Lecture # 01 Introduction To AI: way-to-learn-Artificial-Intelligence-for-a-beginner

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Lecture # 01

Introduction to AI


Marks Distribution

Quizzes/Tests 10
Assignments/ 10
Midterm 30
Final 50
Total 100
Recommended Books
• Rich, E. (1991). Artificial Intelligence. Tata McGraw-Hill
Books Company. India
• Frenzel, E.L., et al (1995). Crash Course in Artificial
Intelligence & Expert Systems. Sams & Co. Pearson
Education Pte.Ltd. India
• Khan, M.A. (1995). Text Based Machine Translation.
• Russell, S., et al. (2003). Artificial Intelligence, a Modern
Approach. Pearson Education Pte.Ltd. India
• Bratko, I. (2001). Prolog, Programming for Artificial
Intelligence. Pearson Education Pte.Ltd. India
• Winston, P.H. et al (2005). LISP. Pearson Education
Pte.Ltd. India. 
Course Outline
Introduction Problem Solving Virtual Reality

NLP Machine Learning

Applications Machine Trans

Representation Expert System
& Reasoning
• Are the things shown below, Intelligent?

1.Ability to solve problems
Ex-1: Searching a path …

Different mice might follow different paths based to their intelligence

In other words: The problem can be solved in many ways
Ability to solve problems demonstrates Intelligence
2. Ability to think for solving problems
Ex-2: Next number in the sequence …
• Consider the following sequence …
– What is the next number ?

• Key: Adding the next EVEN number …

1+2 = 3; 3+4 = 7; 7+6 = 13; 13+8 =21; 21+10 = 31
Ability to solve problems by thinking and memory
manipulation capability demonstrates
Intelligence 7
3. Ability to think, plan & schedule
Ex-3: your Experienced of college life…
• Look at time table and go to respective
• To develop time table is very complex job
• Different constraints to be followed such as
teacher/lab availability at that time slot and
many more requires thinking planning and
proper scheduling
Ability to think, plan & schedule demonstrates
4. Correct & efficient Memory & information
Ex-4: your Experience to visit a doctor
• A person goes to doctor, tells him that he is not feeling well.
• The doctor asks him a few questions to clarify the patient’s
• The doctor takes a few measurements to check the physical
status of the person include the temperature (T), Blood
Pressure (BP), Pulse Rate (PR) and things like that.
• Now a doctor who would have a better memory to store all this
precious knowledge, better ability of retrieving the correct
portion of the knowledge for the correct patient will be better
able to classify a patient.
Memory & correct & efficient memory & information
manipulation demonstrates intelligence. 9
5. Ability to tackle ambiguous and fuzzy
Ex-5: Things are not all that simple…
• Just tell us about your height. Are you short, medium or tall?
• Well you might just think that you are tall but your friend who is
taller than you might say that NO! You are not.
• The point being that some people might have such a
distribution in their mind that people having height around 4ft
are short, around 5ft are medium and around 6ft are tall.
• Others might have some other distribution
• But we all know that we answer such fuzzy questions very
efficiently in our daily lives.

ability to tackle ambiguous and fuzzy problems

demonstrates intelligence. 10
6. ability to learn & recognize
Ex-6: Point out differences in almost two
same pictures…
• If you are given tow pictures of the same object but
with a little bit differences in them and question you to
find out differences although both pictures looks same.
• But by just to look keenly at one and then the other ,
one can answer correctly by learning the patterns in
first and then recognizes the difference in the other

ability to learn and recognize demonstrates

intelligence. 11
7. Ability to understand and perceive
Ex-7: Watching television……
• A lot of us regularly watch television. Consider that
you switch off the volume of your TV set.
• If you are watching an online lecture you will somehow
perceive that the person standing in front of you is not
singing a song, or anchoring a musical show or
playing some sport.
• Your intelligence helped you to perceive and
understand what was happening on the TV.

ability to understand and perceive demonstrates

intelligence. 12
So, Let’s Summarize…
• Ability to solve problems
• Ability to plan and schedule
• Ability to memorize and process information
• Ability to answer fuzzy questions
• Ability to learn
• Ability to recognize
• Ability to understand
• Ability to perceive
• And many more …

Food for thought: Can only humans beings and animals possess
these qualities? 13
What if?
• A machine searches through a mesh and finds a path?
• A machine solves problems like the next number in
the sequence?
• A machine develops plans?
• A machine diagnoses and prescribes?
• A machine answers ambiguous questions?
• A machine recognizes fingerprints?
• A machine understands?
• A machine perceives?
• A machine does MANY MORE SUCH THINGS …
• A machine behaves as HUMANS do? HUMANOID!!!

What’s involved in Intelligence?
• Ability to interact with the real world
– to perceive, understand, and act
– e.g., speech recognition and understanding and synthesis
– e.g., image understanding
– e.g., ability to take actions, have an effect

• Reasoning and Planning

– modeling the external world, given input
– solving new problems, planning, and making decisions
– ability to deal with unexpected problems, uncertainties

• Learning and Adaptation

– we are continuously learning and adapting
– our internal models are always being “updated”
• e.g., a baby learning to categorize and recognize animals
Intelligent Systems in Your Everyday Life
• Post Office
– automatic address recognition and sorting of mail

• Banks
– automatic check readers, signature verification systems
– automated loan application classification

• Customer Service
– automatic voice recognition

• The Web
– Identifying your age, gender, location, from your Web surfing
– Automated fraud detection

• Digital Cameras
– Automated face detection and focusing

• Computer Games
– Intelligent characters/agents

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