone concentrations are near the lower limit of the normal range and alterations of SHBG are
suspected, measurement of free testosterone or bioavailable testosterone is indicated.

1. Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Hayes FJ, et al. Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an
Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010; 95: 2536-2559.
2. Surampudi PN, Wang C, Swerdloff R. Hypogonadism in the aging male diagnosis, potential benefits, and risks of
testosterone replacement therapy. Int J Endocrinol. 2012; 2012:625434.
Hypogonadism: Diagnosis

• The 2010 Endocrine Society Guideline

and the 2012 EAU Guideline recommend
that the diagnosis of hypogonadism be
based on:
– the identification of signs and symptoms
suggestive of testosterone deficiency, and
– the presence of low testosterone levels
measured by a reliable assay on two or
more occasions

References: Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Hayes FJ, et al. Testosterone therapy in

men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an Endocrine Society clinical practice
guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010; 95: 2536-2559. Dohle GR, Arver S,
Bettocchi C, Kliesch S, Punab M, de Ronde W. Guidelines on Male
Hypogonadism. Arnhem, The Netherlands: EAU Guidelines Office; 2012.
Hypogonadism Management Diagram

Lunenfeld B, Arver S, Moncada I, Rees DA, Schulte HM. How to help the aging male? Current
approaches to hypogonadism in primary care. Aging Male. 2012;15:187-197.
Hypogonadism: Co-morbidities

• Epidemiological studies support associations of low serum testosterone with co-morbidities,

– the metabolic syndrome
• increased central abdominal obesity
• elevated triglycerides
• reduced HDL
• high blood pressure
• increased fasting glucose, hyperinsulinaemia
– obesity
– type 2 diabetes
– increased cardiovascular disease risk
– erectile dysfunction
• Low testosterone levels reported in up to 20% of men with symptomatic vertebral fractures
and 50% of elderly men with hip fractures. 5

References: 1. Mulligan T, Frick MF, Zuraw QC, Stemhagen A, McWhirter C. Prevalence of hypogonadism in males aged at least 45 years: the HIM study. Int J Clin Pract.
2006; 60: 762-769. 2. Wu FC, Tajar A, Beynon JM, et al. Identification of late-onset hypogonadism in middle-aged and elderly men. N Engl J Med. 2010; 363: 123-135. 3.
Wang C, Jackson G, Jones TH, et al. Low testosterone associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome contributes to sexual dysfunction and cardiovascular disease risk
in men with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2011; 34: 1669-1675. 4. Khaw KT, Dowsett M, Folkerd E, et al. Endogenous testosterone and mortality due to all causes,
cardiovascular disease, and cancer in men: European prospective investigation into cancer in Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) Prospective Population Study. Circulation. 2007; 116:
2694-2701. 5. Francis RM. The effects of testosterone on osteoporosis in men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1999; 50: 411-414.
Hypogonadism and Co-morbidities

Insulin Resistance Obesity

Diabetes Hypogonadism


Figure adapted from Traish AM, Saad F, Guay A. The dark side of testosterone deficiency: II. Type 2
diabetes and insulin resistance. J Androl. 2009; 30: 23-32.
High Prevalence of Low Testosterone
Percentage in Men with Co-morbidities (HIM Study)

Mulligan T, Frick MF et al. Int J Clin Pract. 2006; 60:762-769.

Testosterone Therapy

• Major goal
= to alleviate the symptoms of hypogonadism by restoring serum testosterone levels to
normal physiologic levels, with a minimum of adverse effects

• Optimally, testosterone therapy should:

– raise circulating testosterone levels to normal physiologic ranges
– provide a daily release of testosterone that is similar to normal endogenous production
– reproduce testosterone fluctuations that match the circadian rhythm
– deliver serum testosterone that can be converted at tissue level to its metabolites at the
desired concentrations
– have little or no negative effects on the prostate, liver, lipid profile, or cardiovascular
– represent a convenient treatment option

Reference: Giagulli VA, Triggiani V, Corona G, et al. Evidence-based medicine update on

testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in male hypogonadism: focus on new formulations.
Curr Pharm Des. 2011; 17: 1500-1511.
• Trans-dermal: adequate T level, no
First-pass effect through the liver
1. Gels
2. Patches
3. Pellets
4. Buccal
• Orals
• Intra Muscular Injection
Drug Interactions of Testosterone
• Drugs which decrease levels of testosterone levels:
– Phenobarbital and Dilantin (seizure medicines)
– Rifampin
– Alcohol!

