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By: ava fidalgo
 Ava Fidalgo

 Mrs. Paolino & Ms. DeWinne

 Writing & Research

 27 April 2021

 Fake news is spread easily and all people are susceptible to falling for it. Although I do not fall for fake news, one piece that got me confused was that the

leaning tower of Pisa fell over. The though that this was true only lasted a few seconds because I searched up the real answer quickly but for a few

moments, I genuinely thought this was true. The was it was spread and formatted made it seem like reliable information. To play a joke, I texted a few

friends to tell them about this and they fell for it as well meaning I was not the only one. Another thing I fell for was the chance that teen wolf would

come back for a 7th season. I was very excited for it and saw different hints and theories that it was true but it was not. This got my hopes up but then I got

disappointed. Fake news is easy to believe in at times and these were just a few of the times I fell for it.
 Ava Fidalgo

 Mrs. Paolino & Ms. DeWinne

 Writing & Research

 5 May 2021

 After some research, it is evident that the “Central Park Five” were wrongfully accused of the crime of raping and assaulting a white female jogger in Central Park, 1989. Korey Wise

(46), Kevin Richardson (44), Raymond Santana (44), Antron McCray (45), and Yusef Salaam (45) are known as the ”Central Park Five”. They were accused of the raping and assault of

a white, female jogger and were all arrested at the age of 14 to 16, as they were not all the same age. They were convicted partly on police-coerced confessions, which gives these young

teenagers an unfair disadvantage. They each spent in between 6 to 13 years in prison until in 2002, their lives would change. After everything and the boys maintaining their innocence

throughout the trial, Matias Reyes, a convicted murder and serial rapist, confessed to the crime. These boys went to jail with large media coverage and were awarded a 41 million dollar

settlement for their wrongful accusation. But is money going to give them those years wasted back? Or the time spent away from family, friends, and altering life changes that will effect

them forever? As American citizens we must continue to advocate for those who cannot. When people are falsely accused and sentenced to prison and even execution, those who can

speak up, must. Learning more about past mistakes and how we can fix them will benefit many. Racial and gender profiling must come to end as it is unnecessary and wrong. Without

proof and hard evidence, people can not be convicted of a crime. The justice system is unfair and must be altered immediately, some of which including the ideas previously listed.
 Ava Fidalgo

 Ms. DeWinne & Mrs. Paolino

 Writing & Research

 18 May 2021

If I were in a position in which I was put on trial and needed to prove my innocence I would do a mix of what is seen in the podcast. I would not stay

silent but I would not exactly scream and insist on my innocence either. I would tell my lawyer that I am inncocn4t and that I would not stay silent at any time. I

would state my innocence and use evidence and allies to prove it. I write in a journal every night detailing what I did to talk about my day which would show

what I did and when. Also, I save a lot of photos and snapchat which detail the time the photo of video was taken which could be another alibi. These are some

ways I would prove my innocence.

 Ava Fidalgo

 Ms. DeWinne & Mrs. Paolino

 Writing & Research

 14 June 2021

 It would be absolutely amazing if an invention such as the one created in Western civilization would be great. The idea was to have a robot-like dog that

holds necessities for people who are homeless. People who are homeless often lack and thus crave companionship and although obtaining a pet may or

may not be hard, taking care of it is especially hard. This way, the robot-dog would not need to betaken care of as it would be charged by the sun through

solar panels. The dog will have combination locks attached to openings in it for the people to hold their things while keeping their items safe. The ‘dog’

will also have air conditioning in the heat and will release heat in the colder months. Another possible addition would be a canopy or tent that is stored in

the dog that is compact but enough space to sleep and protect one person. This idea is far out there but would be quite beneficial.
 Ava Fidalgo

 Mrs. Paolino & Ms. DeWinne

 Writing & Research

 14 June 2021

 My favorite part of class this year was the debates, specifically the abortion debate. This is a topic I feel very passionate about and having the option to

talk about it in class with other opinions as well was great. Having the ability to talk about controversial topics in a professional yet exciting way was so

amazing. I felt so grateful to have the opportunity to do that in this class. I also really enjoyed other fun things such as the podcast. It was different then

anything I had done in school before and was super interesting. Overall, I was always excited to come to writing & research everyday and I am going to

miss the topics we discussed and assignments we did as much as I will miss the teachers.

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