The Influence of The Internet On Pricing and Distribution

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The influence of the Internet on

Pricing and Distribution

After this class you will be able to….
 Discuss the buyer’s and sellers views of pricing
 Identify the main fixed and dynamic pricing strategies for
selling online
 Understand how the Internet has affected distribution
Buyers and sellers views of pricing
 The meaning of price depends on the viewpoint of the
buyer and seller.
 Each party to the exchange brings different needs and
objectives that help describe a fair price.
 If buyer and seller can’t agree on a fair price, then there is
no sale
Buyer perspective on price
Buyers define value as benefits minus cost
Costs to the buyer
 Money – what is the real cost? How is it calculated; what
does it include (shipping, taxes, duties, gift wrap)
 Time – finding what you want, waiting for it to arrive,
website optimisation
 Energy – Web = self service, so no-one to help in research
and locating an item
 Psychic costs – frustration, lack of trust of web commerce,
lack of confidence in on-line service delivery etc.
Seller perspective on price
 Sellers are concerned with profitability – but there is
some freedom to set price at a level that will draw
buyers away from competing offers.
 Profit lies between cost and price
 Affected by both internal and external factors
 External factors:
 Market structure and type of competition
 Market efficiency
Internal factors affecting price for sellers

 Depends on pricing objectives (eg. volume; building market

share; high profits; matching competition)
 Factors that push prices upwards –
 cost of distribution
 commissions to affiliates
 site development
 customer acquisition costs

 Factors that depress prices –

 Order processing – self service
 Just-in-time inventory
 Overhead (physical vs. online store)
 Customer service costs lower
 Printing and mailing costs
 Digital product distribution costs
Going from free to paid service
 Big issue now is persuading people to pay for
something they used to get for “free”
 Some strategies
 Provide basic service at no cost, with upgraded or enhanced
service being charged for
 Yahoo Mail
 Business 2.0 magazine
 e-Cards
Pricing strategies
 Fixed pricing (similar to offline pricing strategy)
 Price leadership
 Promotional pricing

 Dynamic pricing (Internet-enabled pricing)

 Auctions
 Segmented pricing (geographic or based on customer profile)
Pricing Strategies: FIXED PRICING
 Occurs when sellers set the price, and buyers must take
it or leave it
 Everyone pays the same
 This strategy is very common in retailing

 2 types of fixed price strategy are

 Price leadership
 Promotional pricing
Fixed pricing: Price leadership
 A price leader is most often, but not always, the lowest-priced product
entry in a particular category. The price leader is the one that sets the
price levels for the market. Others follow the leader with comparative
pricing (usually higher).

 Walmart is an example of a “low price” price leader that uses

technology to leverage its costs and maintain profitability

 An online company such as consistently offers lower

prices. It sells below market value and subsidizes price cutting with
advertising on its web site.
 Very hard to maintain price leadership and remain profitable as the
lowest price
 Can you think of industry examples where the price leaders have higher prices?
 How do they succeed?
 What does this mean for the internet market? How could you be a higher-priced price
Fixed pricing: Promotional pricing

 This strategy used to encourage a first purchase,

encourage repeat business, and close a sale

 Promotions tend to carry an expiry date – creates a

sense of urgency

 Price promotions can be highly targeted using email

and on web sites that use clickstream analysis (then it
becomes dynamic)
Pricing strategies: DYNAMIC PRICING
 Dynamic pricing is fluid pricing
 Dynamic pricing is one of the most significant
contributions the Internet has made to pricing strategy.

