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1. M. Tricahya (130317700
2. Rijal Fahmi (130317700
3. M. Lutfi H (1303177006)

At a snail’s pace

g v e ry s l ow l y”

Example : Jakarta Traffic is moving at a snail’s pace.

Busy as a bee

“Extr e me l y b us y ”
Example : Cahya is working on his final project. He’s been as busy as a bee all da
The world is your oyster

t uni t i e s i n f ron t of you ”

e man y g ood op p or
“You hav
Example : You just graduated from Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya,
So the world is your oyster!

Watching like a hawk

et h i ng ve ry cl o se l y ”
“Watch i ng s om

Example : The boss watches us like a hawk.

Mad as a hornet

r y o r f u rio us ”
“Very ang
Example : Iman was as mad as a hornet when we broke his smartphone.

Eagle eyes

v e ry c lo s e ly , no t mis
at ching s o m e t hing
e nt v is io n , or w
“Have excell
sing a detail”

Example : The teacher goes over the tests with an eagle eye.

Get your ducks in a row

“Organ i ze t hi ngs ”

Example : I’ll be reviewing things to make sure you have your ducks in a row..

Guinea pig

“Te st s ub jec t ”

Example: We’re conducting a study and we’re looking for volunteers to act as guinea pigs.

Hold your horses

“Slow do w n o r s to p ”
Example: Hold your horses! There’s no need to rush.

I’ll be a monkey’s uncle

e ry s urp ri s e d”
“I am v

Example: Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. I never thought I’d pass that test.

Let sleeping dogs lie

om et hi ng i n p e ace”
e , l e ave s
“Leave it alon
Example: I’m not telling the boss about Dodi’s problem, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Like shooting fish in a barrel

“ Ve r y e as y tas k”

Example: I’m an expert in microcontroller, fixing this is like shooting fish in a bar

A little bird (birdie) told me

re t l y t o ld me ”
“Somebody sec

Example: I heard you were accepted to EEPIS, a little birdie told me!

Bull in a china shop

l um sy p ers o n”
“Very c

Example: He was like a bull in a china shop, he completely messed everything up.

Butterflies in one’s stomach

“Very nervous”

Example: I was so nervous before my speech, I had butterflies in my stomach.

Wolf in sheep’s clothing

s p r e s en t i ng as  ge n
so m e on e d an g e r ou
“Somethi n g or
o r i n no ce n t ”
tle, weak
Example: Don’t trust him, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Puppy love

oc e n t a nd t e m p o ra
ff e c t i o n, u s ua ll y in n
s o f l o v e or a
“Feeling o r ad o l es cen ce . ”
ur i n g ch i ldh o o d
ry, occurring d
Example: I had a crush on my next door neighbor, but that was just puppy love.

Thank You

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