Talent Analytics: Gagan Kalsi, Kuhu, Rishabh Antil, Medhavi Chawla, Vishal Kumar

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A N T I L , M E D H AV I
C H AW L A , V I S H A L
• Talent Analytics is an examination stage that produces
experiences into the labor force — into the potential
recruiting pool and into your current colleagues. These
bits of knowledge are utilized to make a superior
comprehension of the qualities of workers and possible
representatives, their shortcomings and how these can
be improved.
• Talent analytics has been around for a bit and goes by a
few different names. Here are a few of the more
• Human resource analytics
• Workforce analytics
• Human capital analytics 
• People analytics. 

Hiring Analytics - Hiring analytics provide insights into prospective hires by analyzing their skills.
It also guides the company into making an impartial decision based on the data.
Ongoing Feedback Analytics - Ongoing feedback analytics focuses on the existing workforce,
determining whether the teams in the company are performing well, whether they have the right skill
set and the right talent in the right places
Optimization Analytics - Optimization analytics marries the data and predictions from hiring
analytics and ongoing feedback analytics to ensure the company has what it needs to make its
internal processes as robust as possible.
An example of how talent analytics are being used today would be in automated resume screening.
How this works is: a candidate uploads their resume and an analytics app uses machine learning
algorithms that allow the words on the resume to be read, analyzed and scored on how well that
candidate will do in the job position. The score is based on all kinds of disparate data and insights
the system has extracted.

• The design and day-to-day running of a company involves a lot of

decisions — not just decisions made by the CEO but also those
countless decisions made every day throughout the command structure
of an organization. The total nature of these choices decides
achievement or disappointment. Ability obtaining is a task work that
works with choices that have incredible ramifications for organizations.
Making the right decisions means asking the right questions. For
example: How do you attract to your company the best candidates in
each field or discipline? How do you determine what “best” even looks
like? Where do you find these stars? How do you get them to agree to
leave where they are and come to you? How much should you offer?
Should you pay for quality and let the pros do their thing, or should
you hire upstarts for less and bring them into a system that makes them
high quality over time? When you need to defend your hiring
decisions, how can you convince others that you made the best
5 ways to develop and intentionally shape your team for future success
1.Shape the Strategy- Developing a great strategy starts with asking the right questions. How do
the areas of responsibility for your team align with the broader company goals? Answering these
questions requires a self-critical review of your company strengths, weaknesses and
2. Research and Leverage Data- Leverage people datato measure performance and identify
organizational opportunities. Did the data show any trends for certain groups or identify
unconscious biases? For example, were there a disproportionate number of high or low
performing employees in different categories (diverse employees, job levels, etc.
3. Team Assessment- Conduct a team assessment to ensure you have the depth of experience,
skills and knowledge base to steer the company into its future. “Assessing your team requires
evaluation at all levels,” explains Spaulding. “And a thorough examination of the what skills and
capabilities will be needed to move the team forward.”
• 4. Individual Assessment
• Becoming an effective leader requires ongoing reflection and
introspection. When decisions are made regarding promotions, internal
movements or stretch assignments, performance or potential, dive deep
into the rationale. Encourage discussion about how the employee
developed or transformed.
• Ask:
• Were the employee’s goals appropriate for their scope, experience and
• Are the examples consistent?
5. Implement and Evaluate Success
Once you set the team strategy and assess overall talent, the next step is to
implement changes across your team. Refine and evaluate success, while
ensuring teams are agile, empowered and well-positioned to evolve with
your business.

1.Getting the Right People- An effective talent acquisition strategy focuses on finding the best
candidate for the job rather than filling open positions as soon as possible. 
2. Staying Competitive- A company’s biggest asset is its employees. As said before, having the
right people in place can benefit your business and generate great value.
3. Saving Time and Money- One of the main reasons why talent acquisition is so valuable is that
replacing an employee can be costly. That being said, hiring the right person for the job can save
you a lot of time and money in the long run.
4. Preparing the Future- One of the most important aspects of talent acquisition is that it is
forward-looking. Although replacing key roles in your company may seem impossible, a strategic
approach to talent acquisition helps to ensure that the people you’re hiring have the skills and
disposition to develop into leaders.

1.Providing better hiring insights- Talent analytics programs look at all the information and skills
your candidates provide in their application and elsewhere throughout the hiring process.
2. Tracking hiring metrics- Talent analytics can be used to help HR managers track and analyze
their hiring metrics. Such data can provide a better idea of the recruitment costs per hire, the
average time to hire, source of hire, just to name a few.
3. Gathering continuous feedback- By ‘continuous feedback,’ we mean that talent analytics
allows you to look at your existing employees and analyze whether the company has the skills
base it needs.
4. Applying predictive analytics- Sometimes predictive analytics is also referred to as
optimization analytics. These allow a company to combine its insights so that a company can:
• See where it is now
• Identify what it needs to change
• Determine how it could grow

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