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By Nida Naveed Tariq


01 02 03
Introduction, How microorganisms
Types , Benefits are harmful to us?
microorganisms are
useful in daily life
04 05 06
How do How to classify
How to prevent it
microorganisms microorganisms and
from spreading
spread from one facts
01 Introduction, Types ,
What are
 A microorganism, or microbe, is
a microscopic organism, which
may exist in its single-celled
form or a colony of cells
Types of
Microorganisms are divided into 4
 Bacteria
Bacteria, also called germs, are microscopic
organisms not visible with the naked eye.
 Fungi
A fungus is any member of the group of
eukaryotic organisms that includes
microorganisms such as yeasts and molds,
as well as the more familiar mushrooms
Types of
 Algae is an informal term for a large
and diverse group of photosynthetic
eukaryotic organisms.
 Protozoa is an informal term for a
group of single celled eukaryotes,
either free–living or parasitic, which
feed on organic matter such as
other microorganisms or organic
The picture above tells us the types of
The term ‘microorganisms’ include bacteria,
fungi, viruses and protozoa. We almost
always presume they are harmful to us.  So
this is because we read about how they
cause diseases  to both plants and animals
including humans . But, it is a fact that
microorganisms are useful to us 

01 02 03
Production of dairy They keep babies Help in sewage
products healthy. treatment

04 05 06
Organic acids Fertility of soil Steroid production
How microorganisms
are harmful to us?
1. Some microorganisms are pathogens which cause
diseases to human animals and plants.

2. Bacteria and fungi are well known to cause food

spoilage and make them unfit for eating.
3 Bacteria cause some diseases like cholera, typhoid,
and diarrhea through water and food.
4. Virus scan causes smallpox, cold, hepatitis polio
and soon.
5. Some microorganisms show antibiotic resistance to
certain diseases.
Which microorganisms
Useful in daily life ?
Following are useful
microorganisms in daily life :
Microbes like bacteria and fungi act on the bodies of dead
plants and animals and convert them into simple substances.
These substances are used by other plants and animals.
Removal of dead bodies by the action
of microbes keeps our planet clean. Bacteria are also used in
sewage treatment, where waste organic matter.
How do microorganisms
spread from one person
to another

These are ways the microorganisms

05 How to avoid it
from spreading ?
Always wash your hands after sneezing, blowing your nose, or
coughing, or after touching used tissues or handkerchiefs.
Drink water that has been boiled because warm water kills them
Cover coughs and sneezes using a strong tissue or the crease of
your elbow.
Don’t go near a person infected
06 How to classify
Microorganisms and Facts
How to classify a
Microorganisms ?
 Microorganisms are classified based on what type of
cell they have. They follow the
same classification system that other organisms use.
Microorganisms can be classified on the basis of cell
structure, cellular metabolism, or on differences in cell
components such as DNA, fatty acids, pigments,
antigens, and quinones.
 The word microorganism is made up of words, micro means
tiny and organism means a living creature
 They cannot be seen by the naked eye.
 Microorganisms are all around us such as bacteria, viruses,
algae, fungi etc.
 The study of microorganisms is called microbiology.
 All of your microbes combined weigh about as much as your
brain: about three pounds.
Thank You

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