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Q1. Was Apple wrong for not complying with the FBIs request? If so , why? If not, why not?

The above mentioned question portrays a perfect example of a business’ dilemma regarding the choice
between social morality and business responsibility. The fact that apple refused to cooperate with FBI even
after getting the courts order regarding lending their “reasonable technical assistance” to the above
mentioned to get access into the perpetrators’ iPhone is majorly derogative in nature. The incident which
took place at San Bernardino nearly killed 14 people and left many seriously injured. The incident was
considered as the nations one of the worst mass shooting incidents spreading panic and chaos through the
entire nations’.
Apple had provided FBI with necessary data and engineers to work on the case but did not provide the 4digit
login code to gain access into the phone of the attacker. Had the code been given by Apple to the FBI then
the later could have accessed all the information as well as any future threats of similar kind. But Apple chose
their commitment to their customers security over national security. They refused to betray the trust which
their customers had vested in them and did not compromise on their security even when national security
was at stake. Here Apple’s business motto took precedence over their social responsibility. They were of the
view that once they provide the login code the FBI might outstep its boundaries which could put millions of
US citizens’ personal information and security at stake. Though the view held by Apple was somewhat
justified but at no cost a nations’ security should take a back seat for any business organization. It is
important for a business to be committed accountable, transparent towards their customers but at the same
time they should also do their part in terms of social responsibility ethical morality.
This step taken by Apple was criticised by some as well as was supported by some. The main
issue which needs to be focused here how far a business organization could grow to maintain its
image and saying true to its business motto? Being such a beacon of an organisation Apple
could have shown a little more cooperation consideration and compassion towards the victims
of the attack by complying to the appeal of the court. Having said this if Apple had given the
login code, then both of the parties (Apple & FBI) could have taken proper measures for
preventing any short of backdoor entry or breach of security of the customers personal

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