Nadeen The Big Sister

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Nadeen the Big Sister

Nadeen, today I discovered another side of you.

Usually you are a very quiet person. It takes time for
you to open up and start talking. Today was
different, it was the day that our new baby Omar
joined with An-Nur community. When you arrived in
the morning, you were a bit clingy to your mum. To
divert your attention your mum said, “ What about
you be the big sister to Omar and look after him
today”? That’s did the trick which delighted you so
much that immediately you became a different
person. Although some other children was cooing
over baby Omar, You took charge. It was visible that
you took the big sister’s responsibility very seriously
as you though that you are the big sister for the
baby Omar. You were sitting with him all the time,
made sure that he was well looked after, no harm
comes to him. You were trying to amuse him by
giving him varieties of toys, playing with him,
feeding him. When we went outside you were
pushing him around the playground.
All of a sudden you became a talkative, responsible
big sister, constantly babbling away excitedly. You
said, “I can hold him” as you tried to pick him up. I
knew that you love babies, but today you displayed
a clear evidence how much you love them.

Nadeen, it seems you were following tuakana-teina

relationships. The tuakana–teina relationship is an
integral part of Māori society, provides a model for
buddy systems. An older or more expert tuakana
(sibling) helps and guides a younger or less expert
teina. In our mixed group of children Nadeen gets
opportunity to take the tuakana role often.

Caring for others is a very good quality to have

especially as a Muslim. Islam emphasises very
strongly that all Muslims are brothers and sisters.
We should love and care for younger’s and respect
for elders.
What’s next?
Nadeen, we will continue to foster your caring
Written by –Teacher Rosy nature to grow by providing opportunities so that
June, 2021 you could help younger children and babies.

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