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Peripherals & Interfacing

Course ID: CSE - 4813

Course Title: Peripherals & Interfacing

Reference Book

 Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware,

Author: Douglas V. Hall
 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with
the 8085 Author: Ramesh Gaonkor

Microprocessor and Microcontroller

 Two terms to be used mostly in this course

 Microprocessor
 Microcontroller

 Microprocessor
 A microprocessor (abbreviated as µP or uP) is a Silicon
Chip that contains an electronic central processing unit
(CPU). In the world uP or CPU used interchangeably,
which is made from miniaturized transistors and other
circuit elements on a single semiconductor integrated
circuit (IC).
 Examples: Intel Pentium, Intel 80x86, 8086, 8085 etc.
Microprocessor and Microcontroller

 Microcontroller
 Dedicated to perform one task.
 Integrates the memory and other features of
a microprocessor.
 A microcontroller is the integration of
 Microprocessor
 Memory
 ROM types – commonly flash PROM
 RAM – Static ram

 Peripherals
 Parallel input and output
 Serial input and output (UART, USART, etc.)
 Analogue to digital convertors
 Timers and Counters

 Examples: ATmega8A, Atmega32A,

ATmega328 etc.
Peripherals and Interfaces

 Computer peripherals such

as disk drives, display, Interface Memory
keyboard, printers etc. work in
different ways and linking a Bus Module
peripheral to the processor is Control
a difficult task. logic
 An interface is the hardware
and software needed between a Mass
processor and a peripheral Microprocesso Interface Storag
device in order to compensate r (CPU) e
for differences in their Device
operating characteristics.
 The interface allows the
Timing I/O
two devices to Interface
communicate correctly. D evice

Embedded Systems

 Embedded Systems embeds devices/applications

of daily life based on the demand or necessity.
 Example: Smart Phones, Bio-Sensors etc.

Summary of Terminologies

 Microprocessor = CPU

 Microcontroller = CPU + Peripherals + Memory

 Peripherals = Ports + Clock + Timers + USART +

A D C Converters +LCD drivers + DAC + other stuff

 Memory = EEPROM + SRAM + EPROM + Flash

 A microcontroller has a combination of all this stuff.

 A microprocessor is just a CPU.
 An embedded system includes everything.
Overview of Micro-Computer Structure

 A microcomputer has three basic blocks: a

central processing unit (CPU), a memory unit,
and an input/output (I/O) unit.

 The CPU(microprocessor) executes all the instructions

and performs arithmetic and logic operations on data.

 A memory unit stores both data and instructions.The

memory section typically contains ROM and RAM chips.

 A system bus (comprised of several wires) connects

these blocks – Address Bus, Data Bus and Control
Overview of Micro-Computer Structure

 In a single-chip
, these three
elements are on
one chip, whereas
 In a single-chip
, separate chips
are required for
memory and I/O.

System Bus

 System Bus
 The microcomputer’s system bus contains three buses,
address, data, and control bus
 When a memory or an I/O chip receives data from the
microprocessor, it is called a WRITE operation, and data
is written into a selected memory location or an I/O port
 When a memory or an I/O chip sends data to the
microprocessor, it is called a READ operation, and data
is read from a selected memory location or an I/O port.

System Bus

 The Address Bus

 It is a Unidirectional bus.
 Information transfer takes place in only one direction,
from the microprocessor to the memory or I/O
 Typically 20 to 32 bits long.
 The size of the address bus determines the total
number of
memory addresses available

System Bus

 The Data Bus

 It is a bidirectional bus
 Data can flow in both directions, that is, to or from
the microprocessor.
 The size of the data bus varies from one
microprocessor to
 Usually matches the word length of the
 Usually a multiple of 8
 We talk of 8-bit, 16-bit , 32-bit and 64-bit
processors which
refers to the normal word length of the
12 microprocessor
System Bus

 The Control Bus

 It consists of a number of signals that are used to
synchronize operation of the individual microcomputer
 Consists of potentially many signals.Typically:-
 Read
 Write
 Could be single signal - Read/notWrite line
 Interrupt control
 Bus control signals for DMA (Direct Memory

Clock Signals

 The system clock signals are contained in the

control bus.

 The number of cycles per second (hertz, abbreviated

Hz) is referred to as the clock frequency.
 Clock Cycle = 1/f; where, f is the clock frequency.
 Clock frequency determines the speed of the
Single-Chip Microprocessor

 The microprocessor is the CPU of the microcomputer

 The logic inside the microprocessor chip can be
divided into three main areas: the register section, the
control unit, and the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU).


 The number, size, and types of registers vary from

one microprocessor to another.
 There are four basic microprocessor registers:
 Instruction register
 Program counter
 Memory address register
 Accumulator

Register - Instruction Register

 The instruction register stores instructions.

 The word size of the microprocessor determines the
size of the instruction register.
 For example, a 32-bit microprocessor has a 32-bit
instruction register.

Register – Program Counter

 The program counter contains the address of

the instruction or operation code (op-code).
 The program counter normally contains the address
of the next instruction to be executed.
 The size of the program counter is determined by
the size of the address bus.

Register – Memory Address Register

 The memory address register contains the address

of data.
 The microprocessor uses the address, which is stored
in the memory address register, as a direct pointer to
 The contents of the address is the actual data that
is being transferred.

Register – Accumulator

 It is a General Purpose Register (GPR).

 For an 8-bit microprocessor, the general-purpose
register is called the accumulator.
 It stores the result after most ALU operations.
 These 8-bit microprocessors have instructions to shift
or rotate the accumulator one bit to the right or left
through the carry flag.
 In16- and 32-bit microprocessors the accumulator
is replaced by a GPR.
 Any GPR can be used as an accumulator.

Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU)

 The ALU performs all the data manipulations, such as

arithmetic and logic operations, inside a
 The size of the ALU conforms to the word length of
the microcomputer.
 ALU Functions:
 Binary addition and logic operations
 Finding the one’s complement of data
 Shifting or rotating the contents of a general-purpose
1 bit to the left or right through a carry

Control Unit

 The main purpose of the control unit is to read

and decode instructions from the program

 To execute an instruction, the control unit steps through

the appropriate blocks of the ALU based on the op-
codes contained in the instruction register/program

Thank You


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