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for ict 1
Prepared By :
Quennie N . Quiobe

 According To Purpose
 1. General Purpose Computer
 2. Special Purpose Computer

 According to Data Handled

 1. Analog Computers
 2.Digital Computers
 3. Hybrid Computers

 According to Capacity
 1. Microcomputers
 2. Minicomputers
 3. Mainframe 3
 4. Supercomputers

According to
 1. General Purpose Computer
Capable of dealing with variety
 of different problems and are able to
 in response to programs created to meet
different needs .
has the ability to store different program
concepts that make the machine a general
purpose device , one that has versatility
to make the processing of several tasks .
Designed to do a wide variety of jobs
rather than perform a specific activity ,
the general purpose machine typically
comprise aspects of speed and efficiency .
 Ex .: Personal Computer ( PC )
 5

 2. Special Purpose Computer

 Designed to perform one specific
 task , called frequently as dedicated
 computer.
 The program of instructions is built
 into or permanently stored in the machine.
 Specialization results in the given task being
performed very quickly and efficiently. A
disadvantage of this machine is the lack of
versatility; it is flexible and cannot be easily used
to perform other operations. Many special
purpose systems have been successfully used for
collecting highway tools, air traffic control,
satellite, tracking, industrial process control,
airline reservations, a machine used for
ultrasound and the ATM machine. 6

According to Data
 1 . Analog Computers
 “analog” comes from the word “analogous” which means
 used for scientific engineering and process-control
 deal with quantities that are continuously variable.
 they give only approximate results
 provides an analog or simulation of the object of the
system it represents.
• useful for solving problems that
involved relationship between
variable quantities in systems that
change with time.
 Ex.: Service Station gasoline pump
which converts the flow of pumped 8
fuel in the nearest tenth or
hundredth of a liter.

 2. Digital Computers 9

3 . Hybrid Computers

vCombine measuring capabilities of

analog computers & logical &control
capabilities of digital computers.
vOffers efficient and economic
method of working out special
types of problems in science and
various areas of engineering.
vSome contain special equipment to
convert analog voltages and vice
versa. 10

vApplications are space vehicle

According to
 Capacity - volume of work or the data processing
capability a computer can handle, performance is
judged by:
 Amount of data that can be stored in memory
 Speed of internal operation of computer
 Number and type of peripheral devices and;
 Amountand type of software available for use in


1. Microcomputers
Also known as (PC)
Typically found in homes
and small
Includes: laptop
notebook, personal
digital assistant (PDA)

2. Minicomputers
 more powerful than microcomputers
 can carry out the processing tasks
for several people working at
terminals that are connected to
the minicomputer 13

Termina 

- an input and output device that
resembles a microcomputer because
it has keyboard and screen but does
not have processing capability.

 3. Mainframe
 Large, fast and fairly expensive computers,
generally used by business or government
to provide centralized storage, processing
and management for large amount of data.
 Actually the bigger version of mini computers
such that handles more amount of data and
bigger number of users.  15

 4. Supercomputers
 Fastest and most expensive type of computer
designed for “computer-intensive” tasks
such as molecular modeling, code breaking
and weather prediction.
 Can process more that 1 trillion instructions
per second, making it possible to perform
complex tasks such as modeling the
movement of thousands of particles in
tornado or creating realistic animations.

Credits to: behindinfinity at deviantart
for the backgrounds, praise to you

Blackmage9 at deviantart-
Alodia-san kawaii!!!

And also to Omiyalotus for the 17


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