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The Impact of Price Elasticity to Selected

Agricultural Products During Covid-19

Pandemic in Public Market of Guadalupe
Makati City

Prof. Rome Sherriff G. Montoya, MBA,CLSSYB,MRIBA SR. DBA©

What do you think is
the factor that a
customer consider
when buying a certain
How does the COVID-19 affects the prices of
agricultural product in Public Market specially
in Guadalupe Public Market? And how its
affect the seller and consumers?.
Statement of the problem

1. What are the characteristics of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Customers
1.1.1 Age
1.1.2 Sex
1.1.3 Economic Status 
1.2 Vendors/Sellers
1.2.1 Age
1.2.2 Gender
1.2.3 Residence of Makati City
1.2.4 Store position
1.2.5 Fruits or vegetable store
1.2.6 Collection of sales
1.2.7 Pricing method
1.2.8 Physical store or Both (Online and Physical)
2. What are the level of sensitivity of customers’ buying behavior on market during pandemic in terms of:
2.1 Changes in price
Statement of the problem

3. What are the level of sensitivity of sellers or vendors decisions on building markup price on market
during pandemic in terms of:
3.1 Life shelf of fruits and vegetables
3.2 Supply of fruits and vegetables
3.3 Safety protocols
3.4 Demand for fruits and vegetables
4. What is the most and least in demand to the four selected agricultural fruits and vegetables during
Covid-19 pandemic?
4.1 Fruits 
4.1.1 Banana (Lakatan)
4.1.2 Calamansi
4.1.3 Mango (Carabao)
4.1.4 Papaya
4.2 Vegetables
4.2.1 Ampalaya
4.2.2 Sitao
4.2.3 White potatoes
4.2.4 Eggplant
Conceptual Framework Theoretical Framework
Statistical Treatment of Data

In order to interpret the data,the researchers used the statistical

treatment like Percentage and Frequency and Average Weighted
1. Percentage and Frequency
• It determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution
bid person related variables of the respondents.
Formula: Where:
P= F x 100 P(%)= Percentage
N F=Frequency
. N=Total Number of
100=Constant Value
2.Average Weighted Mean
• It determine the assessment of the respondents in regards to their
personal profiles.
Formula: X= Fx Where:
N X=Weighted Mean
x=Weight of Each Item
N=Number of Cases
These two statistical treatment of data are always used in testing the validity
of information and it is aligned in our study which focuses on two
respondents such as customers and owners or sellers .Overall,it is to test if
the impact of Covid-19 to Agricultural products greatly affected their status
and well-being during Pandemic.
Summary of Findings, Conclusions
and Recommendations
•Summary of Findings:
Based from the previous data or
information,the following findings are:

1.Profile of the Respondents

The researchers have two different kinds of
respondents which composed of customers and
owners or sellers of agricultural products such as fruits
and vegetables.

2.Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic to customers and

owners or sellers of Agricultural Products such as
fruits and vegetables
Covid-19 Pandemic affects the buying behavior
of the customers as well as the market and pricing
• Conclusion:
There was no doubt that Covid-19 Pandemic is the
cause of price increase in fruits and vegetables in
Guadalupe Public Market Makati City and with the
same reason,it decrease the supplies of agricultural
products coming in to Public Market around Metro
Manila.Due to this,it give a big impact to both
customers and owners or sellers of agricultural
products like fruits and vegetables.

• Recommendations:
To address this matter ,the government must:
1. Set a pricing price for agricultural products
Appropriate plan or strategy to be done to control
cost of goods sold
2. Establish an alternative job for the people who
loses their job during Covid-19 Pandemic.

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