Impact of Pandemic To The Psychological Aspects of Nursing Students

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Impact of Pandemic to

the Psychological
Aspects of Nursing

Presented by: Group III

Arete and Pelayo
The Problem and it’s
•The COVID-19 pandemic forced drastic changes to the educational settings
and living conditions of medical students nationwide. Due to the sudden onset of
remote learning, forceful educational changes likely induced fear and anxiety
among students. Psychological aspect is a thoughts and emotions of an
individual’s; it represents how people perceive themselves and the world, and
how they communicate with the world and themselves; it runs through the whole
person and can affect the function and structure of the person. The psychological
aspect is constantly being shaped and is affected by human experience,
environment and health. The unconscious component contains the deep
influence of beliefs on the individual. A person's life is "filtered" and the impact
and importance of the event are evaluated.
Stress is any requirement on your brain or body. People may report that
they feel pressured when faced with multiple competing demands. Stress can
be triggered by events that make you nervous or upset. Worry is a feeling of
fear. Fear, anxiety or discomfort. This may be a stress response, or it may
appear in people who cannot identify potential sources of stress in their lives.
Feeling and perception. Anxiety and stress have been considered as the main
problems related to student. anxiety encountered by nursing students
throughout the education process a large number of courses, continuous stress
to achieve high average scores, rigorous testing, complicated interpersonal
skills and clinical environment Challenge. Stress and anxiety are defined as an
impairment in the ability to concentrate, problem-solving, decision-making and
other student learning abilities. 

Students also have some symptoms and illnesses such as depression.

How to deal with stress in how to deal with it when looking at it and its
consequences is more important than the essence of stress itself. It shows that
the majority of human success is created in stressful situations, but after high
rates of stress, mental and physical illness, sleep disturbances, restlessness,
irritability, forgetfulness, abnormal fatigue, decreased resistance of the
individual, recurrent infections, headaches, it has a variety of consequences,
including poor concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills. Although
people typically experience stress, students are a high-risk group of stressors
due to the transitional nature of student life. Because they have to adapt to
living conditions that require the observance of new social norms and new
friendships. Thus, their perceptions of events select coping strategies that use
them in specific situations affected by stress.

Pandemic became an extensive toll on people's psychological aspect, most

specially students who were suppressed on their daily activities. Their
environment became more narrow. It became harder to cope with different
aspects of their life. As the pandemic suddenly arises people didn’t expect we
will proceed this far. At the first few month’s students think of it as a long
academic break not knowingly we are going to experience far more than what
we expected. This pandemic already runs for a long time now and we are still
uncertain when it will end, it might affect people extremely now and our future
as well.
Background of the Study

The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown and quarantine measures have brought
stress, anxiety, and other difficulties to the general population, including students.
When faced with major life changes or traumatic events, we feel pressured. Stress
is a response to needs that trigger biological changes (physiological, chemical,
hormonal, and emotional) in our body and brain. When anxiety starts to affect a
person’s ability to daily life without problems, anxiety becomes a mental health
problem. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines anxiety as "an
emotion characterized by tension, worry, and physical changes." and more serios
stress people often begin to developed troublesome symptoms. Everybody
experiences stress in their lives.  The stress of daily life manifests itself in many
ways: an angry response to an innocent problem, a severe headache at the end of
a hard day's work, and a driver tapping the wheel with his finger in a traffic jam.
These daily stresses are normal. However, over time, they worry. At this time, it is
at this point that might look for outside help. 

A pandemic period of infection can lead to increased stress and mental

health problems among all those affected, especially among population
subgroups at high risk of mental health problems. One such vulnerable group is
college students. The level of anxiety increases even more because the
outbreak and ending process are unknown and with limited to no social life,
which leads them to experience stress and pressure. The disturbance of
education for nursing students has been unforeseen for students. In addition, the
clinical practice of nursing students in hospitals has also ceased. Because much
of nursing education consists of clinical practice, students may have been
concerned about being inadequate in clinical skill development. In addition, the
application skills are insufficient, the uncertainty of when, where and how to do
the compensatory training for the elimination of inadequacy could stress.

According to Saleh et al, (2017) stated that Another group that is particularly
vulnerable to developing mental illness amongst the epidemics is higher
education students. Even outside the pandemic, nursing students and all college
students are likely to experience significant anxiety and depression due to
factors such as academic pressure and economic hardship.
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study is to perceive the impacts
of pandemic to the psychological aspect of a nursing
student. Precisely, this study will sought to answer
the following:
1. What is the demographic profile of the second

year level nursing students in terms of:

• 1.1 Age

• 1.2 Gender

• 1.3 Social Status

2. What are the factors affecting the anxiety and

stress of students during the covid 19 pandemic in

terms of?