• Drugs which increase levels of testosterone:

– Serzone, Prozac, Paxil (antidepressants)
– Sporanox, Diflucan (antifungals)
– Tagamet
– Biaxin, Zithromax (antibiotics)
– Protease Inhibitors (HIV treatment)

• Testosterone can also alter the effects of other drugs:

– Increase the blood thinning effect of Coumadin
– Decreases the effectiveness of Inderal (propranolol) a blood-pressure medicine
– Increases the effect of some oral medicines for diabetes and can cause
dangerously low blood sugar levels
Desirable Attributes of TRT
Desirable Attributes Gel IM Oral

Bio-identical Yes No No

High Efficacy Yes Yes No

Short Duration/Flexible Dosing Yes No Yes

Strict to Normal Physiologic Range Yes No No

Mimics Circadian Rhythm of Testosterone Yes No Yes

Self-Administration Yes No Yes

Adapted from U.S. PHARMACIST December 2011

Therapeutic potential of testosterone gels. Aging Health (2009) 5(3), 227-245
Profile of Androgel 1%
• AndroGel® 1% is a testosterone in the form of clear and colorless
ointment like supplies

• AndroGel® 1% provides a conducting effect testosterone in a

transdermal manner continuously in 24 hours within granting a
single application.

• Keep at temperatue below 30oC

• Avoid from the children

How to Use Androgel 1%
Effects of AndroGel® 1% on increasing
testosterone levels

Kebiri kimia?
• PSA >4.0 or accelerated • Prostate CA
>0.75 • Breast CA
• Hb/Hc> 18/55 • Untreated prolactinoma
• Sleep Apnea
• Cardiac, Hepatic, Renal
Also for the long
term evaluation!!
Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

• Improved body composition1

– increased lean body mass
– increased muscle strength
– decreased fat mass

• Improvement in bone mineral density1

• Improved sexual function1
– increased libido
– improved erectile function

• Improved mood, sense of well-being1

• Improvement in MetS parameters2
–  fasting plasma glucose
–  insulin sensitivity
–  triglycerides
–  waist circumference

• Improved Quality of Life3,4

References: 1. Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Hayes FJ, et al. Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010; 95: 2536-2559. 2. Corona G, Monami M, Rastrelli G, et al. Testosterone and metabolic syndrome: a meta-analysis study. J Sex Med. 2011; 8: 272-
283. 3. Behre HM, Tammela TL, Arver S, et al. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of testosterone gel on body composition and health-related quality-of-life in
men with hypogonadal to low-normal levels of serum testosterone and symptoms of androgen deficiency over 6 months with 12 months open-label follow-up. Aging Male. 2012;
15: 198-207. 4. Srinivas-Shankar U, Roberts SA, Connolly MJ, et al. Effects of testosterone on muscle strength, physical function, body composition, and quality of life in
intermediate-frail and frail elderly men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010; 95: 639-650.
Androgel 1% and Sexual Functions
Androgel 1% and Mood Improvement
Androgel 1% and Body Composition (lean
body vs fat mass)
Hypogonadism: Summary

• The prevalence of hypogonadism in men increases with age

• There is an increased risk of hypogonadism in association with common medical conditions

such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension1
– a strong relationship has been observed between hypogonadism and the metabolic syndrome

• If left untreated, hypogonadism can compromise the sexual function, body composition,
cardiometabolic profile, and healthy aging of men2

• At present, symptomatic hypogonadism is frequently undiagnosed and left untreated

– in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, and Australia, < 2% of hypogonadal men over 50 years receive

• Testosterone therapy alleviates many of the symptoms of testosterone deficiency in

hypogonadal men4
– resulting in improved physical health, mental health, and sexual function

References: 1.Traish AM, Miner MM, Morgentaler A, Zitzmann M. Testosterone deficiency. Am J Med. 2011; 124: 578-587. 2. Giagulli VA, Triggiani V, Corona
G, et al. Evidence-based medicine update on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in male hypogonadism: focus on new formulations. Curr Pharm Des.
2011; 17: 1500-1511. 3. Carruthers M. Time for international action on treating testosterone deficiency syndrome. Aging Male. 2009; 12: 21-28. 4. Bhasin S,
Basaria S. Diagnosis and treatment of hypogonadism in men. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011; 25: 251-270.

THIS !!!
Curriculum Vitae
Nama: dr Adi Santosa Maliki SpAnd(K)
Tempat/tgl lahir: Bogor, 9 Desember
Status: Menikah
Agama: Islam
Alamat: Jalan Sukanegara 36 Antapani Bandung
Riwayat Pendidikan dan Pekerjaan:
- Dokter Umum: FKUI lulus 2002
- Dokter Triase RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo 2003
- Staf Pendidik: FKIK UIN 2008
- Spesialis Andrologi: FK UNAIR 2013
- Pengukuhan Konsultan Seksologi dan Anti Aging
Medicine: 2019
- Staf Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar FK
UNPAD: sekarang
- Dokter praktek RSIA Limijati Bandung dan RS
Melinda 2/Morula IVF Melinda Bandung: sekarang

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