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Learning and

Chapter 04
• The process of
• Acquiring (encoding)
• Storing
• Retrieving Information
• Memory is a process of acquiring information and storing it
over time so that it will be available when we need it.
Acquiring Information
• Episodic--- Personally Relevant
• 911
• Narrative
• Surf Excel
• Life insurance ads
• Chunking
• 11 12 44 622
• 111 111 100
Associative Networks & Spreading Activation
• Axe
• Brand-specific---brand claims its macho to wear AXE!
• Ad-specific---ad shows a macho looking guy uses the product
• Brand-identification---brand name is associated with the word
• Product category---where in your home or hostel room your Axe!
Canister is places, e.g., dressing table, washroom, what other
products you use a long with Axe!
• Evaluation reactions---what kind of reaction it created, positive or
negative, praise or if someone said that its not cool!
Levels of knowledge
• Schema---schema is a cognitive framework we develop
through experience.
• For a child horse is a four-legged creature with tail and a mane!
• For her zebra, donkey, even goat is a horse
• Surf (pioneering brand vs follower brand)
• Xerox
• Pampers
• Sufi soap
• Vim
• Script---a sequence of events an individual expects to occur.
• When I say NO! NO! NO! this is not the way it is supposed to
happen!!!! Something has violated the schema
What Makes us Forget
• Decay---you forget because of lack of reinforcement
• Interference
• Retroactive---new info interferes with old
• Proactive---old information overshadows new one
• Nostalgia describes the bittersweet emotion that arises when
we view the past with both sadness and longing
• Ding Dong Bubblegum creates a nostalgia for those who were
familiar to this brand as kids
• Retro Brand is the updated version of the brand from a
historical period
• Pepsi Cola---new logo

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