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How to change max

cell Tx power


Incident Description
• Due to power congestion issue at xxx area, my team
leader requested me to increase the max tx power to 478
& cpich power to 380 for these cells [2012-03-06, 15.20].
• As per the request script been prepared for RNC & nodeB
 Due to last minute & late hours preparation, typo error occurred
where node B set 460 while RNC side set as 478 [2012-03-06,
 Scrip run by RIC team [2012-03-08 03.30] & unblock status of the
cells never been checked
 RIC team also never check the 1st hour of the stats for the
particular cells.
• On morning BO team only check RIC log performed
which was successfully & not the stats [2012-03-08
• The site didn’t unblocked after script completed by RIC &
only BO team realize after the customer complain [2012-
03-08 11:25].
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Recover process

• We noticed Max tx power for RNC & node B scripted

wrongly from the script that sent to RIC team [2012-03-08
• We tried to change the node B max tx power setting to
478 as we plan but failed.
• Noticed the configured license for power set as 46dBm &
we increased the power license to 47.8dBm.
• We manage to increase the node B power to 478 &
unblock the cells
• All the cells start picking up the traffic [2012-03-08 13:30].

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Lesson learned

• We learned the lesson from the mistakes as below

 Try to avoid last minute & late hours preparation since this can
invent more human error or typo error.
 Double/triple check the script before implement
 RIC team must check the cell’s administrative state as
Unblocked to confirm the cell is up.
 RIC team must check the early hours of the performance/traffic of
the cells
 BO team must double confirm the performance/traffic of the cells
once they clock in to office.

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Max cell Tx power change Process

1. Define available power license & enable needed power

license (Without right license in node B, the cell can’t changed to
higher power)
 Example – For 46dBm license (423/3000) need to be enable
while for 47.8dBm license (0/3000) need to be enable
2. RNC side: block the cell and change maxTxPower
3. Node B side: change maxpwr of LOCELL, must same as
RNC side (if the value is not same the site cannot be unblocked)
4. RNC side: unblock the cell
5. RNC side & node B side: double confirm the status of
cell is activated
6. Monitor the real time stats to double confirm the cell is
up & running.

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Check the 60W license availability

• There are two kinds of power license in VHA project

 40W (46dBm)
 60W (47.8dBm)
• The availability of power license can be found in M2000
“License” – “NE License management” - “Node B license


Distribute license to Node B (1/2)

• The 60W license need to be distributed to Node B before

change cell max Tx power
1. Step 1: Select the Node B
2. Step 2: Change the number of license need to be distributed (1
for each PA)

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Distribute license to Node B (2/2)

• Step 3: Distribute the license

 Please double check the license activated status is True

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Script to change cell max Tx power

• RNC side: block the cell and change maxTxPower

 BLK UCELL:CellId=xxxxx,Priority=HIGH;
 MOD UCELL: CellId=xxxxx,MaxTxPower=478;
• Node B side: change maxpwr of LOCELL, must same as
RNC side
• RNC side: unblock the cell
 UBL UCELL: CellID=xxxxx;
• RNC side & node B side : double confirm the status of
cell is activated
 DSP UCELL:CellID=xxxxx;

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Double confirm the cell is activated

1. RNC side & node B side: double confirm the status of

cell is activated
 In MML command, command “LST UCELL” will give “cell
administrative state” as Unblocked to confirm the cell is up.

2. Monitor the real time stats to double confirm the cell is

up & running.
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Thank you

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