• 2.1 School works 

• 2.2 Time 

• 2.3 Social status


3. How do the pandemic affect the psychological

aspect of 2nd years nursing students.

• 3.1 Stress

• 3.2 Anxiety
4. Is there a significant relationship

between the Impact of Pandemic to the

Psychological aspect of a nursing student?

Research Methodology

In this chapter, the careful consideration of the research design,

respondents of the study, research procedure, research instrument, and
statistical treatment of data give the answers to the problem of this study.
Research Design

The researchers use the correlational research design. According to McCombes

(2019) Correlational research is a type of research method that includes noticing two
factors to set up a measurably comparing connection between them.The aim of
correlational research is to identify variables that have some sort of relationship to
the extent that a change in one creates some change in the other.

The whole purpose of using correlations in research is to sort out which factors
are associated. Correlation research is searching for factors that appear to associate
with one another, so when you can see one transforming, you have a thought of how
the other will change. This often entails the researcher using variables that they can't
control. Kowalczyk (2019)
•The attribute of the correlational research design is used to identify the
relationship between the Impact of Pandemic to the Psychological Aspect of
Nursing Students of Laguna State Polytechnic University. The researchers
utilize the online questionnaire through google forms in gathering data from
2nd year Nursing students of Laguna State Polytechnic University Main,
Sta. Cruz Laguna Campus, then the researcher will gather, study and
expound the data collected. 
Population And Sampling

The respondents of this study are randomly selected. The respondents are
composed of 50 2nd year nursing students from the College of Nursing and Allied
Health in Laguna State Polytechnic University Main Sta. Cruz Laguna Campus.
The researchers use a stratified random sampling on where it is based on
common demographic attributes such as age, gender and others. The respondents
are divided into two homogeneous strata from which an appropriate number of
elements ,unequal or equal are selected randomly. 

According to Adam & Peter (2020) Stratified random sampling is a technique of

sampling that entails the division of a population into smaller sub-groups known as
strata. In stratified random sampling, or stratification, the strata are formed based
on members' shared quality or characteristics such as income or educational
attainment. Stratified random sampling is also called proportional random sampling
or quota random sampling.
Research Procedure

The researchers first constructed a set of questions that aims to gather

data according to Impact of Pandemic to the Psychological Aspect of the
second year nursing student with use of survey with the likert scale to rate and
assess on whether the students agree or disagree to the following questions. 

Primary data will be collected through surveys to the second year nursing
students and through their answer to the questionnaire that will be given by the
researchers to them. The next step would be to ask permission to the adviser
and to the school director by writing a letter of approval.

The researchers will assist the respondents in answering the questionnaire

to secure that they fully understand and they answer the question accurately.
Secondary data would be gathered from the internet and other sources of
Research Instrument

To gather data information, the researchers use

questionnaires through google forms to gather data from the
respondents. The questionnaires have three parts. The first part
consists of the demographic profile of 2nd year nursing
students including their age, gender, and social status. The
second part is the factors that affect their psychological aspects
including their environment, family and time. Lastly the third part
is the psychological aspects involving the nursing students'
faces which are the emotional, physical, social and spiritual.

Moreover, the second and third part  of the questionnaire will

be answered by likert scale. According to Sinaian (2020) In a
Likert scale, the respondent selects an option among several
that reflects how much they agree with a statement. The scale
generally consists of five or seven balanced responses that
people can choose from, with a neutral midpoint.
Scale Numerical Value Interpretation

5 5.00 - 4.50 Strongly Agree

4 4.40 - 3.50 Agree

3 3.49 - 2.50 Neutral

2 2.49 - 1.50 Disagree

1 1.49 - 1.00 Strongly Disagree

Figure 2. Likert Scale

Statistical Treatment of data
The researcher uses the frequency count and percentage
distribution to determine the age, total number of gender, and
social status. 
Mean and Standard Deviation is used to identify the
impact of pandemic to the 2nd year nursing student.

Standard Deviation  =

Where f is Frequency and x is the percentage

Pearson correlation is used to determine
if there is a significant relationship between
nursing students' demographic profile and
their psychological aspects
Where      is the correlation coefficien

 is the percentage of demographic 

is the mean of percentage of demographic profile

 is the level of psychological aspect 

 is the mean of the level of psychological aspects.

Thank you

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