 Decreased “menu” costs on the web - changing prices is

easy (no costs of changing price tags, catalogs etc)

 Interactivity - buyers and sellers from all around the world

can interact and negotiate prices
Dynamic pricing: Auctions
 Variety of auction types
 “English” auction - such as e-Bay where the price starts low
and is then driven up
 “Dutch” auction - the auctioneer announces a high price for
the product, then gradually reduces it until a buyer will
accept it
 e-Bay has a variant of this, where a seller has multiples of the same
product to sell
 First-Price sealed bid auction (purchaser does not know the
amount of the other bids)
 Priceline is an example of this type of auction
Priceline “Name Your Own Price”
Auction Process

Priceline checks
checks ifif
any ofof its
Consumer submits
submits Checks
Checks airline’s
airline’s Priceline
Priceline accepts
airlines areare willing
non-refundable bid
bid seat
seat availability
availability or
or rejects
rejects bid
to offer
offer roundtrip
flight at
at bid
bid price
or lower
Pricing Strategies: Dynamic Pricing
 Dynamic pricing is also the strategy of offering
different prices to different customers
 Optimizes inventory management
 Segments customers by product use or other variables (eg.
frequent or infrequent purchasers)
 Web-based technology and database marketing have made
this strategy much easier to implement

 What advantages does this provide a marketer when trying to manage

product levels and market segment positioning?
Dynamic pricing: Segmented pricing

 Where the company sells goods or services at two or

 more prices, based on segment differentiation
 automatically generates a different price depending on a
number of pre-set variables or decision rules
 The Internet gives the ability to recognize a consumer, then
customize prices, segmenting sometimes to a segment of
 eg. anyone who has previously purchased 10 items gets a discount
 May use your IP address to offer a product at an introductory price –
eg. Telus offer to students from Malaspina IP address
 May use behavioural cue: eg. if you abandon your shopping cart
 Use with care – customers may get upset
Segmented pricing: geographic
 A company sets different prices when selling a product
in different geographic areas
 Uses IP address of user to guess at their location
 Prices can then be related to circumstances in different
countries – local competition, economic conditions etc
 Computers, CDs etc. are usually priced differently
according to geography
The Internet as a distribution channel
 Distribution determines how the customer actually
receives a product or service (also often called
 A distribution channel is a group of interdependent
firms that work together to transfer product from
producer to consumer

Producers >>Intermediaries>>Consumers
The effect of the Internet on servicing
customers across multiple distribution
 Adds another communication channel between buyers and
 Facilitates real-time communication so firms can have
closer ties with customers and suppliers - improved market
 Customer access and service are now 24/7/52
 Increases customer convenience and reduces time spent on
(PERHAPS an opportunity to INCREASE MARGIN due to perceived
added value?)
 Increase in the power of consumers
Some Impacts on Distribution
 Evolution from traditional mail order to on-line selling eg.
Land’s End
 Traditional firms with large investments in offline retail
have been reluctant to fully engage in online commerce eg.
 Traditional retail firms have experienced “channel
conflict”, cannibalization issues. eg. LeviStrauss
 Completely new business models based on digital
distribution methods
 Internet becomes a direct substitute for an offline
distribution channel eg. online banking
 Cutting out the “middle person”

 Initially it was thought that because of the move

toward self service on the web, we would move toward
a position where the distribution channel was shorter

 This hasn’t happened to the extent predicted – new

kinds of intermediaries on the Internet
Logistics functions of the distribution
 Include physical distribution activities such as
transportation, inventory storage, and product aggregation.

 Physical distribution
 Most products sold online are still distributed through
conventional channels
 But any product that can be digitized can be delivered over
the Internet (newspapers, magazines, music, software,
books, TV, movies etc)
 Online distribution costs are significantly lower
Logistics challenges
 The “last mile problem” – cost and logistics of delivering
small amount of goods to individual customers

 Solutions:
 Smart boxes (for a fee!)
 Retail aggregator model – items can be shipped to a local
convenience store or service station
 Specialized e-shop pick-up points

 Returns: reverse logistics

Some industries that are undergoing
rapid change due to Internet forces
 Recorded Music industry
 Video/DVD rental industry
 Newspaper and magazine publishing
 Banking
 Textbook publishing

 Forces for change:

 Digitizable product
 Self service
 Direct to consumer shift

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