Group: Swetha Nupur Sheetal Deepthi

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 Employee Morale refers to an attitude of
satisfaction with a desire to continue and strive for
attaining the objectives of a factory. Morale is
purely emotional. It is an attitude of an employee
towards his job, his superior and his organization.
It is not static thing, but it changes depending on
working conditions, superiors, fellow workers pay
and so on.

 Morale is the degree of enthusiasm and willingness

with which the members of a group pull together to
achieve group goal.
 According to Robert M. Guion "Morale is defined as
the extent to which the individual perceives that
satisfaction stemming from total job satisfaction".

 According to Davis "Morale can be defined as the

attitudes of individual and groups towards their
work environment and towards voluntary
cooperation to the full extent of their ability in the
best interest at the organization".
 Morale is basically a psychological concept
 Morale is intangible therefore it is very difficult
to measure the degree of morale accurately
 Morale is contagious in the sense that people
learn from each other
 Morale in dynamic in nature. It cannot be
developed overnight. Managers have to make
continuous efforts to build and maintain high
morale. It is a long-term concept.
 Morale is a group phenomenon consisting of a
pattern of attitudes. It is the sum total of
employees’ attitudes, feelings and sentiments.
 Morale may be concerned with an individual. An
individual’s morale is related with knowing one’s
own expectations and living up to them. If one is
clear of his own needs and how to satisfy them
most of the time, his morale is high. An
individual’s morale is a single person’s attitude
towards life.
 Group morale reflects the general esprit d corps
of a collective group of personalities. Group
morale is everyone’s concern and it must be
practiced continually, for it is never ultimately
achieved and is constantly changing.
 Group morale and the morale of the individual are
interrelated but not necessarily identical. They have
an effect on each other. It is conceivable that an
individual’s own personal perception of existing
conditions as they relate to himself may be high,
and the group’s perception of conditions may be
low or vice versa, but more usually the two share
common feelings.
 Objectives of the organization: Employees are highly motivated
and their Morale is highly if their individual goal and objectives are
in tune with organizational goal and objectives.
 Organizational design: Organization structure has an impact on
the quality of labour relation, particularly on the level of Morale.
Large organization tend to lengthen their channels of vertical
communication and to increase the difficulty of upward
 Personal Factors: It is relating to age, training, education and
intelligence of the employees, time spent by them on the job and
interest in worth taken by them, affect the Morale of the
employees. For examples if an employees is not imparted proper
training he will have low Morale.
 Rewards: Employees expect adequate compensation for their
services rendered to the organization. Good system of wages,
salaries, promotions and other incentives keep the Morale of the
employees high.
 Work Environment: The building and it appearance the condition of
machines, tools, available at work place provision for safety, medical
aid and repairs to machinery etc. all have an impact on their Morale.
 Compatibility with fellow employees: Man being a social animal finds
his words more satisfying if he feels that he has the acceptance and
companionship of his fellow workers. If he has confidence in his
fellow worker and faith in their loyalty his Morale will be high.
 Job Satisfaction: If the job gives an employee an opportunity to
prove his talents and grow personality, he will certify like it and he
will have high morale.
 Opportunity to share profit: one of the requirements of high morale
is possibility and opportunity of progress in any concern. All worker
should be given an opportunity of the progress and earn high wages
without any discrimination.
 Good Leadership and Supervision: The nature of supervision can tell
the attitudes of employees because a supervisor is in direct contact
with the employers and can have better influences on the activities of
the employees.
 High Morale:- It will lead to enthusiasm
among the workers for better performance.

 Low Morale:- Low Morale indicates the

presence of mental unrest. The mental
unrest not only hampers production but
also leads to ill health of the employees.
Low Morale exists when doubt in suspicion
are common and when individuals are
depressed and discouraged i.e., there is a
lot of mental tension.
1. Willing cooperation towards objectives of the organization.
2. Loyalty to the organization and its leadership
3. Good Leadership
4. Sound superior subordinate relations
5. High degree of employee’s interest in their job and
6. Pride in the organization
7. Reduction in absenteeism and labor turnover
8. Reduction in grievance
9. Reduction in industrial conflict
10. Team building
11. Employee empowerment
1. High rates of absenteeism and labor
2. Decreased quality
3. Decreased Productivity
4. Excessive Complaints and Grievances
5. Frustration among the workers
6. Lack of discipline
7. Increase errors, accidents or injuries
 Communicate fully
 Listen to Employees
 Respond to suggestions and problems

 Offer Praise and Recognition
1. Observation Method:
2. Attitude Surveys:
3. Company Records and Reports:
4. Counseling

5. Job description index technique

6. Projective technique
 Low morale can be destructive in a setting
and can lead to dissatisfaction, poor
productivity, absenteeism and even turnover.
It vary among organization but the effects will
generally be same. It cause a disconnect
between employees, peers, jobs, managers
and the company.
 Boost company performance, high growth,

 Effectiveness and tardiness will achieve
 Employee turnover
 Grievances should be settled
 Employee unrest can be handled by a sound

manpower management
 Disciplined can be maintained
 Relief from fatigue and monotony
 Effective profit sharing scheme
 Highly effective human relation programme
 High morale and high productivity go hand in
 Herzberg analyzed the results of nearly

2dozen studies on the effects of morale on

productivity; in 35% morale and productivity
were not related and in 11% high morale was
related to low productivity.
 Morale improves productivity under certain

condition specifically creativity influences the

Low Morale indicates the presence of mental unrest. The
mental unrest not only hampers production but also leads
to ill health of the employees. Low Morale exists when
doubt in suspicion are common and when individuals are
depressed and discouraged i.e., there is a lot of mental
tension. Such situation will have the following adverse
 Work place conflicts.
 Absenteeism/ Lateness
 Stress.
 Trouble with the supervisor.
 Performance shortcomings.
 Lack of pride in work.
 Wastage & Spoilage.
 High labour turnover
 Research indicates that the number one cause of conflict & low
morale at work is the way the people communicate with each
 Communicate! is a program of continuous morale boosting
communication & education for all employees.

 “There’s only one way to know how good morale really is

in your company ask the people who work there.”
1. Effective Communication.
2. Review meetings.
3. Counseling.
4. Job satisfaction.
5. Active participation.
6. Friendly atmosphere.
 Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with
his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the
more satisfied they are said to be

 Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and

performance, methods include job rotation, job enlargement
and job enrichment. 

 Other influences on satisfaction include the management

style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and
autonomous work position .

 Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is

frequently measured by organizations. 
  Job satisfaction has been defined as a

1. pleasurable emotional state resulting from

the appraisal of one’s job;
2. an affective reaction to one’s job;
3. and an attitude towards one’s job.
 Weiss (2002) has argued that job satisfaction
is an attitude but points out that researchers
should clearly distinguish the objects of
cognitive evaluation which are affect
(emotion), beliefs and behaviours.
 This definition suggests that we form attitudes
towards our jobs by taking into account our
feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors.
 The Job Descriptive Index (JDI), created by Smith, Kendall, & Hulin
(1969), is a specific questionnaire of job satisfaction that has been
widely used. It measures one’s satisfaction in five facets: pay,
promotions and promotion opportunities, co-workers, supervision,
and the work itself. The scale is simple, participants answer either
yes, no, or can’t decide (indicated by ‘?’) in response to whether
given statements accurately describe one’s job

 The Job in General Index is an overall measurement of job

satisfaction. It is an improvement to the Job Descriptive Index
because the JDI focuses too much on individual facets and not
enough on work satisfaction in general.

 Other job satisfaction questionnaires include: the Minnesota

Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS),
and the Faces Scale

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